Publications by authors named "Elionara Teixeira Boa Sorte"

Objectives: To analyze the consensus and dissent of Catholics youths about HIV/AIDS prevention from their representations about sexuality.

Methods: This is a quantitative and qualitative research based on the Theory of Social Representations carried out with 84 Catholics youths who answered online to the Free Word Association Test on Facebook and three questions about the influence of Catholic doctrine on the free exercise of sexuality and the adoption of practice safe sex. The techniques of Factorial Analysis of Correspondence and Semantic Content were used.

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OBJECTIVE To analyze the the social representations of young Catholics about HIV/AIDS prevention and sexuality. METHOD Mixed study, based on the theory of social representations, held in 2015 with 84 young Catholics participating in the group "World Youth Day" on Facebook. The data were collected through the technique of free association of words and in-depth interview.

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