Background: Evidence of sustained improvement in hand hygiene compliance at the institutional level is scarce.
Aim: To assess the impact and sustainability of a hospital-wide improvement programme on hand hygiene compliance of staff.
Methods: Analysis of trends of hand hygiene compliance for all clinical staff, measured through direct observation by trained observers, within a 450-bed multi-centre teaching hospital in the county of Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
The periurban forest of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) is a high-risk area for Lyme Borreliosis, due to a high density of infected Ixodes ricinus ticks. In this study, we evaluated the risk of subclinical (seroconversion) and clinical infection after a tick bite in Neuchâtel inhabitants from 2003 to 2005. Inhabitants have been invited, through media, to visit a physician after a tick bite.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Med Microbiol
February 2009
The duration of tick feeding is an important indicator to evaluate the risk of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato transmission, which increases considerably with the blood meal duration. This blood meal duration may be estimated from scutal index, the ratio between body length (idiosoma) and scutum width. For the estimation of blood meal duration in Ixodes ricinus, nymphal and adult female ticks were detached at predetermined intervals (24, 48, 72, and 96h) from laboratory mice and rabbits and their scutal index calculated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Scabies, a contagious parasitic dermatosis, has a worldwide distribution but is considered a "disease of the poor" in resourcerich countries. However, it can cause major public health problems following outbreaks in industrialised countries. The following study describes a large outbreak of scabies involving several health care institutions in the canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring an eight week period in spring 2005, 10 cases of listeriosis were reported in a small area of northwest Switzerland (150,000 inhabitants). Eight cases were in older immunocompromised patients who became ill with bacteraemia (three deaths), and two cases were in pregnant women who had septic abortion. All cases were due to a serotype 1/2a isolate with one of two pulsovars found by PFGE.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSome clinical applications, such as surgical planning, require volumetric models of anatomical structures represented as a set of tetrahedra. A practical method of constructing anatomical models from medical images is presented. The method starts with a set of contours segmented from the medical images by a clinician and produces a model that has high fidelity with the contours.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring an eight week period in spring 2005, 10 cases of listeriosis were reported in a small area of northwest Switzerland (150 000 inhabitants). Eight cases were in older immunocompromised patients who became ill with bacteraemia (three deaths), and two cases were in pregnant women who had septic abortion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSeveral articles published in 2005 offer new knowledge in infectious diseases treated by practitioners. This paper discusses viral (influenza) and bacterial (pneumococci and legionella) respiratory infections. Resistant staphylococci, different from healthcare-associated MRSA, are now found in community.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAccurate planning of radiation therapy entails the definition of treatment volumes and a clear delimitation of normal tissue of which unnecessary exposure should be prevented. The spinal cord is a radiosensitive organ, which should be precisely identified because an overexposure to radiation may lead to undesired complications for the patient such as neuronal disfunction or paralysis. In this paper, a knowledge-based approach to identifying the spinal cord in computed tomography images of the thorax is presented.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlanning for radiation therapy intervention implies the definition of treatment volumes as well as a clear delimitation of normal tissue. This paper presents a Computer Aided Diagnostic system for the automatic CT image analysis. Two important problems are solved: the spinal cord segmentation and the detection of lung metastases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlesiomonas shigelloides are ubiquitous Gram-negative bacteria that are found in fresh or marine water, particularly in tropical or warm climates; they were recently implicated in diarrhoeal disease. Patients usually present with a history of recent travel to tropical regions or consumption of uncooked seafood. Extraintestinal disease has rarely been reported, occurring generally in neonates or immunocompromised patients, and is often fatal.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe initiated a prospective study with a group of practitioners to assess the etiology, clinical presentation, and outcome of community-acquired pneumonia in patients diagnosed in the outpatient setting. All patients with signs and symptoms suggestive of pneumonia and an infiltrate on chest X-ray underwent an extensive standard workup and were followed over 4 weeks. Over a 4-year period, 184 patients were eligible, of whom 170 (age range, 15-96 yr; median, 43 yr) were included and analyzed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Med Suisse Romande
January 2000
For the last 20 years infectious diseases have gained increasing importance for hospital medicine. As a specialty, infectious diseases have been recognized only recently by the Swiss medical association. However, the precise role of infectious disease specialist operating in private practice remain to be defined.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Med Suisse Romande
January 1999
This article shows the importance of the part of the unconscious, which has been under-estimated till now when users of a VIH anonymous depistage center are taking risks. Considering some clinical situations, we can underline the limits of the prevention campaigns, which can only be directed at groups and not at individuals. Most of the users have a good idea of the protection tools recommended through the preventive campaigns; the authors also describe the negative attitudes that therapeutist can feel towards persons who are seeking sexual satisfaction in risk behaviours.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSchweiz Med Wochenschr
September 1996
3 splenectomized patients infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are described. They all presented with more than 500 CD4/mm3 but, surprisingly, with a CD4 percentage below 15, positive p24 antigenemia and a CD4/CD8 ratio below 0.24.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Med Suisse Romande
May 1996
Two cases of unusual extrapulmonary tuberculosis are presented. One patient was suffering of a pulmonary tuberculosis involving the brain, liver, spleen and peritoneum, with headaches, ascites, weight loss and night sweats. The other patient had lymph nodes and nodular liver tuberculosis and complained of fever, right upper quadrant pain, anorexia and weight loss.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn human cycles stimulated for ovulation with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists and human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG), a luteal phase defect has been described. To evaluate the influence on the endometrium, endometrial development in GnRH agonist/HMG stimulated cycles was assessed in cycles with and without luteal phase supplementation. Endometrial histological maturation, ultrastructure and oestrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) status were analysed in the mid-luteal phase.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Med Suisse Romande
November 1993
More than 3000 infectious diseases treated in the past 10 years at the Department of Medicine of the Cadolles Hospital in Neuchâtel (Switzerland) have been gathered from a computer data base. The infectious disease specialist is directly involved in the diagnosis and treatment of the most severe or rare affections. However, he influences in a more general fashion the management of anti-infectious treatments by directing the treatment plan and helping to choose the proper antibiotics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLyme's disease, transmitted by Borrelia Burgdorferi (BB), is a polymorphic and multisystemic illness. Its neurological manifestations are encountered in 10-50% of cases and occur in the acute disseminated stage as well as in the late stage. This article initially reviews the principal clinical pictures of the neuroborreliosis and distinguishes them from neurological disorders whose association with BB infection is not proven.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTransvaginal ultrasound-guided oocyte retrieval is an accepted procedure in most in-vitro fertilization programmes. In order to simplify the anaesthetic procedure into a minimally invasive one, we perform the oocyte retrieval under a modified para-cervical block combined with a standard pre-medication. In order to maximize the patient's comfort we evaluated two different local anaesthetics and their side-effects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPituitary gonadotrophin reserve and basal gonadotrophin secretion were tested during the luteal phase in women superovulated with buserelin/human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) in a desensitization (n = 17) or flare-up protocol (n = 7). In the desensitization protocol the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) stimulated serum LH and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations remained impaired at least until day 14 after arrest of the agonist. In the flare-up protocol basal and stimulated LH secretion was still abnormal on days 14 and 15 after human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) injection.
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