Background: Repetitive mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) can result in chronic visual dysfunction. G-protein receptor 110 (GPR110, ADGRF1) is the target receptor of N-docosahexaenoylethanolamine (synaptamide) mediating the anti-neuroinflammatory function of synaptamide. In this study, we evaluated the effect of an endogenous and a synthetic ligand of GPR110, synaptamide and (4Z,7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z,19Z)-N-(2-hydroxy-2-methylpropyl) docosa-4,7,10,13,16,19-hexaenamide (dimethylsynaptamide, A8), on the mTBI-induced long-term optic tract histopathology and visual dysfunction using Closed-Head Impact Model of Engineered Rotational Acceleration (CHIMERA), a clinically relevant model of mTBI.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To examine the contribution of pigment epithelium-derived factor receptor (PEDF-R) to the phagocytosis process. Previously, we identified PEDF-R, the protein encoded by the PNPLA2 gene, as a phospholipase A2 in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). During phagocytosis, RPE cells ingest abundant phospholipids and protein in the form of photoreceptor outer segment (POS) tips, which are then hydrolyzed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile astrocytes, the most abundant cells found in the brain, have many diverse functions, their role in the lysosomal storage disorder Gaucher disease (GD) has not been explored. GD, resulting from the inherited deficiency of the enzyme glucocerebrosidase and subsequent accumulation of glucosylceramide and its acylated derivative glucosylsphingosine, has both non-neuronopathic (GD1) and neuronopathic forms (GD2 and 3). Furthermore, mutations in GBA1, the gene mutated in GD, are an important risk factor for Parkinson's disease (PD).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGaucher disease (GD) is a rare lysosomal storage disorder caused by mutations in the gene, encoding the lysosome-resident glucocerebrosidase enzyme involved in the hydrolysis of glucosylceramide. The discovery of an association between mutations in and the development of synucleinopathies, including Parkinson disease, has directed attention to glucocerebrosidase as a potential therapeutic target for different synucleinopathies. These findings initiated an exponential growth in research and publications regarding the glucocerebrosidase enzyme.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInduced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have provided new opportunities to explore the cell biology and pathophysiology of human diseases, and the lysosomal storage disorder research community has been quick to adopt this technology. Patient-derived iPSC models have been generated for a number of lysosomal storage disorders, including Gaucher disease, Pompe disease, Fabry disease, metachromatic leukodystrophy, the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses, Niemann-Pick types A and C1, and several of the mucopolysaccharidoses. Here, we review the strategies employed for reprogramming and differentiation, as well as insights into disease etiology gleaned from the currently available models.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe discovery of a link between mutations in GBA1, encoding the lysosomal enzyme glucocerebrosidase, and the synucleinopathies directly resulted from the clinical recognition of patients with Gaucher disease with parkinsonism. Mutations in GBA1 are now the most common known genetic risk factor for several Lewy body disorders, and an inverse relationship exists between levels of glucocerebrosidase and oligomeric α-synuclein. While the underlying mechanisms are still debated, this complicated association is shedding light on the role of lysosomes in neurodegenerative disorders, demonstrating how insights from a rare disorder can direct research into the pathogenesis and therapy of seemingly unrelated common diseases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGaucher disease, the inherited deficiency of lysosomal glucocerebrosidase, is characterized by the presence of glucosylceramide-laden macrophages resulting from impaired digestion of aged erythrocytes or apoptotic leukocytes. Studies of macrophages from patients with type 1 Gaucher disease with genotypes N370S/N370S, N370S/L444P or N370S/c.84dupG revealed that Gaucher macrophages have impaired efferocytosis resulting from reduced levels of p67 and Rab7.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGlucocerebrosidase is a lysosomal hydrolase involved in the breakdown of glucosylceramide. Gaucher disease, a recessive lysosomal storage disorder, is caused by mutations in the gene GBA1 Dysfunctional glucocerebrosidase leads to accumulation of glucosylceramide and glycosylsphingosine in various cell types and organs. Mutations in GBA1 are also a common genetic risk factor for Parkinson disease and related synucleinopathies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Among the known genetic risk factors for Parkinson disease, mutations in GBA1, the gene responsible for the lysosomal disorder Gaucher disease, are the most common. This genetic link has directed attention to the role of the lysosome in the pathogenesis of parkinsonism. To study how glucocerebrosidase impacts parkinsonism and to evaluate new therapeutics, we generated induced human pluripotent stem cells from four patients with Type 1 (non-neuronopathic) Gaucher disease, two with and two without parkinsonism, and one patient with Type 2 (acute neuronopathic) Gaucher disease, and differentiated them into macrophages and dopaminergic neurons.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGaucher disease, the inherited deficiency of lysosomal glucocerebrosidase, is characterized by the presence of glucosylcer-amide macrophages, the accumulation of glucosylceramide in lysosomes and the secretion of inflammatory cytokines. However, the connection between this lysosomal storage and inflammation is not clear. Studying macrophages derived from peripheral monocytes from patients with type 1 Gaucher disease with genotype N370S/N370S, we confirmed an increased secretion of interleukins IL-1β and IL-6.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring autophagy, autophagosomes fuse with lysosomes to degrade damaged organelles and misfolded proteins. Breakdown products are released into the cytosol and contribute to energy and metabolic building block supply, especially during starvation. Lipophagy has been defined as the autophagy-mediated degradation of lipid droplets (LDs) by lysosomal acid lipase.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMacrophage (Houst)
