Publications by authors named "Epele L"

Ecological studies searching for drivers of biodiversity variation have frequently focused on taxonomic richness. However, more aspects of biodiversity, namely diversity facets can be considered to properly assess biotic-environment relationships. Here, we explore the environmental factors that could control the four biodiversity facets of aquatic Coleoptera from 93 regionally sampled Patagonian ponds.

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Constructed wetlands are environmental solutions that mitigate the impacts of urban effluents. It is unclear how the performance of these wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) is affected by climatic conditions. The dissipation of nutrients, suspended solids, and changes in dissolved oxygen were investigated on a monthly basis over two years (2018/2019) at six sampling points across a WWTP located in Esquel, Patagonia.

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Article Synopsis
  • Climate change is causing significant declines in global biodiversity, and this study focuses on how it affects wetland macroinvertebrates, which are crucial to these ecosystems.
  • Researchers analyzed data from 769 minimally impacted wetlands worldwide to understand the impact of temperature and precipitation on the diversity of 144 macroinvertebrate families.
  • The findings revealed that maximum temperature is the key factor influencing macroinvertebrate richness and diversity, with significant variations based on wetland type and climate conditions, indicating that warmer, dry regions face the highest risk of losing these essential organisms.
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The efficiency of biodiversity assessments and biomonitoring studies is commonly challenged by limitations in taxonomic identification and quantification approaches. In this study, we assessed the effects of different taxonomic and numerical resolutions on a range of community structure metrics in invertebrate compositional data sets from six regions distributed across North and South America. We specifically assessed the degree of similarity in the metrics (richness, equitability, beta diversity, heterogeneity in community composition and congruence) for data sets identified to a coarse resolution (usually family level) and the finest taxonomic resolution practical (usually genus level, sometimes species or morphospecies) and by presence-absence and relative abundance numerical resolutions.

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Analyses of biota at lower latitudes may presage impacts of climate change on biota at higher latitudes. Macroinvertebrate assemblages in depressional wetlands may be especially sensitive to climate change because weather-related precipitation and evapotranspiration are dominant ecological controls on habitats, and organisms of depressional wetlands are temperature-sensitive ectotherms. We aimed to better understand how wetland macroinvertebrate assemblages were structured according to geography and climate.

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Anthropogenic and natural changes are threatening pond ecological integrity in Patagonia and tools for bioassessment are required. Macrophytes are good candidates to determine the conservation status of ponds; nevertheless, metric selection procedures should be founded on an adequate knowledge of plant ecological responses. We assessed the main environmental constraints driving variation in macrophyte assemblages, and trophic status at 29 ponds located at the continental and insular Patagonia region.

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Vital for human consumption, water is a scarce resource, particularly in the arid environments of Patagonia. In this study we analysed local perspectives and the use of different water sources, based on two case studies in rural communities of Mapuche and Creole ancestry inhabiting extra-Andean Patagonia in Chubut, Argentina. Water quality was evaluated using an ethnolimnological, interdisciplinary approach, taking into account local perspectives and scientific contributions.

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Pesticides are important contributors to the global freshwater biodiversity crisis. Among pesticides, neonicotinoids are the best-selling class of agricultural insecticides and are suspected to represent significant risks to freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems worldwide. Despite growing recognition that neonicotinoid impacts may be modified by the presence of additional stressors, there is limited information about their interactions with other agricultural stressors in freshwater ecosystems.

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Freshwater biodiversity is showing a global decline in relation to environmental change and there is an urgent need to quantify different facets of biodiversity to assess the conservation value of freshwater ecosystems. Identifying the ecological drivers of arid and semiarid Patagonian waterbodies is a critical requirement for planning action to conserve these still poorly understood habitats. We tested the responses of alpha and beta diversity of invertebrates (presence-absence, abundance, and biomass) to local, landscape, and climatic features, in 45 Patagonian freshwater bodies classified in three groups: isolated ponds, connected ponds, and lotic systems.

