Carbohydrate is an important fuel during moderate- to high-intensity exercise. We hypothesised that pre-exercise carbohydrate ingestion would improve resistance training (RT) volume performance. In a crossover design, sixteen resistance-trained participants (male = 13 and female = 3) performed 3 sets of back squats, bench press, prone row, and shoulder press to repetition fatigue at 80% of 1-repetition maximum (∼90 min).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPerceptual responses may influence how much pleasure or displeasure an individual experiences during or following resistance training (RT). Resistance-trained males (n = 12) and females (n = 6) completed an 8-week intervention involving two RT sessions per week. The lower limbs of each participant were randomised to perform the leg press and leg extension exercises either to (i) momentary muscular failure (FAIL) or (ii) a perceived 2-RIR and 1-RIR, respectively, for the entire intervention.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBoth resistance training (RT) and long-duration, high-intensity stretching induce muscular adaptations; however, it is unknown whether the modalities are complementary or redundant, particularly in well-trained individuals. A case-study was conducted on a competitive bodybuilder implementing long-duration, high-intensity stretching of the plantar flexors (60 min 6x/week for 12 weeks) in conjunction with their habitual RT. Ultrasound muscle architecture (muscle thickness [MT], fascicle length [FL], and pennation angle [PA]) measurements were collected at multiple sites at four weekly baseline sessions, six (mid) and 12 (post1) weeks following the commencement of the intervention, and a week after the intervention (post2) while isometric strength and range of motion (RoM) were obtained once at baseline, mid, post1, and post2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe menstrual cycle (MC) is a series of hormonal fluctuations that occur approximately every 22-35 days in reproductive-age females, often resulting in a range of physical and psychological symptoms at different points of the cycle. MC symptoms range from mild discomfort to debilitating effects. One intervention that may be able to address these symptoms is yoga, a mind-body practice that incorporates physical postures with breathwork to foster a mindful connection to the body.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: While body image dissatisfaction (BID) and eating disorders (EDs) are relatively common in athletes (ranging from 11% to 67% of athletes, depending on the sport) [1], they are also prevalent in weight-class restricted sports (a common format in strength sports), and among physique athletes [2]. These athletes manipulate their nutrition to reach aesthetic or body weight standards and, in that process, may undergo prolonged periods of low energy availability. Low energy availability, defined as consuming insufficient energy for one's lean mass and exercise activity, can lead to Relative Energy Deficiency in sport (REDs), a syndrome that can impact menstrual cycle (MC) symptoms (and many other aspects of physiology and psychology) [3].
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Physique athletes engage in rigorous competition preparation involving intense energy restriction and physical training to enhance muscle definition. This study investigates hormonal changes and their physiological and performance impacts during such preparation.
Methods: Participants included female (10 competing (COMP) and 10 non-dieting controls (CTRL)) and male (13 COMP and 10 CTRL) physique athletes.
J Strength Cond Res
August 2024
Homer, KA, Cross, MR, and Helms, ER. A survey of resistance training practices among physique competitors during peak week. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2024-Physique athletes are ranked by their on-stage presentation of muscle size, proportionality, and leanness.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo acutely enhance muscle size and definition, carbohydrate (CHO)-loading protocols are commonly implemented by bodybuilders in the week before competition. This study sought to evaluate the effects of a bodybuilding CHO-loading protocol on anthropometry. Four dieting males engaging in resistance training (RT) with very low body fat participated in this randomized crossover trial.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Physique athletes are subjectively judged on their on-stage esthetic per their competition division criteria. To succeed, competitors look to acutely enhance their appearance by manipulating nutritional variables in the days leading up to competition, commonly referred to as peak week (PW). Despite their documented wide adoption, PW strategies lack experimental evidence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: There is mixed evidence on how the menstrual cycle (MC) affects sports performance, with many studies showing variations in performance during different phases of the MC, while other evidence shows that the MC's effects on performance may be trivial. Therefore, this exploratory longitudinal monitoring study was designed to investigate MC characteristics and symptoms in a resistance-trained (RT) population to look for associations between measures of well-being and perceived performance metrics across the MC.
Methods: RT females reported their workout habits, perceived performance metrics, and measures of well-being while tracking their MC with detailed methods via daily check-ins in an app.
