Publications by authors named "Eliexer Urdaneta Carruyo"

The Klippel-Feil syndrome is a congenital malformation of the skull flap involving complex cervical vertebrae and organs, characterized by a classic triad: short neck, limitation of movement of the head due to cervical spine fusion and low hairline in occipital region. It results from an error in the axial skeleton segmentation of the embryo; its incidence is estimated at 1/40,000-42,000 births and predominates in females. The aim of this paper is to describe the clinical picture of a patient with Klippel-Feil syndrome and multiple malformations, including tracheoesophageal fistula, bifid thumb and intracranial lipomas/angiolipomas,that have not been previously described in the syndrome, so it is considered an exceptional finding.

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Janusz Korczak was a prominent educator and humanist of the twentieth century. His ideas for reforming the education of children inspired generations of teachers and still remain valid. His main contribution was to introduce the pedagogical principle of autonomy, in order that the child be starring in their actions and accountable for their decisions, and in turn, he was respected as a person by their teachers.

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Albert Schweitzer, the great missionary physician from the XXth century, had a versatile personality that integrated multiple talents, leading to the slightly frequent conjunction of the thinker with the man of action, and the humanist with the scientist and the artist. He studied all these disciplines in a brilliant manner: Philosophy, Theology, Music and Medicine; he was also a great scholar of Bach's work, Jesus Christ and the civilization history. In his maturity, this great man renounced to the fame and glory gained as intellectual and musician, to dedicate his life as a physician for the forgotten African natives.

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The 20th century has been one of the most intense and convulsive periods in the History of humanity. A century of paradoxes and contrasts, it began with optimism, it witnessed the apocalypse of two world wars, and finished with unimaginable scientific progress that gave us a new civilization that we cannot yet grasp. In this century, significant events happened that shaped our time and projected their results toward an immediate future.

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Unlabelled: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is found frequently in from 0.17 to 0.57 among 1000 newborns and is associated with intrathoracic kidney (IK) in 0.

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