Publications by authors named "Eskeland T"

We previously demonstrated that soluble animated beta-1,3-D-glucan (AG) is internalized after binding to a specific beta-glucan receptor on macrophages. Internalization, but not binding, of AG is reduced when the macrophages are treated with IFN-gamma. Because our data indicated that AG is taken up by macrophages through beta-glucan receptor-mediated endocytosis, we wanted to characterize further the inhibitory effect of IFN-gamma on endocytosis.

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We have previously shown that soluble animated beta-1,3-D-glucan (AG) and glucan-derivatized microbeads (GDM) bind to the specific beta-glucan receptor on mouse peritoneal macrophages. Phagocytosis of GDM by macrophages is mediated through the beta-glucan receptor. IFN-gamma which increases macrophage phagocytic capacity, also increased the phagocytosis of GDM.

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We have previously reported that soluble aminated beta-1,3-D-glucan (AG), a potent immunomodulator, specifically inhibited binding and internalization of AG-coated microbeads (GDM) in mouse peritoneal macrophages. The present study was undertaken to determine parameters of AG binding to macrophages. For this purpose, AG was conjugated with tyraminyl cellobiose (TC), which can be radioiodinated.

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Under serum-free conditions the beta-glucan receptor of mouse macrophages mediates phagocytosis of beta-1,3-D-glucan-coated microbeads (diameter 2 microns). IFN-gamma increases the phagocytic function of the beta-glucan receptor in a dose-dependent manner, giving the plateau level at 100 U/ml. Maximum activity appears 9 h after addition of IFN-gamma to the cells.

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Intraperitoneal injection of beta-1,3-D-glucan coupled to the surface of monodisperse methacrylate microbeads improves the resistance against bacterial infections in mice, while methacrylate microbeads alone do not. The effect of the glucan-derivatized microbeads (GDM) is considered to be mediated through peritoneal macrophages. We show that both GDM and the underivatized methacrylate microbeads (UDM) treated with normal serum were rapidly bound and phagocytized by mouse peritoneal macrophages in vitro.

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Proteoglycan biosynthesis was studied in human monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) after exposure to typical activators of the monocyte/macrophage system: interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). By morphological examination, both monocytes and MDM were stimulated by these activators. Treatment with IFN-gamma resulted in a slight decrease in the expression of [35S]chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG) in both monocytes and MDM, whereas LPS treatment increased the [35S]CSPG expression 1.

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Binding of labelled protein to EIgM kept with macrophage or monocyte cultures with 3H-leucine under serum-free conditions, shows that de novo synthesis of protein with affinity to EIgM takes place. We find that monoclonal anti-C3c and anti-C3g antibodies and polyclonal anti-C4 and anti-C5 antibodies bind to such erythrocytes. This demonstrates that C4b, C3b and iC3b are deposited on the EIgM.

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By using antibodies against C5, C6, C7, C8, and C9, we found that terminal complement components were deposited on IgM-coated sheep erythrocytes (EIgM) kept in serum-free endotoxin-stimulated monocyte cultures for 24 or 48 h. Monoclonal antibodies revealed C9 neoantigens on the EIgM. There was no specific binding of an anti-S protein antibody, which reacts with the SC5b-9 complex, to the EIgM.

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We conclude that the macrophages during cultivation produce the complement components of the classical pathway of complement, deposit complement components on EIgM and then phagocytose these cells via complement receptors. The conclusion is based on the following: EIgM, an activator of the classical pathway, are ingested when cultured serum-free with mouse peritoneal macrophages. We found a significantly higher binding of labelled protein to EIgM than to E kept in macrophage cultures in the presence of tritiated leucine, showing that de novo synthesis of macrophage-derived protein with affinity to EIgM takes place.

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Monocytes cultured under serum-free conditions secreted protein which bound covalently and non-covalently to agarose beads, an activator of the alternative pathway of complement. There was a significantly binding of monoclonal anti-C3c antibodies, polyclonal anti-C5, anti-C6, anti-C7, anti-C8, and anti-C9 antibodies, and of a monoclonal antibody against a neoantigen of polymerized C9 to agarose beads incubated with the monocytes for 24, 48, 72 or 96 h. From these results, we conclude that monocytes produce C5, C6, C7, C8 and C9 that assemble as the terminal complement complex on the surface of the agarose beads.

