J Clin Neurophysiol
October 2016
Purpose: To demonstrate the utility of an uncrossed asymmetry in full-field pattern reversal visual evoked potentials (FF-PVEPs) will accurately predict a retrochiasmal lesion confirmed by MRI.
Methods: During an 8-year period, 754 patients had FF-PVEPs performed and analyzed without knowledge of their clinical histories and imaging studies. Interhemispheric amplitude ratios were calculated between N75-P100 and P100-N145 and deemed significant if both demonstrated greater than 50% amplitude asymmetry no matter which eye was stimulated (uncrossed symmetry).
Purpose: Aphasic status epilepticus (ASE) in otherwise awake patients is a rare phenomenon. We present a series of nine consecutive patients with ASE to characterize clinical, electrophysiologic, and imaging findings.
Methods: Nine patients in ASE were identified between July 2006 and December 2009 at our institution.