Clinical Relevance: Refractive and ocular motor anomalies may be more prevalent among autistic adults without learning disabilities, compared to a non-autistic clinical population. In line with current guidance, optometrists should exclude these anomalies prior to prescribing tinted lenses.
Background: Autistic adults report various visual experiences with largely negative consequences on daily living.
Q J Exp Psychol (Hove)
March 2025
Combined action observation and motor imagery (AO + MI) can improve movement execution (ME) in healthy adults and certain patient populations. However, it is unclear how the specificity of the observation component during AO + MI influences ME. As generalised observation could result in more flexible AO + MI rehabilitation programmes, this study investigated whether observing typing of target words (specific condition) or non-matching words (general condition) during AO + MI would have different effects on keyboard typing in healthy young adults.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Motor Imagery (MI) is when an individual imagines performing an action without physically executing that action and is thought to involve similar neural processes used for execution of physical movement. As motor coordination difficulties are common in autistic individuals it is possible that these may affect MI ability. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the current knowledge around MI ability in autistic individuals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAutism Dev Lang Impair
January 2024
Background & Aims: Communicative and sensory differences are core autistic traits, yet speech-perception abilities and difficulties among autistic individuals remain poorly understood. Laboratory studies have produced mixed and inconclusive results, in part because of the lack of input from autistic individuals in defining the hypotheses and shaping the methods used in this field of research. Little in-depth qualitative research on autistic experiences of speech perception has been published, yet such research could form the basis for better laboratory research, for improved understanding of autistic experiences, and for the development of interventions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAction observation and imitation may facilitate movement in Parkinson's disease (PD). People with PD have been found to imitate intransitive actions similarly to neurologically healthy older adults, but their imitation of object-directed hand movements has not previously been investigated using kinematic measures. The present study examined observation and imitation of object-directed hand movements in 18 participants with PD and 21 neurologically healthy age-matched control participants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Autism Dev Disord
October 2024
Symmetry studies in autism are inconclusive possibly due to different types of stimuli used which depend on either local or global cues. Therefore, this study compared symmetry detection between 20 autistic and 18 non-autistic adults matched on age, IQ, gender and handedness, using contour integration tasks containing open and closed contours that rely more on local or global processing respectively. Results showed that the autistic group performed equally well with both stimuli and outperformed the non-autistic group only for the open contours, possibly due to a different strategy used in detecting symmetry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQ J Exp Psychol (Hove)
September 2024
It has been proposed that autistic people experience a temporal distortion whereby the temporal binding window of multisensory integration is extended. Research to date has focused on autistic children so whether these differences persist into adulthood remains unknown. In addition, the possibility that the previous observations have arisen from between-group differences in response bias, rather than perceptual differences, has not been addressed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAltered motor coordination is common in autistic individuals affecting a range of movements such as manual dexterity, eye-hand coordination, balance and gait. However, motor coordination is not routinely assessed leading to undiagnosed and untreated motor coordination difficulties, particularly in adults. Few studies have investigated motor coordination difficulties and their impact from the viewpoint of autistic people.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDifficulty initiating voluntary action is an under-recognized and often invisible impairment in various psychiatric, neurodevelopmental, and neurological conditions. Understanding the commonalities of volition impairments across diagnoses is limited by a lack of consistent terminology, arbitrary distinctions between conditions, the habit of looking only to the prevailing definitions and theories to explain observed traits, and the covert nature of initiation. The siloed approach to research in this area evokes the parable of the blind men and the elephant, where understanding the whole picture is impeded by a limited view.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAutism Dev Lang Impair
February 2022
Background And Aims: Humans communicate primarily through spoken language and speech perception is a core function of the human auditory system. Among the autistic community, atypical sensory reactivity and social communication difficulties are pervasive, yet the research literature lacks in-depth self-report data on speech perception in this population. The present study aimed to elicit detailed first-person accounts of autistic individuals' abilities and difficulties perceiving the spoken word.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClinical Relevance: It is important to investigate whether anxiety is a barrier to accessing eye examinations for autistic adults, because existing research suggests this population are more likely to develop ophthalmic abnormalities.
Background: Anxiety influences healthcare accessibility for autistic people without learning disabilities. Previous qualitative studies by the research team, with a small sample of autistic adults, have indicated several aspects of eyecare services which cause anxiety.
