Background: Acute compartment syndrome (ACS) is a limb-threatening condition associated with elevated muscle compartment pressures (MCPs). The only existing treatment of ACS is to reduce MCP by fasciotomy; however, a reliable clinical method for detecting elevated MCPs is lacking. A dual-sensor (ultrasound and pressure) technology to detect elevated MCPs was previously tested on cadavers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Patients in critical care units (CCUs) are at risk of the development of hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs). Research supports the use of a pressure injury prevention (PIP) bundle to standardize PIP strategies and reduce the incidence of HAPIs.
Purpose: This evidence-based practice initiative was undertaken to implement a PIP bundle to decrease HAPIs in an adult patient CCU.
Fractures in the elderly population are increasing in incidence and represent a rising burden of disease. It is difficult for the elderly population to adhere to restricted weight bearing, and immobility poses significant risks and increased morbidity. Therefore, a primary goal of fracture management in the elderly population is early post-operative weight bearing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere is an enormous burden of disease associated with the management of a failed hip fracture fixation. The goal of surgical management is to facilitate an early return to mobilization with the retention of as much independence as possible. Despite numerous studies that are focused on the care of patients with proximal femur fractures, complication rates remain high.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAcute Compartment Syndrome is a devastating consequence of musculoskeletal trauma. Currently the diagnosis is based on clinical signs and symptoms, and while adjuncts such as invasive intra-compartmental pressure measurements are often used to corroborate the physical exam findings, there remains no reliable objective test to aid in the decision to perform a decompressive fasciotomy. In a cadaver model of compartment syndrome, an ultrasound (US) based method has been shown to be a reliable measurement of increased intra-compartmental pressure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Compartment syndrome (CS) is one of the most devastating consequences of musculoskeletal trauma. The pathophysiology of CS includes elevation of intracompartmental pressure (ICP), causing damage to the microcirculation, decreased oxygen delivery, tissue anoxia, and cell death. CS is a combined ischemic and inflammatory condition that induces the systemic inflammatory cascade.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFracture healing is a unique multifaceted process requiring the presence of cells, molecular mediators, and angiogenic factors. The state of inflammation dominates the initial phase, but the ideal magnitude and duration of the process for an optimal outcome remains obscure. Biological response modifiers, such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) preparations, have been used to reconstitute the desirable early inflammatory state, but the results obtained remain inconclusive.
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