Publications by authors named "Ernestine Briggs"

The United States continues to grapple with longstanding policies and systems that have adversely impacted historically marginalized communities who identify (and are racialized) as non-White. These stem from a legacy of structural and systemic racism, and the long-term consequences of sanctioned colonization. This legacy rests upon a field of scholarly research that is similarly fraught with white supremacy.

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Background: Trauma-informed residential care is an intensive intervention setting for youth, but research on its effectiveness is limited and yields mixed findings.

Objectives: The study aims were to; 1) evaluate change over time of mental health (MH) symptoms over 21 months of trauma-informed residential care, and 2) examine the influence of demographic and risk factor variables (e.g.

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Polyvictimization is a robust predictor of emotional and behavioral problems and is linked to involvement in juvenile justice and other public sector systems. This study extends prior research by employing person-centered methods for identifying polyvictimization patterns among trauma-exposed, clinic-referred, justice-involved youth ( = 689; ages 12-18 years) and how identified classes differ on psychosocial outcomes and demographic characteristics. Most participants had experienced multiple traumatic event (TE) types.

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Traumatic experiences have been differentiated as interpersonal (i.e., the direct result of actions by other people) or noninterpersonal (i.

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Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) including trauma exposure, parent mental health problems, family dysfunction, and community-level adversities put individuals at risk for a host of negative health outcomes. The effects of cumulative ACEs are numerous, diverse, and can predispose an individual to cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physical health problems as well as premature death. African American youth experience disproportionate exposure to ACEs in the context of racism that increases risk for allostatic load and hinders systems of care responses resulting in physical and mental health disparities.

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The operationalization of childhood trauma and adversity into checklists commonly known as adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, has become the most widely adopted methodology linking traumatic childhoods to adult outcomes. As the number of self-reported ACEs increase from 0 to 4 or more (4+), most studies find a roughly stepwise progression in risk for a wide range of negative medical and mental health outcomes. A score of 4+ ACEs, has become a de facto cutpoint, increasingly used clinically to define "high risk" status for a myriad of outcomes.

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Shifts in migration and border control policies may increase the likelihood of trauma exposure related to child-parent separation and result in costs to the health system and society. In the present study, we estimated direct and indirect costs per child as well as overall cohort costs of border control policies on migrant children and adolescents who were separated from their parents, detained, and placed in the custody of the United States following the implementation of the 2018 Zero Tolerance Policy. Economic modeling techniques, including a Markov process and Monte Carlo simulation, based on data from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network's Core Data Set (N = 458 migrant youth) and published studies were used to estimate economic costs associated with three immigration policies: No Detention, Family Detention, and Zero Tolerance.

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Objective: This study investigated synergy of commonly co-occurring pairs of childhood traumas/adversities to determine: 1) if synergistic pairings differ by gender and/or age grouping; and 2) if some traumas/adversities were more synergistically reactive.

Methods: A sample of 10,355 clinic-referred youth (1.5-18 years) from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network Core Data Set was divided by gender and categorized into salient age groups (1.

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Families experience multiple stressors as a result of military service. The purpose of this study was to examine facets of military life and family factors that may impact child psychosocial and mental health functioning. Using baseline data from the Millennium Cohort Family Study, this study examined family demographics and composition (age, number of children), military life stressors (injury, family, and deployment stressors), family communication and satisfaction as assessed by the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale-IV, parental social functioning assessed via the Short Form Health Survey-36, and child mental health and behavioral functioning (parental reports of clinician-diagnosed mental health conditions such as depression) and an adapted version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.

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Ongoing and comprehensive assessment is a critical part of the implementation of evidence-based care; yet, most providers fail to routinely incorporate measurement into their clinical practice. Few studies have focused on the complex application of routine assessment or measurement-based care (MBC) with children. This pilot examined the acceptability, appropriateness, adoptability, and feasibility of an MBC effort, the Clinical Improvement through Measurement Initiative (CIMI), across several child-serving settings (e.

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Categorizing and quantifying exposure to trauma and childhood adversities (CAs) presents a significant measurement and analytic challenge. The current study examined the co-occurrence of trauma and CA types using network analyses, an alternative to traditional measurement models. The Trauma History Profile, assessing lifetime exposure to 20 different trauma and CA types, was administered to 618 treatment-seeking children and youth ages 4 to 18 years (52.

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Trauma-exposed youth with impaired caregivers (i.e., due to substance use and/or mental health problems) may be at particular risk for negative outcomes.

