Background: Third-trimester lower uterine segment thickness (LUST) is associated with uterine rupture during trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC) but threshold values vary according to the approach used (lower values with vaginal ultrasound, higher values with abdominal ultrasound).
Objective: To estimate the optimal LUST cut-off value combining vaginal and abdominal ultrasound to predict uterine rupture during TOLAC.
Study Design: We performed a secondary analysis of PRISMA cluster randomized trial including women with a single previous cesarean who underwent ultrasound LUST measurement at 34-38 weeks using the thinnest measurement obtained by combining transvaginal and transabdominal measurements.
Objective: This study aimed to compare the predictive values of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), and the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC) factor-based models for preeclampsia (PE) screening.
Study Design: We conducted a secondary analysis of maternal and birth data from 32 hospitals. For each delivery, we calculated the risk of PE according to the ACOG, the NICE, and the SOGC models.
Background: Women with a previous caesarean delivery face a difficult choice in their next pregnancy: planning another caesarean or attempting vaginal delivery, both of which are associated with potential maternal and perinatal complications. This trial aimed to assess whether a multifaceted intervention, which promoted person-centred decision making and best practices, would reduce the risk of major perinatal morbidity among women with one previous caesarean delivery.
Methods: We conducted an open, multicentre, cluster-randomised, controlled trial of a multifaceted 2-year intervention in 40 hospitals in Quebec among women with one previous caesarean delivery, in which hospitals were the units of randomisation and women the units of analysis.
Objectives: This study estimated the effect that a multifaceted intervention aiming to improve the quality of obstetrical care and reduce Caesarean section (CS) had on the rate of vaginal birth after Caesarean (VBAC).
Methods: This is a secondary analysis of the cluster randomized controlled trial Quality of Care, Obstetrics Risk Management, and Mode of Delivery involving (1) audits regarding the indications for CS, (2) provision of feedback to health professionals, and (3) implementation of best practices to reduce CS rates in Quebec. The impact of intervention on VBAC, trial of labour (TOL), and maternal and neonatal morbidity was reported using adjusted odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs).
J Obstet Gynaecol Can
March 2017
Objective: The increasing rates of Caesarean sections throughout the world is preoccupant, and a good understanding of which groups of women contribute the most to the CS rate represents an important question in public health. Therefore, we sought to report the CS rate according to the Robson's classification system in the Quebec population.
Method: We performed a secondary analysis of the QUARISMA database, including all deliveries after 24 weeks' gestation from 32 maternity wards in the province of Quebec between 2008 and 2011 (n = 184 952 deliveries).
Background: Rehabilitation after rotator cuff repair surgery has been the focus of several clinical trials in the past decade. Many illuminate new evidence with regard to the prognosis of structural and functional success after surgery.
Methods: A selective literature search was performed and personal physiotherapeutic and surgical experiences are reported.
Introduction: The objective of the study was to establish the predictive value of prenatal ultrasound markers for complex gastroschisis (GS) in the first 10 days of life.
Material And Methods: In this retrospective cohort study over 11 years (2000-2011) of 117 GS cases, the following prenatal ultrasound signs were analyzed at the last second- and third-trimester ultrasounds: intrauterine growth restriction, intra-abdominal bowel dilatation (IABD) adjusted for gestational age, extra-abdominal bowel dilatation (EABD) ≥25 mm, stomach dilatation, stomach herniation, perturbed mesenteric circulation, absence of bowel lumen and echogenic dilated bowel loops (EDBL).
Results: Among 114 live births, 16 newborns had complex GS (14.
Background: In Canada, cesarean delivery rates have increased substantially over the past decade. Effective, safe strategies are needed to reduce these rates.
Methods: We conducted a cluster-randomized, controlled trial of a multifaceted 1.
