Objective: The aims of this multi-center study were to describe the characteristics of children receiving long-term home mechanical ventilation (HMV) in İstanbul and to compare the patients receiving non-invasive and invasive ventilation.
Material And Methods: This cross-sectional multicenter study included all children receiving long-term HMV followed by admission to six tertiary hospitals. The data were collected between May 2020 and May 2021.
Introduction: The number of children requiring long-term invasive home ventilation (LTIHV) has increased worldwide in recent decades. The training of physicians caring for these children is crucial since they are at high risk for complications and adverse events. This study aimed to assess the efficacy of a comprehensive high-fidelity simulation-based training program for physicians caring for children on LTIHV.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Children with tracheostomies are at increased risk of tracheostomy-related complications and require extra care. Standardized training programs for caregivers can improve tracheostomy care and reduce complications. In this study, we compared caregiver knowledge and skill scores after a standardized theoretical and practical training program on tracheostomy care (IStanbul PAediatric Tracheostomy (ISPAT) project) immediately and 1 year post-training and evaluated how this training affected the children's clinical outcomes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Tracheostomy care in children may be challenging, due to lack of knowledge of healthcare providers (HCPs). The aim of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of HCP who follow patients with tracheostomy and to increase this level with theoretical training and training in a simulation laboratory.
Materials And Methods: ISPAT (IStanbul PAediatric Tracheostomy), a multidisciplinary team for tracheostomy care was established and a training program was prepared.
Background: Tracheostomy-related morbidity and mortality mainly occur due to decannulation, misplacement, or obstruction of the tube. A standardized training can improve the skills and confidence of the caregivers in tracheostomy care (TC).
Objective: Our primary aim was to evaluate the efficiency of standardized training program on the knowledge and skills (changing-suctioning the tracheostomy tube) of the participants regarding TC.
Pediatr Pulmonol
September 2021
Introduction: Flexible bronchoscopy (FB) is frequently used for assessment and treatment of patients with respiratory diseases. Our aim was to investigate the contribution of FB to diagnosis and therapy in children admitted to the intensive care units (ICU) and to evaluate the safety of FB in this vulnerable population.
Methods: Children less than 18 years of age who underwent FB in the five neonatal and pediatric ICUs in Istanbul between July 1st, 2015 and July 1st, 2020 were included to the study.
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol
April 2021
Introduction: Children with tracheostomy have an increased risk of bacterial colonization and infection of the lower respiratory tracts. This study aimed to investigate the effects of nebulized antibiotics on the bacterial load, the need for oral antibiotics, the number of hospitalizations, and the length of stay in the intensive care unit in tracheotomised children with persistent colonization.
Methods: Children with tracheostomy and persistent bacterial colonization who were started on nebulized antibiotic therapy after a lower respiratory tract infection were included in the study.
Advances in medical care and supportive care options have contributed to the survival of children with complex disorders, including children with chronic lung disease. By delivering a positive pressure or a volume during the patient's inspiration, NIV is able to reverse nocturnal alveolar hypoventilation in patients who experience hypoventilation during sleep, such as patients with chronic lung disease. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a common complication of prematurity, and despite significant advances in neonatal care over recent decades its incidence has not diminished.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Due to advances in technology, home ventilation in children has increased in recent years. The provision of proper care for a home-ventilated (HV) child can have a strong impact on the lifestyle of caregivers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the depression and anxiety levels of the mothers of HV children during the current COVID-19 pandemic and compare them to those of mothers of healthy peers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Chest physiotherapy (CP) is a recommended treatment modality in primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD).
Objective: Primary aim was to compare the efficacy and safety of the conventional chest physiotherapy (CCP) and oscillatory positive expiratory pressure therapy (OPEPT). Secondary aims were to compare the exacerbation rate, time until the first exacerbation, patient compliance and comfort between the two CP methods.
Behçet's disease (BD) is a rare autoimmune and chronic inflammatory vasculitis, characterized by relapsing episodes of oral aphthous and genital ulcers, skin lesions, ocular lesions and vascular involvement. Pulmonary artery involvement is rare in BD but it carries a high mortality risk. In this article, we report a 15-year-old male patient presented with a two-month history of hemoptysis, cough, fewer and weight loss.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The prevalence of non-cystic fibrosis (CF) bronchiectasis is increasing in both developed and developing countries in recent years. Although the main features remain similar, etiologies seem to change. Our aim was to evaluate the clinical and laboratory characteristics of our recent non-CF bronchiectasis patients and to compare these with our historical cohort in 2001.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPediatr Pulmonol
September 2020
Introduction: Bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) is mainly caused by infections and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). This study aimed to investigate the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of children with BO compared to the healthy children and also to assess the HRQOL according to the etiology.
Methods: Postinfectious (group 1) and post-HSCT BO (group 2) patients and healthy children were included in the study.
Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) genotyping has garnered increased attention since the discovery of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene in 1989 led to the identification of over 1700 mutations on chromosome 7. Yet, little is known about the genetic profile of CF patients in Turkey. This study sought to determine the mutation distribution among CF patients seeking care at Marmara University.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArch Argent Pediatr
February 2018
Idiopathic pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis (IPPFE) is a rare disorder recently included in rare idiopathic interstitial pneumonias according to the updated American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society classification. IPPFE is characterized by pleural and subpleural parenchymal fibrosis causing volume loss predominantly in the upper lung lobes. Age of onset is variable, IPPFE mainly occurs in third and fourth decades.
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