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: To evaluate potential differences in therapeutic outcomes between youths who completed a full course of treatment as planned compared to youths who terminated treatment prematurely. : Using longitudinal data from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) Core Data Set, the present study examined demographic characteristics, trauma history, scores on standardized measures, and ratings of functional impairment and behavior problems in a large clinical sample of children and adolescents exposed to trauma who received treatment at NCTSN centers across the United States. Baseline and follow-up data were used to compare treatment completers (= 3,108) and noncompleters ( = 4,029).

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The purpose of this study was to explore relationships between maltreatment, posttraumatic stress disorder, and the dissociative subtype of posttraumatic stress disorder among adolescents. This descriptive study used secondary data from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network Core Data Set. A clinical sample of adolescents exposed to potentially traumatizing events ages 12 to 16 was selected (N = 3081) to explore associations between trauma history characteristics, sociodemographic factors, posttraumatic stress disorder, and the dissociative subtype of PTSD which includes depersonalization and derealization.

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Objective: Families experience multiple stressors as a result of military service. The purpose of this study was to investigate the associations among service member deployment experiences, family and military factors, and children's mental health using baseline data from the Millennium Cohort Family Study, a study designed to evaluate the health and mental health effects of military service on families, including children.

Method: This study examined administrative data on deployment status (combat, noncombat, and no deployments), as well as service member- and spouse-reported data on deployment experiences and family functioning in relation to the mental health of children in the family who were aged 9 to 17 years.

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Background: A model for statewide dissemination of evidence-based treatment (EBT) for traumatized youth was piloted and taken to scale across North Carolina (NC). This article describes the implementation platform developed, piloted, and evaluated by the NC Child Treatment Program to train agency providers in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy using the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress Learning Collaborative (LC) Model on Adoption & Implementation of EBTs. This type of LC incorporates adult learning principles to enhance clinical skills development as part of training and many key implementation science strategies while working with agencies and clinicians to implement and sustain the new practice.

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Building upon prior research documenting differential effects of psychological maltreatment, physical, and sexual abuse on youth mental health outcomes (Spinazzola et al., 2014), the present study sought to clarify the relative predictive contributions of type of maltreatment compared to salient exposure characteristics. The sample included 5058 clinic-referred youth from the Core Dataset (CDS) of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) with lifetime histories of exposure to one or more of three specific types of maltreatment: psychological maltreatment (PM), physical abuse (PA), and sexual abuse (SA).

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Caregiver-perpetrated trauma (CPT) is associated with adverse consequences for youth, including out-of-home placement. Although promotion of kinship care placement has recently increased, effects on youth remain unclear. Psychosocial functioning of 1107 CPT-exposed youth ages 2 to 18 was compared across placement types using generalized mixed models.

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the co-occurrence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and dissociation in a clinical sample of trauma-exposed adolescents by evaluating evidence for the depersonalization/derealization dissociative subtype of PTSD as defined by the DSM-5 and then examining a broader set of dissociation symptoms.

Method: A sample of treatment-seeking, trauma-exposed adolescents 12 to 16 years old (N = 3,081) from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network Core Data Set was used to meet the study objectives. Two models of PTSD/dissociation co-occurrence were estimated using latent class analysis, one with 2 dissociation symptoms and the other with 10 dissociation symptoms.

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Objective: The purpose of this study is to describe typologies of service utilization among trauma-exposed, treatment-seeking adolescents and to examine associations between trauma history, trauma-related symptoms, demographics, and service utilization.

Method: Latent class analysis was used to derive a service utilization typologies based on 10 service variables using a sample of 3,081 trauma-exposed adolescents ages 12 to 16 from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network Core Dataset. Services used 30 days prior to the initial assessment from 5 sectors were examined (health care, mental health, school, social services, and juvenile justice).

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Child and adolescent trauma exposure is prevalent, with trauma exposure-related symptoms, including posttraumatic stress, depressive, and anxiety symptoms often causing substantial impairment. This article updates the evidence base on psychosocial treatments for child and adolescent trauma exposure completed for this journal by Silverman et al. (2008).

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Impairments in Caregiving (ICG) secondary to mental illness and substance use have been linked to adverse outcomes in children. Little is known, however, about whether outcomes vary by type of ICG, exposure to co-occurring traumas, or mechanisms of maladaptive outcomes. Clinic-referred youth age 7-18 years ( = 3988) were compared on ICG history, demographics, trauma history, and mental health symptoms.

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Objective: Adverse childhood experiences are prevalent and have been associated with sleep disturbance. However, there are limited data examining factors that influence this relationship. The purpose of this study was to extend the current literature by characterizing the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and sleep disturbance in a sample of trauma-exposed youth and to identify factors that may influence this relationship.

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