It has previously been proposed that autistic people have problems with timing which underlie the behavioral and cognitive differences in the condition. However, the nature of this postulated timing issue has not been well specified and the existing experimental literature has generated mixed findings. In the current study, we attempted a systematic investigation of timing processes in autistic adults using scalar expectancy theory as a theoretical framework.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAction prediction involves observing and predicting the actions of others and plays an important role in social cognition and interacting with others. It is thought to use simulation, whereby the observers use their own motor system to predict the observed actions. As individuals diagnosed with autism are characterized by difficulties understanding the actions of others and motor coordination issues, it is possible that action prediction ability is altered in this population.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Speech Lang Hear Res
September 2021
Purpose Visual cues from a speaker's face may benefit perceptual adaptation to degraded speech, but current evidence is limited. We aimed to replicate results from previous studies to establish the extent to which visual speech cues can lead to greater adaptation over time, extending existing results to a real-time adaptation paradigm (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Parkinson's disease (PD) causes difficulties with hand movements, which few studies have addressed therapeutically. Training with action observation (AO) and motor imagery (MI) improves performance in healthy individuals, particularly when the techniques are applied simultaneously (AO + MI). Both AO and MI have shown promising effects in people with PD, but previous studies have only used these separately.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study, called for by autistic people and led by an autistic researcher, is the first to explore 'autistic inertia,' a widespread and often debilitating difficulty acting on their intentions. Previous research has considered initiation only in the context of social interaction or experimental conditions. This study is unique in considering difficulty initiating tasks of any type in real life settings, and by gathering qualitative data directly from autistic people.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough previous research has investigated altered sensory reactivity in autistic individuals, there has been no specific focus on visual sensory experiences, particularly in adults. Using qualitative methods, this study aimed to characterize autistic visual sensory symptoms, contextualize their impact and document any associated coping strategies. A total of 18 autistic adults took part in four focus groups which involved questions around visual experiences, the impact of these on daily life, and strategies for their reduction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAtten Percept Psychophys
August 2021
Selective attention to a sensory modality has been observed experimentally in studies of the modality-shift effect - a relative performance benefit for targets preceded by a target in the same modality, compared to a different modality. Differences in selective attention are commonly observed in autism and we investigated whether exogenous (automatic) shift costs between modalities are increased. Autistic adults and neurotypical controls made speeded discrimination responses to simple visual, tactile and auditory targets.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMany everyday activities require us to organise our behaviours with respect to time. There is some evidence that autistic children have problems with how they perceive and understand time. However, little is currently known about this, or the ways in which behaviours related to time are impacted in daily life.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAction observation and imitation have been found to influence movement in people with Parkinson's disease (PD), but simple visual stimuli can also guide their movement. To investigate whether action observation may provide a more effective stimulus than other visual cues, the present study examined the effects of observing human pointing movements and simple visual stimuli on hand kinematics and eye movements in people with mild to moderate PD and age-matched controls. In Experiment 1, participants observed videos of movement sequences between horizontal positions, depicted by a simple cue with or without a moving human hand, then imitated the sequence either without further visual input (consecutive task) or while watching the video again (concurrent task).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlongside difficulties with communication and social interaction, autism is often accompanied by unusual sensory and perceptual experiences including enhanced visual performance on tasks that involve separating local parts from global context. This superiority may be the result of atypical integrative processing, involving feedback and lateral connections between visual neurons. The current study investigated the integrity of these connections in autistic adults by examining two psychophysics tasks that rely on these processes - collinear facilitation and contour integration.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAutism is a developmental condition currently identified by experts using observation, interview, and questionnaire techniques and primarily assessing social and communication deficits. Motor function and movement imitation are also altered in autism and can be measured more objectively. In this study, motion and eye tracking data from a movement imitation task were combined with supervised machine learning methods to classify 22 autistic and 22 non-autistic adults.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAutism Policy Pract
September 2019
There has been growing awareness of the concern expressed by autism communities that the majority of research conducted does not reflect the priorities or needs of autistic people and their families. Further, many autistic people report that they feel unable to influence research and desire greater involvement in the research process. Our research generated practical guidelines for researchers to consider when conducting autism research, in order to increase involvement, collaboration and trust between researchers and the autism community.
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