Objectives: To assess, by means of biological monitoring, exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and to metallic elements in Italian Navy workers operating near the industrial area in Taranto, and thereby estimate the health risk.
Methods: A total of 450 workers in the Italian Navy were examined; they had office type jobs, and 150 of them worked near the industrial area in Taranto (exposed group), 150 in Taranto but far from this area (internal control group) and 150 in Brindisi (external control group). The recruited workers were administered a questionnaire inquiring about current and previous working activities, personal medical history, lifestyle and dietary habits, and their residence location.
October 2018
Cellular and humoral immune responses to tetanus-diphtheria vaccine (Td) were assessed in human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-typed Italian military personnel who received multiple concomitant vaccines. Td-specific antibodies and T-lymphocytes were measured in individuals with one (group-1) and more than one (group-2) Td boosters. A third group (group-3), who received several vaccines, but not Td, was studied to verify the hypothesis of the polyclonal B-cell activation as mechanism for antibody persistence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnecdotal case reports, amplified by mass media and internet-based opinion groups, have recently indicated vaccinations as possibly responsible for autoimmunity/lymphoproliferation development. Multiply vaccinated Italian military personnel (group 1, operating in Italy, group 2, operating in Lebanon) were followed-up for nine months to monitor possible post-vaccine autoimmunity/lymphoproliferation onset. No serious adverse event was noticed in both groups.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAerosp Med Hum Perform
February 2015
Introduction: The coding of space as near and far is not only determined by arm-reaching distance, but is also dependent on how the brain represents the extension of the body space. Recent reports suggest that the dissociation between reaching and navigational space is not limited to perception and action but also involves memory systems. It has been reported that gender differences emerged only in adverse learning conditions that required strong spatial ability.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: In jet pilots, the neck is stressed by dynamic loading and there is growing concern about possible neck damage in pilots of new agile aircraft. Jet pilots often report neck pain after flight so intense that their operational capability may be affected. However, there is no clear evidence of structural damage related to the operational exposure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: It is well known that cognitive and emotional changes occur during pregnancy, but little is known about their magnitude or their time of occurrence and recovery. During pregnancy memory is one of the most impaired cognitive functions. Although long-term aspects of memory have been investigated, other aspects of memory have not yet been explored (i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Mental rotation ability has an important role in human navigation and, together with other cognitive abilities such as processing speed, working memory, and attention, is crucial for aircraft navigation. In the human performance literature, mental rotation tasks have consistently yielded reports of gender differences favoring men. The aim of this study was to compare the gender difference measured in a specialized population of aviators vs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAviat Space Environ Med
December 2011
Introduction: Cerebral vascular response via local and reflex adjustments is part of the integrated response to hypoxia and is coupled with changes in systemic vascular resistances that allow a redistribution of blood flow toward the brain. The cerebral vascular response in airmen exposed to simulated high altitude is not clear, thus we sought to investigate this aspect.
Methods: Four healthy military airmen were exposed to simulated high altitude in a hypobaric chamber according to a standard training protocol.
Perception of the subjective visual vertical (SVV) is mainly based on the contributions from the visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems, and participates to the process of spatial orientation in relation to the surrounding environment and to the gravito-inertial force. The SVV can be significantly influenced by the presence of a displaced visual field, as in the case of the rod and frame test (RFT). A series of studies showed the effects of haematic mass shifts to and from the lower limbs on SVV, due to visceral mechanoreceptors (VM) located at the level of the kidneys and of the thorax.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of the study is to evaluate if occupational exposure to urban stressors could cause alterations in luteinizing hormone (LH) plasma levels in male traffic policemen vs. administrative staff of Municipal Police.After excluding the subjects with the main confounding factors, male traffic police and administrative staff of Municipal Police were matched by age, working life, body mass index (BMI), alcohol drinking habit, cigarette smoking habit and habitual consumption of Italian coffee.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of the study is to evaluate if occupational exposure to urban stressors could cause alterations in red blood cells (RBC), hemoglobin (HGB), hematocrit (HCT), mean cell volume (MCV), mean cell hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentrations (MCHC) in traffic police compared to a control group. 694 subjects were included in the study: 347 traffic police and 347 controls matched by sex, age and length of service after excluding the subjects with the principal confounding factors. The levels of RBC, HGB, HCT were significantly higher in male (respectively p<0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The purpose of our study was to evaluate the effects of urban pollution on the lipid balance of members of a municipal police force in a big city.
Subjects And Methods: Our case-control study comprised 118 male members of the police force performing traffic duties, and 118 blood donors who perform office work, and was paired by age and length of service. Total cholesterol, HDL and triglycerides were studied.
Int Arch Occup Environ Health
October 2006
Objective: The aim of the study is to evaluate whether the occupational exposure to urban pollutants including endocrine disruptors (EDs) could cause alterations in plasma 17-beta-estradiol (E2) levels and related diseases (adverse pregnancy outcome and mental health disorders) in female traffic police compared to a control group.
