Significance: Functional vision, as evaluated with silent passage reading speed, improves after anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) treatment in patients with wet age-related macular antidegeneration (wAMD), reflecting primarily a concomitant reduction in the number of fixations. Implementing eye movement analysis when reading may better characterize the effectiveness of therapeutic approaches in wAMD.
Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate silent reading performance by means of eye fixation analysis before and after anti-VEGF treatment in wAMD patients.
Clinical Relevance: Reading performance in clinical practice is commonly evaluated by reading 'aloud' and 'as fast as possible' single sentences. Assessing comprehensive silent reading performance using passages, composed of multiple sentences, is the preferred reading mode in real-life reading conditions.
Background: The purpose of this study was to compare eye movement-based silent reading performance for standardised short sentences and paragraphs.
Affective state estimation is a research field that has gained increased attention from the research community in the last decade. Two of the main catalysts for this are the advancement in the data analysis using artificial intelligence and the availability of high-quality video. Unfortunately, benchmarks and public datasets are limited, thus making the development of new methodologies and the implementation of comparative studies essential.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Many activities of daily living rely on reading, thus is not surprising that complaints from presbyopes originate in reading difficulties rather in visual acuity. Here, the effectiveness of presbyopia correction with multifocal contact lenses (CLs) is evaluated using an eye-fixation based method of silent reading performance. ΜETHODS: Visual performance of thirty presbyopic volunteers (age: 50 ± 5 yrs) was assessed monocularly and binocularly following 15 days of wear of monthly disposable CLs (AIR OPTIX™ plus HydraGlyde™, Alcon Laboratories) with: (a) single vision (SV) lenses - uncorrected for near (b) aspheric multifocal (MF) CLs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To re-examine the changes with time in the underlying patterns of individual refraction at different ages, which have led to an increased prevalence of myopia in a population of Asian children.
Methods: Using published cross-sectional longitudinal data, the frequency distributions of spherical equivalent refractive error (SE) in yearly cohorts of 6- and 12-year-old Japanese children during the period 1984-1996 were modelled in terms of ex- and bi-Gaussian distributions.
Results: Both models suggested that over the period of the study, little change occurred in the SE frequency distributions for 6-year-olds, with most children having SEs near emmetropia.
Comput Methods Programs Biomed
September 2022
Background And Objective: The cognitive workload is an important component in performance psychology, ergonomics, and human factors. Publicly available datasets are scarce, making it difficult to establish new approaches and comparative studies. In this work, COLET-COgnitive workLoad estimation based on Eye-Tracking dataset is presented.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDiabetic Retinopathy is a retina disease caused by diabetes mellitus and it is the leading cause of blindness globally. Early detection and treatment are necessary in order to delay or avoid vision deterioration and vision loss. To that end, many artificial-intelligence-powered methods have been proposed by the research community for the detection and classification of diabetic retinopathy on fundus retina images.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEye behaviour provides valuable information revealing one's higher cognitive functions and state of affect. Although eye tracking is gaining ground in the research community, it is not yet a popular approach for the detection of emotional and cognitive states. In this paper, we present a review of eye and pupil tracking related metrics (such as gaze, fixations, saccades, blinks, pupil size variation, etc.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSignificance: This article evaluates the standardized Greek version of the International Reading Speed Texts (IReST) set, which enriches interlanguage comparisons and international clinical studies of reading performance. Moreover, it investigates how specific textual and subject-related characteristics modulate the variability of reading speed across texts and readers.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a standardized Greek version of the IReST set and investigate how specific textual and subject-related factors modulate the variability of reading speed across texts and readers.