Publications by authors named "Elizabeth Disu"

Arrhythmias refer to disturbances in heart rate or rhythm which leads to heart rates that are abnormally fast, slow or irregular. Rhythm abnormalities may be common among Nigerian children but there are only a few reports. The current write up is a clinical review of eight patients in various age groups including neonates, infants and older children.

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Unlabelled: Children with sickle cell disease (SCD) are particularly prone to pneumococcal infection and administration of 13 pneumococcal vaccine in Nigerian children with SCD is yet to be wide spread. This call for the need to study humoral immune responses stimulated by pneumococcal vaccine in SCD children to confirm the benefit or otherwise for the use of pneumococcal vaccine.

Method: The levels of humoral (innate and adaptive) immune factors and associated nutritionally essential trace elements were determined following pneumococcal vaccination of 23 Nigerian children with SCD.

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Background: The safety and efficacy of antenatal glucocorticoids in women in low-resource countries who are at risk for preterm birth are uncertain.

Methods: We conducted a multicountry, randomized trial involving pregnant women between 26 weeks 0 days and 33 weeks 6 days of gestation who were at risk for preterm birth. The participants were assigned to intramuscular dexamethasone or identical placebo.

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Background: We aimed to compare the immunologic and hematologic effects of 3 multimicronutrient supplements in human immunodeficiency virus-positive children in Lagos, Nigeria.

Methods: This double-blind, randomized controlled study included 190 children, aged 5-12 years, in Lagos, Nigeria. Sixty-four, 63, and 63 participants were assigned to multimicronutrient group A, B, or C, respectively, for 6 months.

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Skin fold thickness (SFT) measurement is a reliable, cheap, simple, noninvasive method of body fat estimation at all ages including the neonatal period. . To determine reference values of biceps, triceps, subscapular, and suprailiac skinfold thickness measurements in term Nigerian newborns.

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Prune belly syndrome (PBS) is a rare congenital disorder affecting 2.5 to 3.8/100,000 live births worldwide.

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In an attempt to investigate the effect of vitamin D deficiency on pregnancy complications including caesarean section and foetal outcome in our population, blood samples of 461 pregnant women who attended antenatal booking clinic between 10 and 28 weeks of pregnancy were taken for vitamin D estimation and followed up. Details concerning pregnancy complications, labour and foetal outcome were obtained after delivery. They were divided into three groups according to the serum vitamin D level: group 1 (0-20)ng/ml (deficiency), group 2 (21-30)ng/ml (insufficiency), and group 3 (more than 30 mg/ml) normal.

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Background: Iron deficiency, and specifically iron deficiency anaemia, remains one of the most severe and important nutritional deficiencies in the world today.

Objective: To estimate the prevalence and associated factors for iron deficiency anaemia among pre-school children in Lagos.

Methodology: The study was conducted from December 2009 to February 2010 at the outpatient clinics of Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Lagos.

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Background: Small-for-gestational age (SGA) newborns constitute a special group of neonates who may have suffered varying degrees of intrauterine insults and deprivation. Variations in birth weight, length and Ponderal Index (PI) depend on the type and degree of intrauterine insults the babies were exposed to. The objective of the study was to determine the current prevalence of term SGA births in a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital and the current pattern of Ponderal Indices among term SGA in a population of Nigerian babies.

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Introduction: As transplantation services are scaled up in Nigeria so will the need for organ donation. Crucial to the success of organ donation is the attitude of healthcare workers (HCW); this was determined in the present study.

Methods: HCW participating in three workshops were requested to complete a pretested questionnaire structured to elicit their attitude to organ donation.

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Background: In 2008, several Nigerian children developed acute kidney injury (AKI) after ingesting teething syrup contaminated with diethylene glycol (DEG). Because there are limited diagnostic facilities in resource-constrained countries, this study investigated whether AKI associated with DEG could be identified by other means.

Methods: This was a multicenter study.

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