Background: Gait instability and falls significantly impact life quality and morbi-mortality in elderly populations. Early diagnosis of gait disorders is one of the most effective approaches to minimize severe injuries.
Objective: To find a gait instability pattern in older adults through an image representation of data collected by a single sensor.
Braz J Otorhinolaryngol
March 2012
Unlabelled: The description of the postural responses in Parkinson's disease patients when visual information changes from a stable to a moving visual field analyzing the impact on balance in these patients.
Methods (clinical): Limits of Stability, Body center of pressure and balance functional reserve were measured by means of the force platform in 24 Parkinson's patients in stages 1 and 2 of the Boher classification and 19 volunteers as a control group. Both groups were stimulated with 1-Static visual field and 2-horizontal optokinetic stimulation using a virtual reality system.