Publications by authors named "Emoke Fulop"

Background: Synchronous occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) is extremely rare.

Case: A 67-year-old male was admitted to the hospital with hemoperitoneum caused by a liver mass rupture and elevated serum liver enzymes. Abdominal magnetic resonance imaging revealed a solid mass, with 38 mm in maximum diameter, located in the fifth/sixth segments of the liver, suggesting an HCC.

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Diabetes is a serious pathology that affects a significant number of people worldwide. Its progression is rapid and leads to serious complications if glycemic control is missing. The micro and macrovascular complications of diabetes produce disabilities over time that affect the daily lives of patients.

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Generalized arterial calcification of infancy (GACI) is an extremely rare autosomal recessive condition characterized by the storage of calcium at the level of internal elastic membrane of arteries. The main consequences are intimal fibrous thickening and arterial occlusion. We present the case of a preterm male infant, born from an improperly dispensed pregnancy.

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Unlabelled: Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: A kiégés olyan mentális, érzelmi és fizikai tünetcsoport, amely krónikus stressz, érzelmi megterhelés hatására lép fel. A kiégés szakirodalma széles, a külső és az intrapszichés oki tényezők népszerű kutatási területté váltak.

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Background: A collecting duct carcinoma is a very rare, malignant renal epithelial tumor. Distant metastases are present in one third of cases at the time of diagnosis. It is known to have a poor prognosis.

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Gastric cancer remains the third leading cause of mortality from cancer worldwide and carries a poor prognosis, due largely to late diagnosis. The importance of the interaction between () infection, the main risk factor, and host-related genetic factors has been studied intensively in recent years. The genetic predisposition for non-hereditary gastric cancer is difficult to assess, as neither the real prevalence of premalignant gastric lesions in various populations nor the environmental risk factors for cancer progression are clearly defined.

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In the modern oncology care the subject of quality of life has an emphasized importance. In our research we assessed aspects which may predict the quality of life. We hypothesized that after controlling the demographical and some medical factors, psychological distress and illness representations would have significant roles as predictors.

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Unlabelled: The aim of this study is to analyze the immunoexpression of Ki67, p53, MCM3 and PCNA markers in epithelial remnants of dental follicles of impacted teeth and to identify a possible correlation between the immunoexpression of these markers in dentigerous cysts and keratocystic odontogenic tumors in order to evaluate their evolutionary behavior.

Materials And Methods: A total of 102 cases were included in the study and divided into three subgroups: the first subgroup consisted of 62 cases with dental follicles of impacted teeth, the second included 20 cases of dentigerous cysts and the third subgroup comprised a number of 20 cases with keratocystic odontogenic tumors. Immunomarking with the four antibodies was performed.

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The results of epidemiological researches are alarming. It is anticipated that in the next few decades the number of patients suffering from malignant tumours will double. Caring for patients with cancer sets a serious challenge to the health services - not only to the oncology specialists, but among the others also to the psychiatrists and the psychologists.

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Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are the most frequent mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Major advances in their definition and classification and the understanding of their molecular mechanisms have recently been made. These advances have become a model of targeted therapy in oncology.

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Authors analyse questions of medical evacuation of the psychotic patient from abroad to homeland. This task can be considered the most difficult problem for the attending physician and the escorting medical team as well. The main challenge is to recognise the psychotic patient in a foreign country with a different health-care system and to overcome the language barrier and the different cultural background.

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Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are the most frequent mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Major advances in their definition and classification and the understanding of their molecular mechanisms have recently been made. These advances have become a model of targeted therapy in oncology.

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