Publications by authors named "Evan Braswell"

Bacterial leaf spot caused by Xanthomonas was reported in 2014 as a new disease of crape myrtle. Unfortunately, this foundational strain was lost, preventing further experimentation, sequencing of the genome, and phylogenetic analysis. This work describes a collection of Xanthomonas strains isolated from angular leaf spot lesions on crape myrtle in North Carolina from 2014 to 2023.

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  • Engineered nanoparticles are tailored for specific uses in environmental, biomedical, and agricultural fields, leveraging their small size and increased surface area.
  • In this study, polyvinylpyrrolidone stabilized zinc nanoparticles (ZnNP) were synthesized using water as a solvent to maintain sustainable practices and tested for antibacterial properties against relevant bacteria.
  • Results showed that smaller ZnNP populations effectively inhibit bacterial growth, with enhanced antibacterial activity and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production at higher incubation temperatures, suggesting their potential in improving agricultural health.
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Biological invasions pose significant threats to ecological and economic stability, with invasive pests like the Asian longhorned beetle ( Motschulsky, ALB) causing substantial damage to forest ecosystems. Effective pest management relies on comprehensive knowledge of the insect's biology and invasion history. This study uses genomics to address these knowledge gaps and inform existing biosurveillance frameworks.

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Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) is associated with Citrus Huanglongbing (HLB), a devastating disease in the US. Previously, we conducted a two-year-long monthly HLB survey by quantitative real-time PCR using root DNA fractions prepared from 112 field grapefruit trees grafted on sour orange rootstock. Approximately 10% of the trees remained CLas-free during the entire survey period.

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Tephritid fruit fly pests pose an increasing threat to the agricultural industry due to their global dispersion and a highly invasive nature. Here we showcase the feasibility of an early-detection SEPARATOR sex sorting approach through using the non-model Tephritid pest, Ceratitis capitata. This system relies on female-only fluorescent marker expression, accomplished through the use of a sex-specific intron of the highly-conserved transformer gene from C.

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Rapid identification of organisms is essential for many biological and medical disciplines, from understanding basic ecosystem processes, disease diagnosis, to the detection of invasive pests. CRISPR-based diagnostics offers a novel and rapid alternative to other identification methods and can revolutionize our ability to detect organisms with high accuracy. Here we describe a CRISPR-based diagnostic developed with the universal cytochrome-oxidase 1 gene (CO1).

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Rapid identification of organisms is essential across many biological and medical disciplines, from understanding basic ecosystem processes and how organisms respond to environmental change, to disease diagnosis and detection of invasive pests. CRISPR-based diagnostics offers a novel and rapid alternative to other identification methods and can revolutionize our ability to detect organisms with high accuracy. Here we describe a CRISPR-based diagnostic developed with the universal cytochrome-oxidase 1 gene (CO1).

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Nanoparticles have been proposed as tunable delivery vehicles for targeted treatments and, in some cases, the active therapeutic agents themselves. Despite the promise of such customizable impacts, little evidence exists to support these claims in the realm of antibiotics. Exploration of the silver and copper nanoparticle antibacterial impacts have been reported with inconsistent results.

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The antibacterial properties of nanoparticles are of particular interest because of their potential to serve as an alternative therapy to combat antimicrobial resistance. Metal nanoparticles such as silver and copper nanoparticles have been investigated for their antibacterial properties. Silver and copper nanoparticles were synthesized with the surface stabilizing agents cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB, to confer a positive surface charge) and polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP, to confer a neutral surface charge).

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Silver and copper nanoparticles (AgNPs and CuNPs) coated with stabilizing moieties induce oxidative stress in both bacteria and mammalian cells. Effective antibacterial agents that can overcome existing mechanisms of antibacterial resistance will greatly improve biomedical interventions. In this study, we analyzed the effect of nanoparticle-induced stress.

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Human-assisted movement has allowed the Asian longhorned beetle (ALB, (Motschulsky)) to spread beyond its native range and become a globally regulated invasive pest. Within its native range of China and the Korean peninsula, human-mediated dispersal has also caused cryptic translocation of insects, resulting in population structure complexity. Previous studies used genetic methods to detangle this complexity but were unable to clearly delimit native populations which is needed to develop downstream biosurveillance tools.

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Huanglongbing (HLB), or Citrus Greening, is one of the most devastating diseases affecting agriculture today. Widespread throughout Citrus growing regions of the world, it has had severe economic consequences in all areas it has invaded. With no treatment available, management strategies focus on suppression and containment.

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We investigated the variability of nitrogen stable isotope ratios N/N (expressed as δN) on citrus orchards with different fertilization management practices (organic versus conventional) and its correlation with the δN values of the key citrus pest Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae) feeding on such plant material. Tracing the origin of this pest in open field is crucial since the insect is a vector of the incurable and devastating citrus disease known as Huanglongbing. We hypothesized that the origin (natal tree) of the pest may be deduced by correlating the δN values obtained from the young citrus leaves and from adults of raised on them.

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Wolbachia can profoundly influence the survival, reproduction, and defenses of insect hosts. These interactions could potentially be harnessed for managing pests or insect-transmitted diseases. Diaphorina citri Kuwayama is a phloem-feeding pest capable of transmitting the putative causal agent of citrus greening, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas).

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Detection of 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' represents one of the most difficult, yet critical, steps of controlling Huanglongbing disease. Efficient detection relies on understanding the underlying distribution of bacteria within trees. To that end, we studied the distribution of 'Ca.

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Brevipalpus phoenicis sensu stricto (Geijskes) is redescribed and the species diagnosis established. Two former synonyms of B. phoenicis sensu lato, B.

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Accessory reproductive gland proteins (Acps) in Drosophila evolve quickly and appear to play an important role in ensuring the fertilization success of males. Moreover, Acps are thought to be involved in establishing barriers to fertilization between closely related species. While accessory glands are known to occur in the males of many insect groups, the proteins that are passed on to females by males during mating have not been well characterized outside of Drosophila.

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