Methods: After excluding the subjects with the principal confounding factors, traffic police and controls were matched by age, years of police work, age of menarche, menstrual cycle day, body mass index (BMI), drinking habit, cigarette smoking habit, habitual intake of soy or liquorice in diet and habitual consumption of Italian coffee. Thirty-seven traffic police and 31 controls (seventh day; follicular phase of the ovarian cycle); 38 traffic police and 42 controls (14th day; ovulatory phase of the ovarian cycle); and 25 traffic police and 28 controls (21st day; lutheal phase of the ovarian cycle) were included in the study and then matched for the above-mentioned variables.
The role of occupational exposure to noise as a hypertension risk factor has not been established sufficiently. The aim of the study is to evaluate whether chronic exposure to different levels of noise in two groups of pilots, operating with two types of aircraft, could be a risk for hypertension, what relevance the parameters (intensity, duration and type) of exposure can have and, lastly, whether there are any links between hearing impairment and hypertension. After excluding pilots with confounding factors, a study was made of 77 male pilots of turboprop planes (group A) and 224 male pilots of jet aircraft (group B), matched by age and working life.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether traffic police of a big city who are exposed to urban pollutants are at risk to alterations in plasma insulin concentrations compared with controls.
Methods: The class of workers examined in this study were employees of the municipal police in Rome, Italy. The study was carried out during the period March-April 2001.
The aim of the study is to investigate whether traffic policemen exposed to urban pollutants and psycho-social stressors may be at risk of modifications in serum levels of immunoglobulins G antibodies (IgG Ab) against Herpes Simplex Virus (type1) (HSV-1) compared with controls. Traffic policemen were matched by sex, age, working life and drinking habits (less than two glasses of wine or beer per day) with controls, after excluding the subjects with the principal confounding factors (smoking habit, use of paints, solvents, pesticides and drinking habits). Were included in the study 125 traffic policemen (54 men and 71 women) with outdoor activity and 125 controls (54 men and 71 women) with indoor activity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of the study is to evaluate, by ambulatory (24 h) blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), whether police officers exposed to urban pollutants and possible psycho-social stressors could be at risk of changes in ambulatory systolic blood pressure (SBP), and ambulatory diastolic blood pressure (DBP) compared to controls. After excluding the principal confounding factors, police officers and controls have been subdivided into non-smoker and smoker subjects. Police officers were compared by sex, age, length of service, family history of cardiovascular disease, serum total cholesterol, serum HDL cholesterol, serum LDL cholesterol, plasma triglyceride, body mass index (BMI kg/m (2)) and drinking habits with controls.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of present study is to evaluate whether traffic policemen exposed to urban pollutants and possible psycho-social stressors could be at risk of alterations on plasma insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) levels compared to a control group. Out of a population of 395 Municipal Police employees, the subjects with principal confounding factors (cigarette smoking habits, drinking habits, oral contraceptives being taken, use of paints, solvents and pesticides) were excluded from the study. The remaining traffic policemen were matched with those not exposed by sex, age and length of service; 49 traffic policemen (22 men and 27 women) with outdoor activity exposed to urban pollutants and 49 not exposed subjects (22 men and 27 women) with indoor activity were included in the study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of this study is to evaluate whether traffic police exposed to urban pollutants could be at risk of changes on proliferative response of blood lympho-monocytes to the mitogen phytohemagglutinin (PHA) compared to a control group. Traffic police were matched with controls by sex, age, length of service, drinking habits and smoking habits after excluding main confounding factors. So, 77 traffic police exposed to urban pollutants (43 men and 34 women) and 77 controls with indoor activity (43 men and 34 women) were included in the study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAccording to the literature, various occupational and environmental stressors may cause alterations in serotonin (5-HT) turnover and in its principal metabolite, 5-hydroxy-3-indoleacetic acid (5-HIAA). The aim of this study is to evaluate whether traffic police exposed to urban pollutants and possible psycho-social stressors could be at risk of alterations in urinary 5-HIAA in 24 hours (5-HIAA[U]) compared with a control group. After the main non-occupational confounding factors were excluded, 5-HIAA(U) excretion was investigated in 140 employees of a municipal police force: 70 traffic police with outdoor activity that exposed them to urban pollutants and 70 administrative workers with indoor activity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng
March 2004
The aim of this study was to evaluate whether traffic policemen exposed to urban pollutants could be at risk of alterations on urinary homovanillic acid in 24h HVA(U) excretion levels, an end product of dopamine catabolism, compared with a control group. Traffic policemen were matched by sex, age, and working life with control group after excluding principal confounding factors; 50 traffic policemen (29 men and 21 women) with outdoor activity exposed to urban pollutants and 50 not exposed subjects (29 men and 21 women) with indoor activity were included in the study. The HVA(U) excretion levels were significantly higher in male and female traffic policemen compared to not exposed subjects (respectively P=0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Health Res
February 2004
The study's objective has been to evaluate whether urban pollution, here nickel compounds and metallic nickel (Ni) are present, could determine serum concentrations of the above mentioned metal. Out of a population of 394 Municipal Police employees, subjects with main confounding factors were eliminated. The remaining subjects were made comparable for sex, age, and length of employment.
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