Background: Homeopathy is controversial due to its use of very highly diluted medicines (high potencies/dynamisations).
Methods: We used a multi-technology approach to examine dilutions of two commonly used homeopathic medicines: an insoluble metal, and a soluble plant tincture, , for the presence of nanoparticles (NPs) of original substance. The homeopathic medicines tested were specially prepared, according to the European pharmacopoeia standards.
Background: NMR proton relaxation is sensitive to the dynamics of the water molecule HO, through the interaction of the spin of the proton (H) with external magnetic and electromagnetic fields.
Methods: We measured dilution and potentization processes through measurements of H spin-lattice T and spin-spin T relaxation times. In order to interpret the recorded fluctuations in T- or T-values, experimental data were linearized by investigating how the area under a fluctuating time = f(dilution) curve (dilution integral or DI) changes with dilution.