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Background: Knowledge of immature habitats is an important focus for investigations of mosquito community ecology, and may improve our understanding of how environmental variables increase risk of mosquito-borne diseases by influencing the distributions and abundances of species. In Patagonia region, where climatic and ecological factors could be only borderline suitable for mosquito development, relatively little is known about larval ecology. The present study focuses on associations of environmental conditions in natural aquatic habitats with abundances of mosquito species that have colonized such habitats in Patagonia.

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Patagonia is by far the largest glacierized area in South America. However, little is known about ecology, functioning and biodiversity of glacier-fed streams facing global warming. We investigated changes in environmental features and macroinvertebrate communities along a longitudinal gradient of glacier influence of two Patagonian systems that differ in glacier cover magnitude and the spatial sequence of lotic and lentic phases.

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The water quality of wetlands is governed not only by natural variability in hydrology and other factors, but also by anthropogenic activities. Patagonia is a vast sparsely-populated in which ponds are a key component of rural and urban landscapes because they provide several ecosystem services such as habitat for wildlife and watering for livestock. Integrating field-based and geospatial data of 109 ponds sampled across the region, we identified spatial trends and assessed the effects of anthropogenic and natural factors in pond water quality.

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Livestock grazing can compromise the biotic integrity and health of wetlands, especially in remotes areas like Patagonia, which provide habitat for several endemic terrestrial and aquatic species. Understanding the effects of these land use practices on invertebrate communities can help prevent the deterioration of wetlands and provide insights for restoration. In this contribution, we assessed the responses of 36 metrics based on the structural and functional attributes of invertebrates (130 taxa) at 30 Patagonian wetlands that were subject to different levels of livestock grazing intensity.

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Chironomid substrate-specific associations regarding the nature (organic-inorganic) and stability (stable-unstable) of different habitats were investigated at two low order Patagonian streams, during high and low water periods. Nant y Fall and Glyn rivers were visited twice (October 2007 and March 2008) and seven different habitat types were identified. A total of 60 samples were collected using a Surber sampler (0.

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On May 2nd of 2008 the Chaitén Volcano (Chile, 42°50'S and 72°39'W) erupted explosively producing a strong emission of volcanic ash. As a result of this eruption wide areas on the Argentinean side became covered by ashes. In order to investigate the effects of ashfall on environmental features, water quality and macroinvertebrate communities we conducted a study on 10 rivers affected by ash deposition in their hydrographic basins.

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The energy spectrum of cosmic rays above 2.5 x 10;{18} eV, derived from 20,000 events recorded at the Pierre Auger Observatory, is described. The spectral index gamma of the particle flux, J proportional, variantE;{-gamma}, at energies between 4 x 10;{18} eV and 4 x 10;{19} eV is 2.

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The surface detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory is sensitive to Earth-skimming tau neutrinos that interact in Earth's crust. Tau leptons from nu(tau) charged-current interactions can emerge and decay in the atmosphere to produce a nearly horizontal shower with a significant electromagnetic component. The data collected between 1 January 2004 and 31 August 2007 are used to place an upper limit on the diffuse flux of nu(tau) at EeV energies.

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Using data collected at the Pierre Auger Observatory during the past 3.7 years, we demonstrated a correlation between the arrival directions of cosmic rays with energy above 6 x 10(19) electron volts and the positions of active galactic nuclei (AGN) lying within approximately 75 megaparsecs. We rejected the hypothesis of an isotropic distribution of these cosmic rays with at least a 99% confidence level from a prescribed a priori test.

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The interaction of an electron with a polar molecule is shown to be the simplest realization of a quantum anomaly in a physical system. The existence of a critical dipole moment for electron capture and formation of anions, which has been confirmed experimentally and numerically, is derived. This phenomenon is a manifestation of the anomaly associated with quantum symmetry breaking of the classical scale invariance exhibited by the point-dipole interaction.

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The quantum-mechanical D-dimensional inverse square potential is analyzed using field-theoretic renormalization techniques. A solution is presented for both the bound-state and scattering sectors of the theory using cutoff and dimensional regularization. In the renormalized version of the theory, there is a strong-coupling regime where quantum-mechanical breaking of scale symmetry takes place through dimensional transmutation, with the creation of a single bound state and of an energy-dependent s-wave scattering matrix element.

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