Objectives: To report one case of right paratesticular rabdomyosarcoma in a 21-year-old young adult.
Methods: After treatment with right radical orchiectomy through an inguinal incision it was classified as clinical group I A following the IRS-III (localized disease completely excised) and received adjuvant treatment with Vincristine and actinomicin D.
Results/conclusions: The patient is disease free 18 months after surgery.
Objectives: To report one case of renal brucelloma, an extraordinarily rare pathology in our environment.
Methods: 51-year-old completely asymptomatic patient who was referred from his primary care physician for the study of a calcified image on the right renal area discovered in a x-ray control.
Results: Radiological studies (US + CT scan + IVU) showed an irregular calcified mass in the lower pole of a non-functional right kidney.