This study leverages two-pulse femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy (2FSRS) to characterize molecular systems with avoided crossings (ACs) and conical intersections (CIs) in their low-lying excited electronic states. By simulating 2FSRS spectra of microscopically inspired ACs and CIs models, we demonstrate that 2FSRS not only delivers valuable information on the molecular parameters characterizing ACs and CIs but also helps distinguish between these two systems.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe manipulation of the ultrafast quantum dynamics of a molecular system can be achieved through the application of tailored light fields. This has been done in many ways in the past. In our present investigation, we show that it is possible to exert specific control over the nonadiabatic dynamics of a generic model system describing ultrafast charge-transfer within a condensed dissipative environment by using frequency-chirped pulses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe introduce a first-principles model of the 12-mer poly-3-hexyltiophene (P3HT) polymer system in the realistic description of an organic photovoltaic blend environment. We combine Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations of a thin-film blend of P3HT and phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) to model the interactions with a fluctuating environment with Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT) calculations to parametrize the effect of the torsional flexibility in the polymer and construct an exciton-type Hamiltonian that describes the photoexcitation of the polymer. This allows us to reveal the presence of different flexibility patterns governed by the torsional angles along the polymer chain which, in the interacting fluctuating environment, control the broadening of the spectral observables.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe introduce and analyze the concept of the "ideal" time and frequency resolved transient-absorption pump-probe (PP) signal. The ideal signal provides the most direct link between the "real" (measurable) PP signal and the material system dynamics. The simulation of PP signals involves two steps.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe explore, by theoretical modeling and computer simulations, how nonadiabatic couplings of excited electronic states of a polyatomic chromophore manifest themselves in single-molecule signals on femtosecond timescales. The chromophore is modeled as a system with three electronic states (the ground state and two non-adiabatically coupled excited states) and a Condon-active vibrational mode which, in turn, is coupled to a harmonic oscillator heat bath. For this system, we simulate double-pump single-molecule signals with fluorescence detection for different system-field interaction strengths, from the weak-coupling regime to the strong-coupling regime.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFConsidering an electronic two-level system coupled to vibrational degrees of freedom and driven by short and intense non-overlapping laser pulses, we introduce the concept of nonperturbative response functions. These response functions are expressed in terms of effective electronic transition dipole moments which depend on the strength of the field-matter coupling and on the pulse durations. It is shown that the nonlinear polarization representing four-wave-mixing signals can elegantly be expressed in terms of these nonperturbative response functions to all orders in the field-matter coupling.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe investigate femtosecond double-pump single-molecule signals in the strong-field regime, which is characterized by nonlinear scaling of the signal with the intensity of the pump pulses. The signals can be decomposed into population and coherence contributions. In contrast to the weak-field regime (in which only the coherence contribution is important) both contributions are relevant in the strong-field regime and reveal the vibrational dynamics of the chromophore.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present a theoretical description of double-pump femtosecond single-molecule signals with fluorescence detection. We simulate these signals in the weak-field regime for a model mimicking a chromophore with a Franck-Condon-active vibrational mode. We establish several signatures of these signals which are characteristic for the weak-field regime.
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