Publications by authors named "Emmanuella Joseph"

Introduction: Supracondylar fractures are among the most common injuries in the pediatric population. Recently, there has been increased interest in developing opioid-free anesthetic protocols that achieve these same goals without the risks associated with opioid use, such as postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), delayed discharges, and respiratory depression.

Methods: Seattle Children's Hospital implemented opioid-free anesthesia (OFA) for pediatric supracondylar fracture repairs in January 2021.

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The excision of distal digital glomus tumors has traditionally been performed directly over the involved nail bed. This can lead to nail deformities that are often unacceptable for the surgeon and the patient. The authors describe their experience with successful excision of digital glomus tumors using a lateral subperiosteal approach, which creates a dorsal flap.

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Purpose: To assess long-term results and complications of cancellous bone graft taken from the distal radius.

Methods: A total of 1670 cases of bone graft taken from the distal radius for various indications were reviewed retrospectively. The patients were evaluated for success of bone grafting and for the following complications: fracture through donor site, local infection, DeQuervain's tenosynovitis, and neuroma of the superficial radial nerve.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to review the results of 800 scaphotrapeziotrapezoid fusions performed over a 27-year period.

Methods: The patients were evaluated for postoperative range of motion, grip and pinch strength, pain, return to work, arthritis, and complications.

Results: The overall range of motion was 70% to 80% of the nonoperated side and strength was 69% to 89%.

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