Publications by authors named "Elizabeth Bouchard"

Objective: Although childhood cancer survivors require lifelong "risk-based" follow-up care, most adult survivors do not receive such care, and many are lost during the transition from pediatric to adult follow-up care. The goal of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of the "Managing Your Health" self-management and peer mentoring intervention to improve transition readiness and self-management skills among young adult survivors of childhood cancer.

Methods: Survivors of childhood cancer ages 18-25 years were randomized 1:1 to the Managing Your Health intervention (six video/phone calls with a peer mentor, another young adult survivor, and five online educational modules) or usual care.

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Background: This formative study leveraged a community-academic partnership to identify barriers to care that are potential sources of breast cancer disparities in Black women. Through this partnership and using a community-based participatory research approach, the objective was to develop a community task force to inform future interventions aimed at addressing breast cancer disparities and increasing health equity.

Methods: The authors assessed gaps in care related to breast cancer in Buffalo, New York, by collecting and analyzing qualitative data from focus groups and interviews with breast cancer survivors and breast navigation groups assessing barriers and facilitators across the cancer care continuum.

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Background: Disadvantaged socioeconomic position (SEP), including lower educational attainment and household income, may influence cancer risk and outcomes. We hypothesized that DNA methylation could function as an intermediary epigenetic mechanism that internalizes and reflects the biological impact of SEP.

Methods: Based on tumor DNA methylation data from the Illumina 450 K array from 694 breast cancer patients in the Women's Circle of Health Study, we conducted an epigenome-wide analysis in relation to educational attainment and household income.

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Objective: We examined the social network support, composition, and structure of pediatric cancer caregivers.

Methods: We used a self-report survey to collect egocentric social network data from 107 caregivers of pediatric cancer patients and calculated descriptive statistics to examine cancer-related support network composition, function, and structure. We then ran logistic regressions to examine the relationships between network characteristics and overall satisfaction with social support.

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Quality of life (QOL) is a key consideration for patients with early-stage NSCLC choosing between treatment options. Currently, it is not well established whether stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) or surgery offers superior QOL in early-stage NSCLC. The objective of this systematic review is to summarize the prospective literature on QOL in patients with early-stage NSCLC after treatment with SBRT or surgery.

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Purpose: Smartphone-enabled micro-temporal data collection has potential to increase reliability, validity, and feasibility of participant-reported data and is a promising strategy for pediatric oncology supportive care and quality-of-life research. Given the demands of pediatric cancer caregiving, we sought to understand the feasibility and acceptability of smartphone data collection that included short surveys administered daily for 14 days via text message link.

Methods: We recruited pediatric cancer caregivers, whose children (ages 0-18 years) were on active treatment, to complete a 14-day daily survey study via smartphone.

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Few eligible patients receive lung cancer screening. We developed the Lung AIR (awareness, information, and resources) intervention to increase community education regarding lung cancer screening. The intervention was designed as an in-person group intervention; however, the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated adapting the mode of delivery.

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Over the past two decades, multiple studies have demonstrated the important role that the autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays in tumorigenesis and cancer progression. However, the mechanisms by which this process occurs have only recently begun to be elucidated. Further, the extent of autonomic innervation in various cancer types and its effects on tumor molecular, immunological, and histopathological features, as well as on patient outcomes, are not yet fully characterized.

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Rural populations continue to experience persistent cancer disparities compared with urban populations particularly in cancers that can be prevented or detected early through screening and vaccination. Although the National Cancer Institute and the larger cancer research community have identified rural community partnerships as the foundation for reducing the disparities, we have identified limited application of community-based participatory research in cancer prevention and control research. Guided by the Community-Based Participatory Research Conceptual Model and our collective experience, we provide a framework for a community-cancer center partnership that focuses on promoting health equity.

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In pediatric cancer care, medication non-adherence is a significant driver of avoidable suffering and death. There is a lack of interventions designed for families of young children, where patient medication refusal/avoidance is a common barrier to adherence. We developed the intervention which focuses on caregiver skills training to help young children take medicine calmly and without use of restraint techniques.

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Maintaining adequate amounts of physical activity is a critical component of survivorship care for women with breast cancer. Increased physical activity is associated with increases in well-being, quality of life, and longevity, but women with cancer face unique, cancer-related factors that might affect physical activity. Consistent with the Competing Neurobehavioral Decision Systems model of decision making, we proposed to decrease delay discounting and increase physical activity by stimulating the executive function system via high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (HF rTMS) of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (LDLPFC).

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Background: Since the passage of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Prevention Act of 2000 in the United States, awareness has increased about the problem of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC). Moreover, United States Federal law calls upon child welfare agencies to establish policies and practices that help identify and provide services to minors at risk of CSEC. Although awareness has increased about the problem of CSEC, little attention has been paid to understanding why some youths are re-referred to CSEC programs after initial referral and intervention.

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Despite an increasing awareness about the existence and harms of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC), the identification of victims remains a challenge for practitioners, hindering their ability to provide appropriate services. Tools that gauge risk of CSEC support the identification of victims but are underdeveloped because most tools assess risk of CSEC within a general youth population. An understanding of what predicts actual CSEC victimizations among youths at higher risk of CSEC due to experiences of childhood adversities has been left unassessed.

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