Most resistance training research focuses on inference from average intervention effects from observed group-level change scores (i.e., mean change of group A vs group B).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSystemic resistance training aims to enhance performance by balancing stress, fatigue and recovery. While fatigue is expected, insufficient recovery may temporarily impair performance. The aim of this review was to examine evidence regarding manipulation of resistance training variables on subsequent effects on recovery and performance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBodybuilding is characterized by high-rates of sport supplementation. This is the first study to compare the supplementation patterns of winners (WB) and non-winners (NWB) among international natural bodybuilders during contest preparation. Fifty-six natural bodybuilders (5 women) (age = 28.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Nutrient timing is a concept that emphasizes the intentional ingestion of whole or fortified foods, and dietary supplements, to adequately fuel for, and recover from, acute and chronic exercise. The nutrition strategies used by powerlifters around training sessions have not, to our knowledge, been previously investigated. This study explored the self-reported periworkout (before, during, and after) nutrition practices of competitive powerlifters, including what, why, and information source that informed practice, with comparison to current sport nutrition guidelines.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEstablishing a relationship between repetitions left in reserve and the mean absolute velocity (RIR-velocity relationship) during resistance training (RT) could allow for objective monitoring, prescription, and real-time adjustment of the training load and set-volume. Therefore, we examined the goodness of fit and prediction accuracy of general and individual RIR-velocity relationships in the free-weight back squat exercise. The effects of sex, training status and history, as well as personality traits, on the goodness of fit and the accuracy of these relationships were also investigated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study examined the influence of resistance training (RT) proximity-to-failure, determined by repetitions-in-reserve (RIR), on quadriceps hypertrophy and neuromuscular fatigue. Resistance-trained males ( = 12) and females ( = 6) completed an 8-week intervention involving two RT sessions per week. Lower limbs were randomised to perform the leg press and leg extension exercises either to i) momentary muscular failure (FAIL), or ii) a perceived 2-RIR and 1-RIR, respectively (RIR).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSports Med Open
January 2024
Background: Physique athletes are ranked by a panel of judges against the judging criteria of the corresponding division. To enhance on-stage presentation and performance, competitors in certain categories (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRefalo, MC, Remmert, JF, Pelland, JC, Robinson, ZP, Zourdos, MC, Hamilton, DL, Fyfe, JJ, and Helms, ER. Accuracy of intraset repetitions-in-reserve predictions during the bench press exercise in resistance-trained male and female subjects. J Strength Cond Res 38(3): e78-e85, 2024-This study assessed the accuracy of intraset repetitions-in-reserve (RIR) predictions to provide evidence for the efficacy of RIR prescription as a set termination method to inform proximity to failure during resistance training (RT).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Many perform resistance training (RT) to increase muscle mass and strength. Energy surpluses are advised to support such gains; however, if too large, could cause unnecessary fat gain. We randomized 21 trained lifters performing RT 3 d/wk for eight weeks into maintenance energy (MAIN), moderate (5% [MOD]), and high (15% [HIGH]) energy surplus groups to determine if skinfold thicknesses (ST), squat and bench one-repetition maximum (1-RM), or biceps brachii, triceps brachii, or quadriceps muscle thicknesses (MT) differed by group.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: This study aimed to quantify the potential variability in the volume of work completed after reaching different velocity loss (VL) thresholds and determine the effects of sex, training status and history, as well as psychological traits on the reliability and magnitude of the amount of work completed after reaching different VL thresholds using different loads in the back-squat exercise.
Methods: Forty-six resistance-trained people (15 females and 31 males; 18 to 40 years of age) with a wide range of strength levels, training experience, and different training practices were recruited and performed a one-repetition maximum (1RM) test, and two repetitions to failure (RTF) tests 72 h apart. RTF tests were performed with 70, 80, and 90% of 1RM with 10 min of rest between sets.
Purpose: To characterise self-reported nutrition practices and beliefs of powerlifters.
Methods: Actively competing male (n = 240) and female (n = 65) powerlifters completed a cross-sectional online survey of self-reported nutrition practices across the competitive cycle, within specific competitive phases, and hard and easy training days. Data are presented as number (n) and percentage (%) of all powerlifters practicing a given strategy followed by a % of responses reporting various practices or beliefs within this strategy.
Goodman, WW, Helms, E, and Graham, DF. Individual muscle contributions to the acceleration of the center of mass during the barbell back squat in trained female subjects. J Strength Cond Res 37(10): 1947-1954, 2023-The squat is used to enhance performance and rehabilitate the lower body.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study we investigated whether the accuracy of intraset repetitions in reserve (RIR) predictions changes over time. Nine trained men completed three bench press training sessions per week for 6 weeks (following a 1-week familiarization). The final set of each session was performed until momentary muscular failure, with participants verbally indicating their perceived 4RIR and 1RIR.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBodybuilding is a sport where coaches commonly recommend a variety of nutrition and exercise protocols, supplements, and, sometimes, performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). The present study sought to gain an understanding of the common decisions and rationales employed by bodybuilding coaches. Focusing on coaches of the more muscular divisions in the National Physique Committee/IFBB Professional League federations (men's classic physique, men's bodybuilding, women's physique, women's bodybuilding) for both natural and enhanced athletes, coaches were recruited via word of mouth and social media, and 33 responded to an anonymous online survey.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe present paper aimed to systematically review case studies on physique athletes to evaluate longitudinal changes in measures of body composition, neuromuscular performance, chronic hormonal levels, physiological adaptations, and psychometric outcomes during pre-contest preparation. We included studies that (1) were classified as case studies involving physique athletes during the pre-contest phase of their competitive cycle; (2) involved adults (18+ years of age) as participants; (3) were published in an English-language peer-reviewed journal; (4) had a pre-contest duration of at least 3 months; (5) reported changes across contest preparation relating to measures of body composition (fat mass, lean mass, and bone mineral density), neuromuscular performance (strength and power), chronic hormonal levels (testosterone, estrogen, cortisol, leptin, and ghrelin), physiological adaptations (maximal aerobic capacity, resting energy expenditure, heart rate, blood pressure, menstrual function, and sleep quality), and/or psychometric outcomes (mood states and food desire). Our review ultimately included 11 case studies comprising 15 ostensibly drug-free athletes (male = 8, female = 7) who competed in various physique-oriented divisions including bodybuilding, figure, and bikini.
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