Background: Regular voluntary counseling and testing is a key component of the fight against HIV/AIDS. In Benin, the project SIDA-1/2/3 established to decrease HIV/sexually transmitted infection (STIs) among female sex workers (FSWs), implemented a multifaceted intervention, including outreach activities. The objective of this article was to present potential advantages and limitations of 3 categories of outreach interventions designed to increase the use of testing services among FSWs in Benin.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Obstet Gynaecol Can
February 2013
Background: Pregnant women with a previous Caesarean section face making the decision to undergo an elective repeat Caesarean section or to attempt a trial of labour with the goal of achieving a vaginal birth after Caesarean (VBAC). One of the key factors in counselling these women is the probability of a successful VBAC. We aimed to validate a prediction model for VBAC success.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Pregnant women with a history of previous Caesarean section face the decision either to undergo an elective repeat Caesarean section (ERCS) or to attempt a trial of labour with the goal of achieving a vaginal birth after Caesarean (VBAC). Both choices are associated with their own risks of maternal and neonatal morbidity. We aimed to determine the external validity of a prediction model for the success of trial of labour after Caesarean section (TOLAC) that could help these women in their decision-making.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSupport for a model of shared medical decision making, where women and their care providers discuss risks and benefits of their different options, reveal their preferences, and jointly make a decision, is a growing expectation in obstetric care. The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials evaluating the efficacy of different decision aid tools compared to regular care for women facing several options in the specific field of obstetric care. We included published studies about interventions designed to aid mothers' decision making and provide information about obstetrical treatment or screening options.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnthropol Med
December 2009
In exchanges between health professionals and consultants in the West African context, the word malaria is often replaced by its equivalent in the local dialect. In the Nouna health district of Burkina Faso the term malaria is regularly translated as sumaya. Acknowledging that there may be important epistemological differences between malaria, a term issued from the biomedical epistemology, and sumaya, which is borrowed from traditional medicine epistemology, the possible mismatches between these two terms have been assessed to anticipate problems that may result from their translation by different health stakeholders.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The global recognition of vaccination is strongly related to the fact that it has proved in the past able to dramatically reduce the incidence of certain diseases. Nevertheless, reactions regarding the practice of vaccination still vary among communities, affecting the worldwide vaccination coverage. Numerous studies, conducted from varying perspectives, have focused on explaining this active refusal or resistance to vaccination.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo reduce the infant mortality rate associated with malaria, the WHO recommends preventive home treatment by antimalarial drugs for all children with fever. This practice requires some medical knowledge by mothers who want to treat their children. In Burkina Faso, the main source of the transmission of such knowledge and skills is the interaction between health professionals and mothers during consultations for their children.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study investigates the construct validity of a revised version of the Countertransference Rating System (CRS) by means of convergence with Referential Activity (RA). The CRS operationalizes three mental activity dimensions (rational-objective, reactive, and reflective) as processes of transformation of countertransferential contents elicited in a therapist by a patient's object-relations units. The participants were 36 novice psychotherapists who shared their spontaneous reactions toward parental descriptions provided by conduct-disordered male adolescent patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To investigate obstetricians perceptions of clinical practice guidelines targeting management of labour and vaginal birth after previous caesarean birth, and to identify the barriers to, facilitators of and obstetricians solutions for implementing these guidelines in practice.
Methods: This qualitative study was conducted in three hospitals in Montreal that represent around 10% of births in Quebec. Data was collected from 10 focus groups, followed by six semi-structured interviews.
Objective: To estimate effective strategies for implementing clinical practice guidelines in obstetric care and to identify specific barriers to behavior change and facilitators in obstetrics.
Data Sources: The Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and MEDLINE were consulted from January 1990 to June 2005. Additional studies were identified by screening reference lists from identified studies and experts' suggestions.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol
August 2004
Current approaches to risk assessment typically assume a linear dose-response for mutagenic compounds that directly interact with DNA or when the carcinogenic mechanism is unknown. Because the mode of action of arsenic-induced carcinogenesis is not well established, recent dose-response assessments for arsenic have assumed linearity at low doses despite evidence that arsenic is not a direct-acting mutagen. Several modes of action, including generation of oxidative stress, perturbation of DNA methylation patterns, inhibition of DNA repair, and modulation of signal transduction pathways, have been proposed to characterize arsenic's toxicity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContext: Standard therapy for hot flashes has been hormone replacement with estradiol or progestational agents, but recent data suggest that antidepressants inhibiting serotonin reuptake may also be effective.
Objective: To evaluate a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (paroxetine controlled release [CR]) in treating the vasomotor symptoms displayed by a general cross-section of menopausal women.
Design And Setting: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study conducted across 17 US sites, including urban, suburban, and rural clinics.
Background: Antidepressant efficacy may be compromised by early discontinuation of treatment secondary to common, treatment-emergent side effects, including nausea, agitation, and somnolence. Paroxetine controlled-release (CR) was developed to improve general tolerability and, in particular, gastrointestinal tolerability.
Objective: To determine the antidepressant efficacy and tolerability of paroxetine CR in adult patients 18 to 65 years of age with DSM-IV major depressive disorder.