Eur Phys J C Part Fields
August 2015
The mass of the eta(b)(1S), measured recently by the BABAR Collaboration, is significantly lower than expected from QCD predictions for the Upsilon(1S)-eta(b)(1S) hyperfine splitting. We suggest that the observed eta(b)(1S) mass is shifted downwards due to a mixing with a CP-odd Higgs boson A with a mass m(A) in the range 9.4-10.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider the fully constrained version of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model (cNMSSM) in which a singlet Higgs superfield is added to the two doublets that are present in the minimal extension (MSSM). Assuming universal boundary conditions at a high scale for the soft supersymmetry-breaking mass parameters as well as for the trilinear interactions, we find that the model is more constrained than the celebrated minimal supergravity model. The phenomenologically viable region in the parameter space of the cNMSSM corresponds to a small value for the universal scalar mass m_{0}: in this case, one single input parameter is sufficient to describe the model's phenomenology once constraints from collider data and cosmology are imposed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo evaluate the efficacy and safety of vindesine in patients with metastatic melanoma after complete metastasectomy. One hundred and forty-two patients with metastatic spread to regional sites, lymph nodes, and distant sites after complete metastasectomy were randomized to receive either treatment with vindesine for 2 years or observation alone. Vindesine 3 mg/m intravenously was administered biweekly for the first 26 weeks following 3-week intervals for an additional 26 weeks and thereafter every 4 weeks for 52 weeks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: More than half of patients with melanoma that has spread to regional lymph nodes develop recurrent disease within the first 3 years after surgery. The aim of the study was to improve disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) with interferon (IFN) alpha2a with or without dacarbazine (DTIC) compared with observation alone.
Patients And Methods: A total of 444 patients from 42 centers of the German Dermatologic Cooperative Oncology Group who had received a complete lymph node dissection for pathologically proven regional node involvement were randomized to receive either 3 MU s.
Background: Two drugs which are approved for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in women in Germany were compared with regard to their influence on hair growth.
Patients And Methods: Patients were randomized to group I (n = 52) who used 2% minoxidil solution twice daily for a period of 12 months or to group II (n = 51) who used 0.025% alfatradiol solution once daily for 6 months and were then switched to 2% minoxidil solution for months 7-12.
Background: Digital image analysis has been introduced into the diagnosis of skin lesions based on dermoscopic pictures.
Objectives: To develop a computer algorithm for the diagnosis of melanocytic lesions and to compare its diagnostic accuracy with the results of established dermoscopic classification rules.
Methods: In the Department of Dermatology, University of Tuebingen, Germany, 837 melanocytic skin lesions were prospectively imaged by a dermoscopy video system in consecutive patients.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol
November 2004
Background: The clinical history of a given pigmented lesion could influence the therapeutic decision. Teledermatology and automated image analysis also hold great potential for revolutionizing dermatology services.
Aim: The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of users with different experiences in dermoscopy with and without information about patients and their history compared with classification by an automated analysing system.
Purpose: The finding of melanoma cells in the peripheral blood, thus far mainly inferred from the PCR-based demonstration of tyrosinase mRNA, has been associated with metastatic melanoma. Neither the malignant nature nor the prognostic significance of circulating cells could be established. To address this question, we analyzed immunomagnetically isolated circulating melanoma cells for chromosomal aberrations and performed a clinical follow-up study of the enrolled patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMalignant melanomas of the skin are distinguished by their propensity for early metastatic spread via lymphatic vessels to regional lymph nodes, and lymph node metastasis is a major determinant for the staging and clinical management of melanoma. However, the importance of tumor-induced lymphangiogenesis for lymphatic melanoma spread has remained unclear. We investigated whether tumor lymphangiogenesis occurs in human malignant melanomas of the skin and whether the extent of tumor lymphangiogenesis may be related to the risk for lymph node metastasis and to patient survival, using double immunostains for the novel lymphatic endothelial marker LYVE-1 and for the panvascular marker CD31.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Cutaneous melanoma is the most aggressive form of skin carcinoma in humans, frequently with a rapid progression of disease. To detect early developing metastasis, laboratory tests to determine levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and alkaline phosphatase (AP) form part of the regular follow-up, but often cannot discover recurrent disease at a sufficiently early stage.
Methods: To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of protein S-100beta (S-100beta), melanoma-inhibitory activity (MIA), LDH, AP, and tyrosinase/MART-1 reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), the authors included 296 consecutive AJCC Stage II or III clinically disease-free melanoma patients.
