Results of a search for physics beyond the Standard Model in events containing an energetic photon and large missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider are reported. As the number of events observed in data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb[Formula: see text] of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of [Formula: see text], is in agreement with the Standard Model expectations, model-independent limits are set on the fiducial cross section for the production of events in this final state.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEur Phys J C Part Fields
February 2017
Direct searches for lepton flavour violation in decays of the Higgs and bosons with the ATLAS detector at the LHC are presented. The following three decays are considered: [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], and [Formula: see text]. The searches are based on the data sample of proton-proton collisions collected by the ATLAS detector corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSome wildlife species are capable of surviving in urbanised environments. However, the implications of urbanisation on wildlife health, and public health regarding zoonoses, are often unknown. Quenda (syn.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Introduction The Public Health England (PHE; United Kingdom) Real-Time Syndromic Surveillance Team (ReSST) currently operates four national syndromic surveillance systems, including an emergency department system. A system based on ambulance data might provide an additional measure of the "severe" end of the clinical disease spectrum. This report describes the findings and lessons learned from the development and preliminary assessment of a pilot syndromic surveillance system using ambulance data from the West Midlands (WM) region in England.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFColloidal nanocrystals are attractive materials for optoelectronics applications because they offer a compelling combination of low-cost solution processing, printability, and spectral tunability through the quantum dot size effect. Here we explore a novel nanocomposite photosensitizer consisting of colloidal nanocrystals of FeS and PbS with complementary optical and microstructural properties for broadband photodetection. Using a newly developed ligand exchange to achieve high-efficiency charge transfer across the nanocomposite FeS-PbS sensitizer and graphene on the FeS-PbS/graphene photoconductors, an extraordinary photoresponsivity in exceeding ∼10 A/W was obtained in an ultrabroad spectrum of ultraviolet (UV)-visible-near-infrared (NIR).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTwo searches for new phenomena in final states containing a same-flavour opposite-sign lepton (electron or muon) pair, jets, and large missing transverse momentum are presented. These searches make use of proton-proton collision data, collected during 2015 and 2016 at a centre-of-mass energy [Formula: see text] [Formula: see text] by the ATLAS detector at the large hadron collider, which correspond to an integrated luminosity of [Formula: see text]. Both searches target the pair production of supersymmetric particles, squarks or gluinos, which decay to final states containing a same-flavour opposite-sign lepton pair via one of two mechanisms: a leptonically decaying boson in the final state, leading to a peak in the dilepton invariant-mass distribution around the boson mass; and decays of neutralinos (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLimited knowledge regarding the biology and identification of the Australian tick Ixodes myrmecobii exists with only the female described to date. Here we provide a description of the male and nymph as well as a redescription of the female. All described stages are molecularly characterised using the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) and internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) loci.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis article presents measurements of [Formula: see text] differential cross-sections in a fiducial phase-space region, using an integrated luminosity of 3.2 fb[Formula: see text] of proton-proton data at a centre-of-mass energy of [Formula: see text] TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC in 2015. Differential cross-sections are measured as a function of the transverse momentum and absolute rapidity of the top quark, and of the transverse momentum, absolute rapidity and invariant mass of the [Formula: see text] system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEur Phys J C Part Fields
March 2017
This paper describes the algorithms for the reconstruction and identification of electrons in the central region of the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). These algorithms were used for all ATLAS results with electrons in the final state that are based on the 2012 collision data produced by the LHC at [Formula: see text] = 8 [Formula: see text]. The efficiency of these algorithms, together with the charge misidentification rate, is measured in data and evaluated in simulated samples using electrons from [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] decays.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To better understand age and gender differences in associations of social relationships with chronic inflammation.
Method: Using a sample of middle-aged and older adults ( N = 963) from the Midlife Development in the United States (MIDUS) biomarker project, we examined interactions of age and gender with structural and functional social network measures in predicting interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP).
Results: Significant interactions involving age and gender showed that social support was associated with lower IL-6 in older women, whereas perceived positive relationships and social integration were related to lower IL-6 in both men and women of advanced age.
