Publications by authors named "Elizabeth Rhea"

Article Synopsis
  • The blood-brain barrier (BBB) protects the brain from harmful substances but also complicates drug development for central nervous system (CNS) conditions.
  • The review discusses how various transport mechanisms work, such as lipid solubility and different transport systems, which affect drug delivery to the brain.
  • It also explores how diseases can disrupt the BBB, allowing for potential treatment methods, and highlights the historical significance of the BBB in drug delivery strategies.
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There are genetic and environmental risk factors that contribute to the development of cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Some of these include the genetic predisposition of the apolipoprotein E4 genotype, consuming a high-fat diet (HFD), and the female sex. Brain insulin receptor resistance and deficiency have also been shown to be associated with AD and cognitive impairment.

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Targeting brain insulin resistance (BIR) has become an attractive alternative to traditional therapeutic treatments for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Incretin receptor agonists (IRAs), targeting either or both of the glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptors, have proven to reverse BIR and improve cognition in mouse models of AD. We previously showed that many, but not all, IRAs can cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) after intravenous (IV) delivery.

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The blood-brain barrier (BBB) predominantly regulates insulin transport into and levels within the brain. The BBB is also an important site of insulin binding and mediator of insulin receptor (INSR) signaling. The insulin transporter is separate from the INSR, highlighting the important, unique role of each protein in this structure.

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Introduction: Brain insulin resistance and deficiency is a consistent feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Insulin resistance can be mediated by the surface expression of the insulin receptor (IR). Cleavage of the IR generates the soluble IR (sIR).

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Background: A number of peptide incretin receptor agonists (IRAs) show promise as therapeutics for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD). Transport across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is one way for IRAs to act directly within the brain. To determine which IRAs are high priority candidates for treating these disorders, we have studied their brain uptake pharmacokinetics.

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Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is common and increasing in prevalence worldwide, with devastating public health consequences. While peripheral insulin resistance is a key feature of most forms of T2DM and has been investigated for over a century, research on brain insulin resistance (BIR) has more recently been developed, including in the context of T2DM and non-diabetes states. Recent data support the presence of BIR in the aging brain, even in non-diabetes states, and found that BIR may be a feature in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and contributes to cognitive impairment.

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Article Synopsis
  • Insulin moves from the blood to the brain through a special barrier called the blood-brain barrier (BBB), and this process can be affected by different factors like insulin levels and fats in the body.
  • In a study with healthy mice, scientists looked at how changing insulin levels in the brain affected its transport across the BBB.
  • They discovered that more insulin in the brain actually lowered how much insulin could get through the BBB, indicating that the brain controls how insulin is taken up, and this may relate to issues seen in Alzheimer's disease.
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The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a critical physiochemical interface that regulates communication between the brain and blood. It is comprised of brain endothelial cells which regulate the BBB's barrier and interface properties and is surrounded by supportive brain cell types including pericytes and astrocytes. Recent reports have suggested that the BBB undergoes dysfunction during normative aging and in disease.

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In this review manuscript, we discuss the effects of select common viruses on insulin sensitivity and blood-brain barrier (BBB) function and the potential overlapping and distinct mechanisms involved in these effects. More specifically, we discuss the effects of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), herpes, hepatitis, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and SARS-CoV-2 viruses on insulin sensitivity and BBB function and the proposed underlying mechanisms. These viruses differ in their ability to be transported across the BBB, disrupt the BBB, and/or alter the function of the BBB.

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COVID-19 and especially Long COVID are associated with severe CNS symptoms and may place persons at risk to develop long-term cognitive impairments. Here, we show that two non-infective models of SARS-CoV-2 can cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and induce neuroinflammation, a major mechanism underpinning CNS and cognitive impairments, even in the absence of productive infection. The viral models cross the BBB by the mechanism of adsorptive transcytosis with the sugar N-acetylglucosamine being key.

