Publications by authors named "Emmanuel Fort"

Objectives: In this multi-center cross-sectional study, we compared substance use patterns (SUPs) between patients with narcolepsy type 1 (NT1) and controls, and investigated, among patients, factors associated with the consumption of the main psychoactive substances.

Methods: Adult patients with NT1 and controls completed questionnaires about tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis use patterns. Unadjusted bivariable then multivariate analyses (adjusted for sex, age, education, family status, and depression) were performed to compare SUPs between controls and patients, and to explore socio-demographic, psycho-behavioral, and clinical determinants of consumptions.

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Study Objectives: This multi-center comparative cross-sectional study aimed to describe educational and occupational pathways, quantify effort/reward imbalance at work and identify factors associated with professional prognosis in patients with narcolepsy type 1 (NT1).

Methods: Adult patients with NT1 and controls answered online questionnaires (Epworth sleepiness Scale, Beck Depression Inventory II, Siegrist questionnaire, Adult Self-Report, and a questionnaire on academic and professional trajectories) and were compared using sex- and age-adjusted logistic regressions. Clinical, demographic and psycho-social factors associated with patients' professional prognosis, as assessed by a composite score based on occupational-related outcomes, were explored with a generalized linear model.

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  • Substance misuse among healthcare residents in a French city is linked to environmental factors, especially working conditions and social support.
  • An online survey revealed high rates of substance misuse, with over half showing alcohol misuse and notable differences in misuse based on residency specialty.
  • Low social support at work increases the risk of illicit drug use, while working long hours did not have a significant association with substance misuse.
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Introduction: According to the 2018-2019 People Mobility Survey, work-related journeys (commuting and on-duty journeys) account for approximately 25% of all journeys. The use of non-motorised (nm) and motorised (m) personal mobility devices (PMDs) has steadily increased since their introduction into the French market in the last decade.

Objective: This study aimed to describe the characteristics of work-related road accidents and their evolution since the introduction of new PMDs in France and the increase in the use of scooters.

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Background: In a working environment that is predominantly male, very tough physically, with a difficult working environment, occupational exposures and working, verbal and physical aggression can be more frequent than in other sectors. Fishing, merchant shipping and yachting are all sectors where fitness to sail is reassessed every year by doctors in the Seafarers' Health Service. Seafarers are increasingly reporting insulting, violent or sexist behaviour.

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Introduction: The occupational road-accident risk on public roads and the work conditions for professional driving is still an important issue in occupational health despite lower road-accident rates. This study presents the evolution over time of the work-related constraints for these employees based on the Sumer surveys carried out in 2003, 2010 and 2017.

Method: Data from the 2010 and 2017 surveys were restricted to match the scope of the 2003 survey in order to enable prevalence data to be compared in equivalent populations.

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Introduction: The mental health of residents is a growing significant concern, particularly with respect to hospital and university training conditions. Our goal was to assess the professional, academic, and psychological determinants of the mental health status of all residents of the academy of Lyon, France.

Materials And Methods: The Health Barometer of Lyon Subdivision Residents (BASIL) is an initiative which consists in proposing a recurrent online survey to all residents in medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry, belonging to the Lyon subdivision.

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Localisation microscopy of individual molecules allows one to bypass the diffraction limit, revealing cellular organisation on a nanometric scale. This method, which relies on spatial analysis of the signal emitted by molecules, is often limited to the observation of biological objects at shallow depths, or with very few aberrations. The introduction of a temporal parameter into the localisation process through a time-modulated excitation was recently proposed to address these limitations.

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Background: The endocrine-disrupting effects of phytopharmaceutical active substances (PAS) on human health are a public health concern. The CIPATOX-PE database, created in 2018, listed the PAS authorized in France between 1961 and 2014 presenting endocrine-disrupting effects for humans according to data from official international organizations. Since the creation of CIPATOX-PE, European regulations have changed, and new initiatives identifying substances with endocrine-disrupting effects have been implemented and new PAS have been licensed.

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Introduction: Few studies are available on the health status of doctoral students. This position at the border between university studies and a professional activity presents specific risk factors, especially in terms of psychosocial constraints. The lockdowns implemented worldwide to control the COVID-19 pandemic are potentially worsening factors.