Background: As service provision and patient behaviour varies by day, healthcare data used for public health surveillance can exhibit large day of the week effects. These regular effects are further complicated by the impact of public holidays. Real-time syndromic surveillance requires the daily analysis of a range of healthcare data sources, including family doctor consultations (called general practitioners, or GPs, in the UK).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper presents a measurement of the polarisation of bosons from [Formula: see text] decays, reconstructed in events with one high-[Formula: see text] lepton and at least four jets. Data from collisions at the LHC were collected at [Formula: see text] = 8 TeV and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 20.2 fb[Formula: see text].
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe reconstruction and calibration algorithms used to calculate missing transverse momentum ([Formula: see text] ) with the ATLAS detector exploit energy deposits in the calorimeter and tracks reconstructed in the inner detector as well as the muon spectrometer. Various strategies are used to suppress effects arising from additional proton-proton interactions, called pileup, concurrent with the hard-scatter processes. Tracking information is used to distinguish contributions from the pileup interactions using their vertex separation along the beam axis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMeasurements of jet activity in top-quark pair events produced in proton-proton collisions are presented, using 3.2 fb[Formula: see text] of collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Events are chosen by requiring an opposite-charge [Formula: see text] pair and two -tagged jets in the final state.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The aim of the study was to investigate whether high perceived control mitigates systemic inflammatory risk associated with traumatic and chronic stress exposures in older adults.
Methods: A sample of community-dwelling adults ages 50 years and older (N = 4779) was drawn from the Health and Retirement Study. Structural equation models tested interactions of lifetime trauma and chronic stress with mastery and perceived constraints predicting baseline levels and 4-year change in C-reactive protein (CRP).
Seasonal respiratory illnesses present a major burden on primary care services. We assessed the burden of respiratory illness on a national telehealth system in England and investigated the potential for providing early warning of respiratory infection. We compared weekly laboratory reports for respiratory pathogens with telehealth calls (NHS 111) between week 40 in 2013 and week 29 in 2015.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Trait and perceived environmental competitiveness are typically studied separately, but they undoubtedly have a joint influence on goal pursuit and behavior in achievement situations. The present research was designed to study them together. We tested the relation between trait and perceived environmental competitiveness, and we tested these variables as separate and sequential predictors of both performance-based goals and performance attainment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper reports a search for triboson [Formula: see text] production in two decay channels ([Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] with [Formula: see text]) in proton-proton collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 [Formula: see text] at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 [Formula: see text] with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Events with exactly three charged leptons, or two leptons with the same electric charge in association with two jets, are selected.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe production of two prompt [Formula: see text] mesons, each with transverse momenta [Formula: see text] GeV and rapidity [Formula: see text], is studied using a sample of proton-proton collisions at [Formula: see text] TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 11.4 fb[Formula: see text] collected in 2012 with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The differential cross-section, assuming unpolarised [Formula: see text] production, is measured as a function of the transverse momentum of the lower-[Formula: see text] [Formula: see text] meson, di-[Formula: see text] [Formula: see text] and mass, the difference in rapidity between the two [Formula: see text] mesons, and the azimuthal angle between the two [Formula: see text] mesons.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA measurement of the [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] production cross sections in final states with either two same-charge muons, or three or four leptons (electrons or muons) is presented. The analysis uses a data sample of proton-proton collisions at [Formula: see text] TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider in 2015, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 3.2 fb[Formula: see text].
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA measurement of the calorimeter response to isolated charged hadrons in the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented. This measurement is performed with 3.2 nb[Formula: see text] of proton-proton collision data at [Formula: see text] [Formula: see text] from 2010 and 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Taxonomic identification of ticks obtained during a longitudinal survey of the critically endangered marsupial, Bettongia penicillata Gray, 1837 (woylie, brush-tailed bettong) revealed a new species of Ixodes Latrielle, 1795. Here we provide morphological data for the female and nymphal life stages of this novel species (Ixodes woyliei n. sp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEur Phys J C Part Fields
September 2017
The rejection of forward jets originating from additional proton-proton interactions (pile-up) is crucial for a variety of physics analyses at the LHC, including Standard Model measurements and searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. The identification of such jets is challenging due to the lack of track and vertex information in the pseudorapidity range . This paper presents a novel strategy for forward pile-up jet tagging that exploits jet shapes and topological jet correlations in pile-up interactions.
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