Publications by authors named "Evdokia Missouridou"

Unlabelled: The purpose of this study was to explore factors that influence nurses' beliefs about offering spiritual care.

Study Design: A mixed-method study design, incorporating both quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative research, was used for this study (focus group discussion).

Methods: The questionnaires were completed by a convenience sample of nurses and their assistants working in two public hospitals.

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Children whose parents are diagnosed with alcohol use problems are exposed to genetic and environmental risk factors and face a greater risk of developing mental health and behavioral problems and a higher risk of alcohol use. In this study, we present the case of a father and his son, both diagnosed with alcohol use disorder, who both attended, 12 years apart, the Inpatient Alcohol Treatment Program of the Alcohol Treatment Unit, in the Psychiatric Hospital of Attica, in Athens. The Alcohol Treatment Unit offers two inpatient treatment programs that have been operating since 1996 and are based on the principles of the Therapeutic Community.

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Background: Paediatric ICU doctors and nurses' quality of professional life is influenced by the intense emotions and distress experienced when caring for suffering children and their families.

Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of compassion satisfaction (CS) and compassion fatigue (CF) in Paediatric Intensive Care Units in Greece.

Methods: Out of 147 intensive care professionals in public hospitals in Greece completed the ProQOL-V scale as well as a socio-demographic and professional-life characteristics questionnaire.

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Background: There is an increasing trend of door locking practices in acute psychiatric care. The aim of the present study was to illuminate the symbolic dimensions of doors in Greek mental health nurses' experiences of open and locked working spaces.

Results: A sequential mixed-method designexplored the experiences of nurses working in both open and locked psychiatric acute care units.

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The risk of compassion fatigue (CF) for professionals who support and care for individuals and families facing the dual burden of addiction and trauma has been recently recognized. The aim of this mixed methods study was to investigate CF/secondary traumatic stress and compassion satisfaction (CS) in addiction nursing care providers. The Professional Quality of Life Scale was distributed to 21 addiction nurses and 29 nurse assistants in the alcohol and drug dependency centers of a psychiatric hospital in Greece.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate compassion fatigue (CF) and compassion satisfaction (CS) in nursing care providers in COVID-19 units.

Methods: A mixed-method study with 105 nurses.

Results: 23% of participants reported high CF risk while 77% expressed high to moderate potential for CS.

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Purpose: To examine student nurses' attitudes and experiences of door policies and restrictive measures in acute psychiatric care.

Methods: A mixed-method study with 274 third-year students.

Results: Participants' attitudes towards door locking and other containment measures appeared to be more a matter of custom, practice and tradition at particular units.

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Alarmingly high percentages of secondary posttraumatic stress have been reported in several nursing domains such as critical care and emergency nursing, oncology, pediatric nursing, mental health nursing, and midwifery. The purpose of this review is to examine and describe nurses' emotional responses in the face of their exposure to patients' trauma. Lack of understanding of the dynamics of trauma may limit nurses' ability to interact in a meaningful and safe way with patients and their families.

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Background: Parental involvement with drug and alcohol services remains limited.

Aim: to illuminate changes in addiction professionals' subjective attitudes and approaches of parents over time in their career.

Methods: Overall, twenty seven drug and alcohol professionals participated in the study.

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Background: Research evidence points to the high prevalence of trauma exposure and post traumatic stress among addicted individuals, their families and the professionals responsible for their treatment.

Objective: The purpose of this review is to enhance understanding of the continuing effects of trauma and its impact on the lives of people with addiction problems as well as on the professionals who strive to provide support and care for them.

Method: Review of twenty eight articles on traumatic experiences in individuals and families facing addiction problems as well as on traumatic stress in addiction professionals.

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