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Damping is usually associated with irreversibility. Here, we present a counterintuitive concept to achieve time reversal of waves propagating in a lossless medium using a transitory dissipation pulse. Applying a sudden and strong damping in a limited time generates a time-reversed wave.

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  • Traffic road crashes are a major cause of workplace fatalities, with a specific focus on commuting accidents, which are less studied.
  • This study aimed to analyze the incidence of commuting accidents among non-physician professionals at a French university hospital over five years, considering factors like gender and job category.
  • Findings revealed a significant variation in accident rates across job categories, with service agents and auxiliary nurses having a higher risk compared to administrative staff, potentially linked to work-related fatigue and long commutes.
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The control of wave propagation based on refraction principles offers unparalleled possibilities as shown by the striking example of optics. This approach is unfortunately limited for water waves as it relies mainly on variations of the liquid depth which, while controlling the wave velocity, also trigger nonlinearities and damping. In this article, we show experimentally that electrostriction allows to implement extensive refraction-based control of water waves in a precise and contactless manner.

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Background: Diffuse interstitial lung diseases (ILD) constitute a heterogeneous group of conditions with complex etiological diagnoses requiring a multidisciplinary approach. Much is still unknown about them, particularly their relationship with occupational exposures. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the distribution of occupational exposures according to type of ILD.

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  • - The study examined the occurrence and reporting of occupational blood and body fluid exposures (OBBFEs) among medical staff in university hospitals in France.
  • - Out of 1,228 respondents, 292 reported at least one OBBFE, with a significant portion being under-reporters (70.2%) or non-reporters (53.8%), particularly among younger staff and those in surgical specialties.
  • - The findings indicate a persistent issue of underreporting and suggest that the current reporting procedure for OBBFEs needs to be simplified and re-evaluated.
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Objectives: To assess the mental health and working constraints perception of first-year PhD in France.

Design: It is a cross-sectional study.

Setting: The study was conducted by the team of the Lyon 1 University's Occupational Health and Medical Service for Staff, from October 2019 to February 2020.

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The International Agency for Research on Cancer established a causal link between asbestos exposure and ovarian cancer. However, the exposure frequency and histological characteristics of asbestos-associated ovarian cancers remain to be investigated in detail. This multicenter case-case study assessed the asbestos exposure in ovarian carcinoma (OC) patients, alongside its association with histological subtype.

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Nursing homes were particularly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to evaluate qualitatively and quantitatively with the use of a self-reported questionnaire as a tool for screening for mental disorders in nursing home staff. A multicenter epidemiological study was conducted in 12 nursing homes in France with 1117 nursing home staff eligible.

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Here, we study and implement the temporal analog in time disordered sytems. A spatially homogeneous medium is endowed with a time structure composed of randomly distributed temporal interfaces. This is achieved through electrostriction between water surface and an electrode.

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Time varying media recently emerged as promising candidates to fulfill the dream of controlling the wave frequency without nonlinear effects. However, frequency conversion remains limited by the dynamics of the variations of the propagation properties. Here we propose a new concept of space-time cascade to achieve arbitrary large frequency shifts by iterated elementary transformation steps.

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Structured illumination in single-molecule localization microscopy provides new information on the position of molecules and thus improves the localization precision compared to standard localization methods. Here, we used a time-shifted sinusoidal excitation pattern to modulate the fluorescence signal of the molecules whose position information is carried by the phase and recovered by synchronous demodulation. We designed two flexible fast demodulation systems located upstream of the camera, allowing us to overcome the limiting camera acquisition frequency and thus to maximize the collection of photons in the demodulation process.

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Gravity shapes liquids and plays a crucial role in their internal balance. Creating new equilibrium configurations irrespective of the presence of a gravitational field is challenging with applications on Earth as well as in zero-gravity environments. Vibrations are known to alter the shape of liquid interfaces and also to change internal dynamics and stability in depth.

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Background: Whereas an increased risk of road traffic crashes has been highlighted as linked to some medicine consumptions, there is no available data on this risk according to the type of journey (private, commuting or mission). Drivers on occupational journey (commuting or mission) are likely to have different coping behaviors related to the use of medicines than drivers on private journey. The aim of our study was to investigate the association between exposure to ten classes of medicines and the risk of being responsible for a road traffic crash according to the type of journey (private, commuting or mission).

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An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.

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