Aim: To describe the progress of implementing the «Preventing falls» Guideline of the Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO®) Programme and fall outcomes in Centres Committed to Excellence in Care (CCEC®).
Method: A Quasi-experimental study pre-post test from a multicentric approach carried out between 2012-2018. The study is focused on patients aged 65 or older, discharged from guideline implementation units, analysing sociodemographic variables (sex, age, hospitalization days; fall risk assessment on admission and patient in risk; fall prevention plan; incidence of falls.
JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep
January 2018
Objective: The current project aimed to improve fall prevention and management through clinical audits and the implementation of a quality-improvement cycle at the local level.
Introduction: Falls are one of the most common adverse events reported in hospitals; evidence-based fall prevention interventions aim to reduce the number of people who fall.
Methods: A one-year clinical audit was conducted using a pre-post implementation audit method, namely the Joanna Briggs Institute's (JBI) Practical Application of Clinical Evidence System and the getting research into practice audit and feedback tool.