The concept of vulnerability is widely used in bioethics, particularly in research ethics and public health ethics. The traditional approach construes vulnerability as inherent in individuals or the groups to which they belong and views vulnerability as requiring special protections. Florencia Luna and other bioethicists continue to challenge traditional ways of conceptualizing and applying the term.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe covert administration of medication occurs with incapacitated patients without their knowledge, involving some form of deliberate deception in disguising or hiding the medication. Covert medication in food is a relatively common practice globally, including in institutional and homecare contexts. Until recently, it has received little attention in the bioethics literature, and there are few laws or rules governing the practice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Clin Psychol Med Settings
September 2019
Motivational interviewing (MI) has proven a well-established psychotherapeutic intervention designed to enhance motivation for behavior change. While the benefits of MI have been established, little research has systematically evaluated dissemination of MI efforts to healthcare providers, especially among pediatric providers. The present pilot study evaluated whether healthcare providers gained valuable knowledge, confidence and desire to utilize MI, and skills in MI techniques and if these outcomes varied based on provider characteristics or duration and intensity of MI training.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Caregivers and administrators in long-term facilities have fragile moral work in caring for residents with dementia. Residents are susceptible to barriers and vulnerabilities associated with the most intimate aspects of their lives, including how they express themselves sexually. The conditions for sexual agency are directly affected by caregivers' perceptions and attitudes, as well as facility policies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Although substance use (SU) is elevated in ADHD and both are associated with disrupted emotional functioning, little is known about how emotions and SU interact in ADHD. We used a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach to explore this relationship.
Method: Narrative comments were coded for 67 persistent (50 ADHD, 17 local normative comparison group [LNCG]) and 25 desistent (20 ADHD, 5 LNCG) substance users from the Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD (MTA) adult follow-up (21.
In an effort to address healthcare disparities in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) populations, many hospitals and clinics institute diversity training meant to increase providers' awareness of and sensitivity to this patient population. Despite these efforts, many healthcare spaces remain inhospitable to LGBTQ patients and their loved ones. Even in the absence of overt forms of discrimination, LGBTQ patients report feeling anxious, unwelcome, ashamed, and distrustful in healthcare encounters.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLate adolescence and emerging adulthood (specifically ages 15-24) represent a period of heightened sexual risk taking resulting in the greatest annual rates of sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancies in the US population. Ongoing efforts to prevent such negative consequences are likely to benefit from a deepening of our understanding of biological mechanisms through which sexual risk taking emerges and biases decision making during this critical window. Here we present a neuroscience framework from which a mechanistic examination of sexual risk taking can be advanced.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough there has been significant attention in clinical ethics to when physicians should follow a parent's wishes, there has been much less discussion of the obligation to solicit viewpoints and decisions from all caregivers who have equal moral and legal standing in relation to a pediatric patient. How should healthcare professionals respond when one caregiver dominates decision making? We present a case that highlights how these problems played out in an ethical bargain. Ethical bargaining occurs when the parties involved choose not to pursue a morally preferable option for the sake of coming to a resolution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough the initiation of sexual behavior is common among adolescents and young adults, some individuals express this behavior in a manner that significantly increases their risk for negative outcomes including sexually transmitted infections. Based on accumulating evidence, we have hypothesized that increased sexual risk behavior reflects, in part, an imbalance between neural circuits mediating approach and avoidance in particular as manifest by relatively increased ventral striatum (VS) activity and relatively decreased amygdala activity. Here, we test our hypothesis using data from seventy 18- to 22-year-old university students participating in the Duke Neurogenetics Study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study examined the association between survey responses to health behaviors, personality/psychosocial factors, and self-reported sexually transmitted infections (STIs) to create a brief survey to identify youth at risk for contracting STIs. Participants included 200 racially diverse 14- to 18-year-old patients from a pediatric primary care clinic. Two sexual behavior variables and one peer norm variable were used to differentiate subgroups of individuals at risk of contracting a STI based on reported history of STIs using probability (decision tree) analyses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The authors developed a 14-item measure of adherence to religious doctrine concerning sexual behavior (ARDSB). The ARDSB psychometric properties were investigated to better understand religious motivations associated with changes in sexual behavior that may provide support for sexual health promotion and prevention programs.
Participants: Four hundred eighty-three undergraduates aged 18 to 26.
Purpose: To investigate the extent to which cues are reported to be associated with urinary urgency incontinence and urinary urgency.
Design: Descriptive and correlational study comparing 2 groups.
Methods: An online questionnaire assessing the extent to which 19 environmental, 3 mood, 3 cognitive, 3 stress incontinence, 1 bladder volume cue, and 3 unlikely cues were associated with episodes of urinary urgency incontinence and urgency was administered.
Sci Eng Ethics
December 2014
In his recent work exploring the role of science in democratic societies Kitcher (Science in a democratic society. Prometheus Books, New York, 2011) claims that scientists ought to have a prominent role in setting the agenda for and limits to research. Against the backdrop of the claim that the proper limits of scientific inquiry is John Stuart Mill’s Harm Principle (Kitcher in Science, truth, and democracy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs
July 2012
Purpose: To assess the frequency with which environmental cues, which might constitute Pavlovian-conditioned stimuli, occur with urgency and leakage symptoms associated with overactive bladder syndrome (OAB).
Subjects And Settings: The sample group comprised 17 adults (13 women and 4 men); their median age was 74.71 years.