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Accumulating evidence suggests there is an alternative insulin transporter besides the insulin receptor at the blood-brain barrier (BBB), responsible for shuttling insulin from the circulation into the brain. In this review, we summarize key features of the BBB and what makes it unique compared to other capillary beds; summarize what we know about insulin BBB transport; provide an extensive list of diseases, physiological states, and serum factors tested in modifying insulin BBB transport; and lastly, highlight potential alternative transport systems that may be involved in or have already been tested in mediating insulin BBB transport. Identifying the transport system for insulin at the BBB would aide in controlling central nervous system (CNS) insulin levels in multiple diseases and conditions including Alzheimer's disease (AD) and obesity, where availability of insulin to the CNS is limited.

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Background: The hormone leptin exerts its function in the brain to reduce food intake and increase energy expenditure to prevent obesity. However, most obese subjects reflect the resistance to leptin even with elevated serum leptin. Considering that leptin must cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in several regions to enter the brain parenchyma, altered leptin transport through the BBB might play an important role in leptin resistance and other biological conditions.

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The concept of insulin resistance has been around since a few decades after the discovery of insulin itself. To allude to the classic Charles Dicken's novel published 62 years before the discovery of insulin, in some ways, this is the best of times, as the concept of insulin resistance has expanded to include the brain, with the realization that insulin has a life beyond the regulation of glucose. In other ways, it is the worst of times as insulin resistance is implicated in devastating diseases, including diabetes mellitus, obesity, and Alzheimer's disease (AD) that affect the brain.

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Exercise has multiple beneficial effects including improving peripheral insulin sensitivity, improving central function such as memory, and restoring a dysregulated blood-brain barrier (BBB). Central nervous system (CNS) insulin resistance is a common feature of cognitive impairment, including Alzheimer's disease. Delivery of insulin to the brain can improve memory.

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For insulin to act within the brain, it is primarily transported from the blood across the blood-brain barrier (BBB). However, the endocytic machinery necessary for delivering insulin to the brain remains unknown. Additionally, there are processes within the brain endothelial cell that are designed to respond to insulin binding and elicit intracellular signaling.

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The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a network of specialized endothelial cells that regulates substrate entry into the central nervous system (CNS). Acting as the interface between the periphery and the CNS, the BBB must be equipped to defend against oxidative stress and other free radicals generated in the periphery to protect the CNS. There are unique features of brain endothelial cells that increase the susceptibility of these cells to oxidative stress.

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Age, apolipoprotein E (apoE) isoform, sex, and diet can independently affect the risk for the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Additionally, synergy between some of these risk factors have been observed. However, the relation between the latter three risk factors has not been investigated.

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Lipids and lipoproteins are a diverse group of substances and their interactions with the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is similarly diverse. Some lipoproteins such as high density lipoprotein (HDL), apolipoprotein (apo) A-I, apoJ, some free fatty acids, and triglycerides cross the BBB whereas others such as apoE do not. Some forms of cholesterol can cross the BBB and others do not.

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Rapamycin is an exogenous compound that has been shown to improve cognition in Alzheimer's disease mouse models and can regulate pathways downstream of the insulin receptor signaling pathway. Insulin is also known to improve cognition in rodent models of Alzheimer's disease. Central nervous system (CNS) insulin must first cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB), a specialized network of brain endothelial cells.

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The blood-brain barrier (BBB) protects the central nervous system (CNS) from unregulated exposure to the blood and its contents. The BBB also controls the blood-to-brain and brain-to-blood permeation of many substances, resulting in nourishment of the CNS, its homeostatic regulation and communication between the CNS and peripheral tissues. The cells forming the BBB communicate with cells of the brain and in the periphery.

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Emerging data indicate that neurological complications occur as a consequence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a critical interface that regulates entry of circulating molecules into the CNS, and is regulated by signals that arise from the brain and blood compartments. In this review, we discuss mechanisms by which SARS-CoV-2 interactions with the BBB may contribute to neurological dysfunction associated with coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19), which is caused by SARS-CoV-2.

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Subsequent to the discovery of insulin in 1921, the role of insulin in the brain has been investigated throughly. The ability of insulin to act within the brain to regulate peripheral glucose levels helped evolve the research surrounding the ability of insulin to be transported into the brain. Investigations aiming to determine the transport of insulin into the brain from the circulation soon followed.

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