Publications by authors named "Evgeny Demekhin"

The paper presents theoretical and experimental investigations of the behavior of an electrolyte solution with three types of ions near an ion-selective microparticle with electrokinetically and pressure-driven flow. A special experimental cell has been developed for the investigations. An anion-selective spherical particle composed of ion-exchange resin is fixed in the center of the cell.

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In this paper, a micromixer of a new configuration is presented, consisting of a spherical chamber in the center of which an ion-selective microsphere is placed. Stratified liquid is introduced through the chamber via inlet and outlet holes under an external pressure gradient and an external electric field is directed in such a way that the resulting electroosmotic flow is directed against the pressure-driven flow, resulting in mixing. The investigation is carried out by direct numerical simulation on a super-computer.

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Numerical investigation of the underlimiting, limiting, and overlimiting current modes and their transitions in imperfect ion-selective membranes with fluid flow through permitted through the membrane is presented. The system is treated as a three layer composite system of electrolyte-porous membrane-electrolyte where the Nernst-Planck-Poisson-Stokes system of equations is used in the electrolyte, and the Darcy-Brinkman approach is employed in the nanoporous membrane. In order to resolve thin Debye and Darcy layers, quasi-spectral methods are applied using Chebyshev polynomials for their accumulation of zeros and, hence, best resolution in the layers.

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Numerical simulations are presented for the transient and steady-state response of a model electrodiffusive cell with a bipolar ion-selective membrane under electric current. The model uses a continuum Poisson-Nernst-Planck theory including source terms to account for the catalytic second Wien effect between ionogenic groups in the membranes and resolves the Debye layers at interfaces. The resulting electric field at the membrane junction is increased by as much as four orders of magnitude in comparison to the field external to the membrane.

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The stability of the electroosmotic flow of the two-phase system electrolyte-dielectric with a free interface in the microchannel under an external electric field is examined theoretically. The mathematical model includes the Nernst-Plank equations for the ion concentrations. The linear stability of the 1D nonstationary solution with respect to the small, periodic perturbations along the channel, is studied.

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Lab-on-chip devices employ EOF for transportation and mixing of liquids. However, when a steady (DC) electric field is applied to the liquids, there are undesirable effects such as degradation of sample, electrolysis, bubble formation, etc. due to large magnitude of electric potential required to generate the flow.

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The effect of geometric confinement on electroconvective instability due to nonequilibrium electro-osmotic slip at the interface of an electrolytic fluid and charge-selective solid is studied. It is shown that the topology of the marginal stability curves and the behavior of the critical parameters depend strongly on both channel geometry and dimensionless Debye length at low voltages for sufficiently deep channels, corresponding to the Rubinstein-Zaltzman instability mechanism, but that stability is governed almost entirely by channel depth for narrow channels at higher voltages. For shallow channels, it is shown that above a transition threshold, determined by both channel depth and Debye length, the low-voltage instability is completely suppressed.

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Conical points of a leaky dielectric drop surrounded by a dielectric gas in an external ac electric field are investigated. A novel class of steady conical tips depending on the permittivity ratio and applied signal frequency is presented. It is found that conical solutions with very small angles are possible (angles much smaller than the classical Taylor cone angle 49.

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The nematode sperm cell crawls by recycling major sperm protein (MSP) from dimers into subfilaments, filaments, and filament complexes, as a result of thermal writhing in the presence of hydrophobic patches. Polymerization near leading edges of the cell intercolates MSP dimers onto the tips of growing filament complexes, forcing them against the cell boundary, and extending the cytoskeleton in the direction of motion. Strong adhesive forces attach the cell to the substrate in the forward part of the lamellipod, while depolymerization in the rearward part of the cell breaks down the cytoskeleton, contracting the lamellipod and pulling the cell body forward.

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We consider the pattern-formation dynamics of a two-dimensional (2D) nonlinear evolution equation that includes the effects of instability, dissipation, and dispersion. We construct 2D stationary solitary pulse solutions of this equation, and we develop a coherent structures theory that describes the weak interaction of these pulses. We show that in the strongly dispersive case, 2D pulses organize themselves into V shapes.

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