Purpose: To prospectively examine and evaluate the results of follow-up procedures in a large cohort of cutaneous melanoma patients.
Patients And Methods: This was a prospective study in 2,008 consecutive patients with stage I to IV cutaneous melanoma from 1996 to 1998 on the yield of stage-appropriate follow-up examinations according to the German guidelines. Documentation of patient and follow-up data comprised patient demography, primary tumor specifics, and any clinical and technical examinations performed.
Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed
January 2003
The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term prognosis after insertion of 510 IMZ-implants in case of free-end situations of the upper and lower jaw and prosthodontic restoration. We examined 222 patients prospectively who were treated in a dental practice because of uni- or bilateral free-end situation between 1984 and 1996. Affected and crowned teeth which were neighbouring the implant-based suprastructure, were blocked with these by use of bridge-restorations or attachments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: It is known that two-thirds of patients who develop clinical metastases following treatment of a primary cutaneous melanoma initially present with locoregional metastases and one-third initially present with distant metastases. However, few reports in the literature give detailed figures on different metastatic pathways in cutaneous melanoma.
Objectives: The aim of the present study was to perform a detailed analysis of the different metastatic pathways, the time course of the development of metastases and the factors influencing them.
62 patients with a histologically confirmed diagnosis of cutaneous malignant melanoma were interviewed from 1996 to 1998. Lesions were found mostly on patients backs (30.6%) and they were noted most frequently because of a change in colour (darker) (50%) and increase in size (43.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn several phase II-trials encouraging tumour responses rates in advanced metastatic melanoma (stage IV; AJCC-classification) have been reported for the application of biochemotherapy containing interleukin 2. This study was designed to compare the efficacy of therapy with dacarbazine (DTIC) and interferon alpha (IFN-alpha) only to that of therapy with DTIC and IFN-alpha with the addition of interleukin 2 (IL-2) in terms of the overall survival time and rate of objective remissions and to provide an elaborated toxicity profile for both types of therapy. 290 patients were randomized to receive either DTIC (850 mg/m(2)every 28 days) plus IFN-alpha2a/b (3 MIU/m(2), twice on day 1, once daily from days 2 to 5; 5 MIU/m(2)3 times a week from week 2 to 4) with or without IL-2 (4.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Several authors have recommended adjuvant radiotherapy following resection of regional lymph node metastases in cutaneous malignant melanoma. There is, however, little evidence from controlled trials that patients benefit from this treatment.
Objectives: To evaluate the usefulness of adjuvant radiotherapy following resection of lymph node metastases in cutaneous malignant melanoma.
A number of recent reports suggest serum protein S100 as a prognostic parameter in patients with metastatic melanoma. In the present study, serum protein S100 was investigated as a tumour marker for screening for melanoma metastasis in patients attending regular follow-up examinations. During the period from September 1997 to December 1998, serum protein S100 levels were measured by an immunoluminometric assay in 411 consecutive high risk melanoma patients (666 samples) and in 120 control subjects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecent Results Cancer Res
March 2001
Conflicting results were obtained by various research groups using the tyrosinase reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for detecting melanoma cells circulating in peripheral blood. Whereas 100% positivity was initially reported for stage IV patients, more recent investigations reported positive detection rates between 30% and 50% in patients with disseminated melanoma. While the high detection rate initially reported in metastatic melanoma may be explained by contamination problems, methodological differences in different steps of the technical procedure of RT-PCR may account for the differences reported in more recent examinations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe prognostic value of the type of anaesthesia used for the excision of malignant tumours has been a subject of controversy. Cell-mediated as well as humoral immune responses can be compromised after general anaesthesia, and recurrences may therefore occur more frequently. On the other hand, excision of primary tumours under local anaesthesia might also influence the prognosis unfavourably.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHistopathologic parameters of the primary tumor, such as Breslow's tumor thickness and Clark's level of invasion are the current basis for prognostic classifications of primary cutaneous melanoma. Once patients develop regional node metastasis, histopathologic features of the primary melanoma no longer contribute significantly to survival prediction. In this tumor stage, the extent of lymph node involvement is the main prognostic factor.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFactors associated with the detection of cutaneous melanomas and reasons for delay in diagnosis were investigated in 429 patients with histologically proven melanoma operated on between January 1993 and June 1996. Patients were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire. In 25% of patients, treatment was delayed for more than 1 year from the time they first noticed a suspicious pigmented lesion.
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