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Native agarose beads (diameter 5-10 micron), activators of the alternative complement pathway, are slowly phagocytosed when incubated with human monocytes cultured under serum-free conditions. Agarose beads preincubated with monocyte cultures and then transferred to new cultures are more easily phagocytosed than native beads. These results indicate that the phagocytosis of agarose beads depends on opsonization of the beads by one or several substances of monocyte origin.

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Human cord blood monocytes have been compared to monocytes from adults. Our results show that unstimulated cord blood monocytes are as effective as monocytes from adults with regard to their binding and ingesting capacity mediated by Fc and C3b receptors. Furthermore, when stimulated with PMA (phorbol-myristate-acetate), the C3b receptor-mediated phagocytosis in cord blood monocytes was enhanced to the same extent as in monocytes from adults.

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Unstimulated peritoneal macrophages grown in vitro for 5 days do not incorporate thymidine. Sarcoma (AA) cells introduced to the culture on the fifth day die and disintegrate whereas the macrophages become markedly stimulated and autoradiography shows that they are triggered to synthesize DNA. In syngeneic cocultures up to 28% of the macrophages incorporate thymidine after 5 days of coculture.

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We have studied the binding of fibronectin to complement (C3b, C3bi, C3d)-coated agarose beads and its effect on cell association of such beads to mouse macrophages. Fibronectin bound to agarose beads preincubated in human serum, whereas no binding occurred after preincubation of the beads with complement-inactivated (50 degrees C for 20 min or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) sera. The binding of iodine-labelled fibronectin to beads preincubated in fibronectin-depleted serum (HS-FIB) was about twice that of beads preincubated in normal serum.

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The phagocytosis of particles activating the alternative pathway of complement by human monocytes cultured under serum-free conditions was studied. In contrast to native zymosan particles, which were easily ingested, rabbit erythrocytes and agarose beads had to be coated with C3b or C3bi to be engulfed by the monocytes. The binding and ingestion by monocytes of particles coated with C3bi were greater than for the same particles coated with the equivalent amount of C3b.

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The phagocytosis by macrophages of C3bi-coated agarose beads reached a plateau after 15 min, compared with 30 min for C3b-coated beads. By using 125I-labelled C3bi or C3b coupled to the agarose beads, we found that 70% and 95% of total radioactivity were removed from the beads after 12 h and 36 h of intracellular digestion, respectively. Intracellular degradation of C3bi linked to agarose beads was also demonstrated by testing binding of monoclonal antibodies against human C3c, C3g and C3d to beads extracted from the cells after phagocytosis.

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Phagocytosis of agarose beads by macrophages cultured under serum-free conditions was studied. 48 h was needed before a plateau in the uptake was reached. The ingested agarose beads were coated extracellularly with macrophage-derived protein before attachment and ingestion of the beads.

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We have determined the receptors on human monocytes and mouse peritoneal macrophages producing agarose binding. By using isolated human complement factors C3, B and D, agarose beads were coated with C3b. In some experiments C3b was converted to C3bi by using human serum diluted 1:20.

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Fresh isolated blood cells recombined with normal heparinized plasma and then incubated with endotoxin, induced a 100-fold increase in monocyte tissue thromboplastin synthesis. In contrast, recombination of these cells with heat inactivated plasma, cobra venom factor-treated plasma, Ca2+-free plasma, or BioRex 70-treated plasma (plasma free of Clq and D) before incubation with endotoxin, failed to induce monocyte synthesis of tissue thromboplastin. These results strongly support the hypothesis that complement is required for endotoxin stimulation of blood monocyte synthesis of tissue thromboplastin.

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The function of the Fc and C3 receptors on the free surface of normal and endotoxin activated mouse peritoneal macrophages seeded on glass bound antibody--antigen (AbAg) complexes or complement was examined. We found that the glass bound AbAg complexes interfered with attachment and internalization of particles recognized by the Fc receptor. The C3 receptor function in these cells was not affected.

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Fc5mu fragments were purified from a trypsin digest of native IgM by gel filtration and isoelectric focusing. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of Fc5mu fragments in sodium dodecyl sulphate disclosed a major and a minor band with molecules of 320,000 and 285,000 daltons, respectively. The mu chain fragments showed a molecular weight of 34,500.

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