Publications by authors named "Eva Santos-Nunez"

Whether reexposure to mismatched HLA antigens (RMM) in the setting of a negative crossmatch is associated with increased immunological risk remains an area of uncertainty. This is due to evidence derived predominantly from registry data, which lacks comprehensive information on alloantibody and rejection. In this study, we analyze the impact of low-level preformed donor-specific antibodies (DSA) against an RMM on transplant outcomes.

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There are conflicting data about the role of transplant nephrectomy and immunosuppression withdrawal on the development of allosensitization and the impact on re-transplantation. We divided 109 first graft recipients into two groups according to whether they underwent nephrectomy (NX+, n = 61) or their graft was left in situ (NX-, n = 48). Sera were assessed for HLA-A/B/Cw/DR/DQ antibodies at the time of NX/transplant failure and after 3, 6, 12, 24 months.

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De novo HLA donor-specific antibodies (DSA) following transplantation are associated with alloimmune injury and allograft failure. Blood transfusions are allogeneic, and when given posttransplant (PTBT) they may independently increase the risk of HLA antibody development. This study aims to analyze the development of HLA transfusion-specific antibodies (TSA) to blood donors of transfusions given posttransplant and examine the impact on clinical outcomes.

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Background: De novo DQ donor-specific antibody (DSA) are associated with antibody-mediated rejection and allograft loss. Given the lack of effective treatment of de novo DQ DSA, their prevention is vital if there is to be an improvement of long-term allograft survival. Using the HLA Matchmaker program, DQ epitope matching has been shown to be superior to HLA antigen mismatching in predicting de novo DQ DSA development.

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The presence of tubuloreticular inclusions (TRIs) in native glomerular endothelial cells associates with viral infections and lupus nephritis. However, the associations of TRIs in renal transplant biopsy specimens are not known. We analyzed data from 316 patients who had a transplant biopsy with electron microscopy examination; 41 of 316 (13.

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Background: Severe peritubular capillary basement membrane multilayering (PTCBML) is part of the Banff definition of chronic antibody-mediated rejection. We retrospectively investigated whether assessment of the mean number of layers of basement membrane (BM) around peritubular capillaries (PTC) can be used in a cohort of patients with de novo donor-specific antibodies (dnDSA) as an early marker to predict long-term antibody-mediated injury.

Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study with 151 electron microscopy samples from 54 patients with dnDSA, assessed at around 1 year after transplantation, for a mean number of BM layers around PTC and in serial biopsies.

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BACKGROUND.: Donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies (DSA) are a major cause of alloimmune injury. Transplant recipients with negative complement-dependent cytotoxic crossmatch (CDC-XM) and donor cell-based flow cytometric crossmatch (flow-XM) but low level DSA (i.

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Background: The importance of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) matching in renal transplantation is well recognized, with HLA-DR compatibility having the greatest influence. De novo DQ donor-specific antibodies (DSAbs) are the predominant HLA class II DSAb after transplantation. The aim of this study was to establish the incidence and outcomes after the development of DQ DSAbs along with the impact of class II HLA mismatch on their development.

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