Aim Of The Study: In the face of non fully correctable renal anemia in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) injecting erythropoetin subcutaneously by themselves, we compared the effectiveness of renal anemia compensation as well as potentially positive influence on the clinical course of CAPD erythropoietin alpha (EPOalpha) given intravenously 1 or 2 times weekly, by PD-nurse at patients home with the same protocol of erythropoietin beta (EPObeta) given subcutaneously by patient himself or by family helper.
Material And Methods: There were 2 groups of CAPD patients qualified in years 2003-2005 to the 6 months study. Group 1 consisted of 12 patients who were receiving EPOalpha intravenously (7 women and 5 men; aged 57.