January 2015
Gaucher disease is an inherited enzyme deficiency resulting in the lysosomal accumulation of specific glycolipids in macrophages and, in some cases, neurons. While current treatments are effective at reducing this glycolipid storage in macrophages, they are expensive and ineffective in treating neurological manifestations of the disease, driving the search for novel therapeutics. Moreover, mutations in , the gene implicated in Gaucher disease, are an important risk factor for the development of Parkinson disease and related disorders, an association that has further heightened interest in Gaucher disease research.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGaucher disease is caused by an inherited deficiency of glucocerebrosidase that manifests with storage of glycolipids in lysosomes, particularly in macrophages. Available cell lines modeling Gaucher disease do not demonstrate lysosomal storage of glycolipids; therefore, we set out to develop two macrophage models of Gaucher disease that exhibit appropriate substrate accumulation. We used these cellular models both to investigate altered macrophage biology in Gaucher disease and to evaluate candidate drugs for its treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The interactions of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and macrophages are hallmarks in the development of atherosclerosis. The biological activities of the modified particle in these cells are due to the content of lipid oxidation products and apolipoprotein modification by oxidized phospholipids.
Results: It was the aim of this study to determine the role of short-chain oxidized phospholipids as components of modified LDL in cultured macrophages.
Consistent with its central importance in lipid and energy homeostasis, lipolysis occurs in essentially all tissues and cell types, including macrophages. The hydrolytic cleavage of triacylglycerol by adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) generates non-esterified fatty acids, which are subsequently used as essential precursors for lipid and membrane synthesis, mediators in cell signaling processes or as energy substrate in mitochondria. This review summarizes the current knowledge concerning the consequences of ATGL deficiency in macrophages with particular emphasis on macrophage (dys)-function, apoptosis, and atherosclerosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTriacylglycerols (TG) are the major storage molecules of metabolic energy and fatty acids in several tissues. The final step in TG biosynthesis is catalyzed by acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) enzymes. Lack of whole body DGAT1 is associated with reduced lipid-induced inflammation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInfiltration of monocytes and macrophages into the site of inflammation is critical in the progression of inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis. Cell migration is dependent on the continuous organization of the actin cytoskeleton, which is regulated by members of the small Rho GTPase family (RhoA, Cdc42, Rac) that are also important for the regulation of signal transduction pathways. We have recently reported on reduced plaque formation in an atherosclerotic mouse model transplanted with bone marrow from adipose triglyceride lipase-deficient (Atgl-/-) mice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe directional migration of neutrophils towards inflammatory mediators, such as chemokines and cannabinoids, occurs via the activation of seven transmembrane G protein coupled receptors (7TM/GPCRs) and is a highly organized process. A crucial role for controlling neutrophil migration has been ascribed to the cannabinoid CB(2) receptor (CB(2)R), but additional modulatory sites distinct from CB(2)R have recently been suggested to impact CB(2)R-mediated effector functions in neutrophils. Here, we provide evidence that the recently de-orphanized 7TM/GPCR GPR55 potently modulates CB(2)R-mediated responses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProgrammed cell death of lipid-laden macrophages is a prominent feature of atherosclerotic lesions and mostly ascribed to accumulation of excess intracellular cholesterol. The present in vitro study investigated whether intracellular triacylglycerol (TG) accumulation could activate a similar apoptotic response in macrophages. To address this question, we utilized peritoneal macrophages isolated from mice lacking adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), the major enzyme responsible for TG hydrolysis in multiple tissues.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The consequences of macrophage triglyceride (TG) accumulation on atherosclerosis have not been studied in detail so far. Adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) is the rate-limiting enzyme for the initial step in TG hydrolysis. Because ATGL knockout (KO) mice exhibit massive TG accumulation in macrophages, we used ATGL KO mice to study the effects of macrophage TG accumulation on atherogenesis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMacrophage phagocytosis is an essential biological process in host defense and requires large amounts of energy. To date, glucose is believed to represent the prime substrate for ATP production in macrophages. To investigate the relative contribution of free fatty acids (FFAs) in this process, we determined the phagocytosis rates in normal mouse macrophages and macrophages of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL)-deficient mice.
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