Aim/introduction: Astatine-211 (At) is one of the most promising nuclides for targeted alpha therapy. However, while several clinical trials are ongoing worldwide, some aspects of the element remain unexplored. This work aims to investigate changes in radiochemical yield over time, expressed as the number of At decays, post-dry distillation using two common astatination reactions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThough there is mounting evidence that climate warming is altering trophic interactions between organisms, its effects on non-trophic interactions remain relatively undocumented. In seagrass systems, the bioturbating activity of infauna influences annual seagrass patch development by influencing seed burial depth and germination success as well as sediment properties. If bioturbation is altered by warming, consequences on seagrass may result.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCoastal reefs benefit the survival and growth of mobile organisms by providing shelter and increased food availability. Under increasing pressure from human activities, the coverage of subtidal reefs has decreased along the world's coasts. This decline is motivating efforts to restore these important habitats by re-introducing hard substrates into the coastal zone.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTumour evolution with acquisition of more aggressive disease characteristics is a hallmark of disseminated cancer. Metastatic pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (PanNETs) in particular may progress from a low/intermediate to a high-grade disease. The aim of this work was to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying metastatic progression as well as PanNET transformation from a low/intermediate to a high-grade disease.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInertial Confinement Fusion and Magnetic Confinement Fusion (ICF and MCF) follow different paths toward goals that are largely common. In this paper, the claim is made that progress can be accelerated by learning from each other across the two fields. Examples of successful cross-community knowledge transfer are presented that highlight the gains from working together, specifically in the areas of high-resolution x-ray imaging spectroscopy and neutron spectrometry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMetabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) is the most prevalent chronic liver disease globally, and can lead to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), a leading cause of cancer-related death. We aimed to determine the extent to which MASLD is an increasing cause of HCC in Sweden and to determine clinical characteristics associated with underlying MASLD. Using the Swedish quality registry for liver cancer (SweLiv), we identified all adults with a diagnosis of HCC in Sweden between 2012 and 2018.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSide reactions leading to gas evolution are undesirable in batteries and result in reduced coulombic efficiency and shortened lifetime. Quantitative analysis of the gases that evolve is therefore important to improve understanding of the reactions occurring in the battery during cycling and could be used to optimize battery operation. However, the measurements are challenging because batteries are by their nature closed with limited gas space.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Investigate the performance of real-time 16S PCR and third-generation 16S sequencing in the diagnosis of external ventricular drain related infections (EVDRI).
Methods: Subjects with suspected EVDRI were prospectively included at Uppsala University Hospital. Subjects were included into three groups: subjects with negative CSF culture with and without antibiotic treatment and subjects with positive CSF culture, respectively.
Background: BK polyomavirus (BKPyV) infection after kidney transplantation can lead to serious complications such as BKPyV-associated nephropathy (BKPyVAN) and graft loss. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of BKPyVAN after implementing a BKPyV screening program, to map the distribution of BKPyV genotypes and subtypes in the Uppsala-Örebro region and to identify host and viral risk factors for clinically significant events.
Methods: This single-center prospective cohort study included kidney transplant patients aged ≥ 18 years at the Uppsala University Hospital in Sweden between 2016 and 2018.
Ecosystem regime shifts can have severe ecological and economic consequences, making it a top priority to understand how to make systems more resilient. Theory predicts that spatial connectivity and the local environment interact to shape resilience, but empirical studies are scarce. Here, we use >7000 fish samplings from the Baltic Sea coast to test this prediction in an ongoing, spatially propagating shift in dominance from predatory fish to an opportunistic mesopredator, with cascading effects throughout the food web.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTumour evolution with acquisition of more aggressive disease characteristics is a hallmark of disseminated cancer. Metastatic pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (PanNETs) in particular, show frequent progression from a low/intermediate to a high-grade disease. To understand the molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon, we performed multi-omics analysis of 32 longitudinal samples from six metastatic PanNET patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiological trait analysis (BTA) is a valuable tool for evaluating changes in community diversity and its link to ecosystem processes as well as environmental and anthropogenic perturbations. Trait-based analytical techniques like BTA rely on standardised datasets of species traits. However, there are currently only a limited number of datasets available for marine macrobenthos that contain trait data across multiple taxonomic groups.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhylogeny-based estimates suggesting a low germline mutation rate (μ) in baleen whales have influenced research ranging from assessments of whaling impacts to evolutionary cancer biology. We estimated μ directly from pedigrees in four baleen whale species for both the mitochondrial control region and nuclear genome. The results suggest values higher than those obtained through phylogeny-based estimates and similar to pedigree-based values for primates and toothed whales.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To identify and describe possible ways of experiencing an intervention with hand orthoses in a study group including boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and their parents. To capture the experiences of the persons directly involved as well as their family members.
Material And Methods: Eight boys with DMD (aged 8-21; median age 17.
Strausfeld . (Report, 24 Nov 2022, p. 905) claim that Cambrian fossilized nervous tissue supports the interpretation that the ancestral panarthropod brain was tripartite and unsegmented.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLicensed rabies virus vaccines based on whole inactivated virus are effective in humans. However, there is a lack of detailed investigations of the elicited immune response, and whether responses can be improved using novel vaccine platforms. Here we show that two doses of a lipid nanoparticle-formulated unmodified mRNA vaccine encoding the rabies virus glycoprotein (RABV-G) induces higher levels of RABV-G specific plasmablasts and T cells in blood, and plasma cells in the bone marrow compared to two doses of Rabipur in non-human primates.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFReporting of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs), from healthcare professionals and from consumers, contributes to early detection of new safety risks with medicines. The reporting of adverse reactions has been working well during the pandemic but indicates at the same time a significant under-reporting (hidden statistics). The propensity to report clearly increases with enhanced communication.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Data on unrecognized liver cirrhosis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are derived mainly from cohorts with a risk of selection bias.
Objectives: In a population-based cohort study we aimed to determine the proportion, characteristics, and prognosis of HCC in patients with unrecognized cirrhosis.
Methods: Using the Swedish quality register for liver cancer and other nationwide registers, we identified all adults with HCC in Sweden between 2012 and 2018 (n = 3,473).
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
August 2022
Distribution of Earth's biomes is structured by the match between climate and plant traits, which in turn shape associated communities and ecosystem processes and services. However, that climate-trait match can be disrupted by historical events, with lasting ecosystem impacts. As Earth's environment changes faster than at any time in human history, critical questions are whether and how organismal traits and ecosystems can adjust to altered conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFParents are assumed to play a crucial role in the socioeconomic attainment of children. Through investments of both time and resources, they promote the ability, human capital, networks, and motivation of their children to advance socially, or at least to maintain their social position. Consequently, losing a parent in childhood could be detrimental to adult socioeconomic outcomes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExposing sires to various environmental manipulations has demonstrated that paternal effects can be non-trivial also in species where male investment in offspring is almost exclusively limited to sperm. Whether paternal effects also have a genetic component (i.e.
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