Background: Free bone graft transfer (FBGT) and the Latarjet procedure are two competing techniques for the treatment of anterior shoulder instability with glenoid bone loss. In the current literature, there are no mid- to long-term prospective randomized comparative studies comparing both surgical methods.
Methods: This prospective, bi-center, randomized study enrolled 60 patients with anterior shoulder instability and more than 15% glenoid bone loss.
Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr
March 2023
Despite the increased vulnerability of very young children when confronted with traumatic experiences, and also the massive impact on their development, this topic has been much neglected in German health care research so far; in fact trauma-related treatments are particularly low. Due to this, we are exploring in this pilot study the evaluation of a standard health care system in the community ("Trauma first") for very young children suffering from the impact of traumatic experiences. Our analysis looks at the effectiveness of a cognitivebehavioural treatment for the age group 2-6 suffering from trauma disorders.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA key feature of C Kranz anatomy is the presence of an enlarged, photosynthetically highly active bundle sheath whose cells contain large numbers of chloroplasts. With the aim to identify novel candidate regulators of C bundle sheath development, we performed an activation tagging screen with . The reporter gene used encoded a chloroplast-targeted GFP protein preferentially expressed in the bundle sheath, and the promoter of the C phosphopyruvate carboxylase gene from served as activation tag because of its activity in all chlorenchymatous tissues of .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSarcoidosis is a rare, systemic inflammatory disease and can involve multiple organs, especially the lungs and lymph nodes. The nervous system is affected in <10 percent of patients, which is called neurosarcoidosis. Neurosarcoidosis can cause a multitude of symptoms and can mimic various diseases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTransfus Med Hemother
February 2021
Introduction: The European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) provides principles for microbiological testing of tissue preparations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Although clinical outcome scores are comparable after coracoid transfer procedure (Latarjet) and iliac crest bone graft transfer (ICBGT) for anterior shoulder instability with glenoid bone loss, a significant decrease in internal rotation capacity has been reported for the Latarjet procedure.
Hypothesis: The subscapularis (SSC) musculotendinous integrity will be less compromised by ICBGT than by the Latarjet procedure.
Study Design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3.
Nematodes are increasingly used as powerful bioindicators of soil food web composition and functioning in ecological studies. Todays' ecological research aims to investigate not only local relationships but global patterns, which requires consistent methodology across locations. Thus, a common and easy extraction protocol of soil nematodes is needed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBMC Musculoskelet Disord
June 2019
Background: Functional shoulder instability (FSI) is defined as glenohumeral instability that is not caused by structural defects but rather by abnormal muscle activation patterns. Patients with FSI are able to dislocate their shoulder at will, either by motion (positional FSI) or even without moving the arm (non-positional FSI). In contrast to structural shoulder instability, little is known about the epidemiology of FSI.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The Latarjet and iliac crest bone graft transfer (ICBGT) procedures are competing treatment options for anterior shoulder instability with glenoid bone loss.
Methods: In this bicentric prospective randomized study, 60 patients with anterior shoulder instability and glenoid bone loss were included and randomized to either an open Latarjet or open ICBGT (J-bone graft) procedure. Clinical evaluation was completed before surgery and 6, 12, and 24 months after surgery, including the Western Ontario Shoulder Instability index, Rowe score, Subjective Shoulder Value, pain level, satisfaction level, and work and sports impairment, as well as assessment of instability, range of motion, and strength.
Background: Instability arthropathy (IA) is a major long-term concern in patients with anterior shoulder instability. This study investigated the association of glenoid morphology with the development of IA.
Methods: The study included 118 patients with unilateral anterior shoulder instability and available bilateral computed tomography scans.
Background: Recurrence rates after primary traumatic shoulder dislocation are distinctly high. We hypothesized that concomitant isolated fractures of the greater tuberosity are associated with low rates of persistent instability but decreased range of motion.
Methods: Between 2007 and 2013, 66 consecutive shoulders in 64 patients were treated for primary shoulder dislocation combined with an isolated fracture of the greater tuberosity with either a nonsurgical (48 shoulders, 72.
Background: The implant-free, autologous, iliac crest bone graft procedure (J-bone graft) for the treatment of anterior shoulder instability shows low rates of recurrent dislocations and moderate progression of instability arthropathy in the midterm follow-up.
Purpose: To analyze the clinical and radiological long-term results of the J-bone graft procedure.
Study Design: Case series; Level of evidence, 4.
Introduction: Little is known about injuries in canyoning. It was the purpose of this study to determine injury rates, patterns, causes and risk factors in canyoning; and to identify targets for future injury prevention strategies.
Methods: From May to October 2015, 109 participants from 17 different countries were prospectively followed via a monthly e-mail-based questionnaire.
Background: Promising short-term outcomes after pectoralis major tendon transfer for the treatment of an irreparable anterosuperior rotator cuff tear have been reported. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term outcome.
Methods: Twenty-seven consecutive patients with irreparable anterosuperior rotator cuff tears without advanced cuff arthropathy or advanced humeral head migration were treated with a partial subcoracoid pectoralis major tendon transfer between 2004 and 2005.
Background: Current glenoid defect measurement techniques only quantify bone loss in terms of defect diameter or surface. However, the glenoid depth plays an important role in shoulder stabilization by means of concavity compression.
Case Presentation: We present a case of a professional wrestler who suffered from anterior shoulder instability after sustaining a bony Bankart lesion without loss of glenoid surface area but flattening of the concavity due to medialization of the fragment.
Objective: We investigated whether essential tremor (ET) can be altered by suppressing the corticospinal excitability in the primary motor cortex (M1) with transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Methods: 10 Patients with ET and 10 healthy controls underwent transcranial continuous theta-burst stimulation (cTBS) of the left primary motor hand area at 80% (real cTBS) and 30% (control cTBS) of active motor threshold in two separate sessions at least one week apart. Postural tremor was rated clinically and measured accelerometrically before and after cTBS.