Radiother Oncol
April 2013
Purpose: To evaluate dosimetric parameters and clinical outcome for cervical cancer patients treated with chemo-radiation and MR-image guided adaptive brachytherapy (MR-IGABT) using tandem-ovoid applicators for intracavitary or combined intracavitary/interstitial approaches.
Method: This retrospective analysis includes 46 patients treated between 2006 and 2008. Dose-volume parameters D90 HR-CTV (high-risk clinical target volume) and D(2cc) OARs (organs at risk) were determined and converted into biologically equivalent doses in 2 Gy fractions (EQD2).
Purpose: To investigate the safety and clinical utility of the sentinel node procedure in early-stage vulvar cancer patients.
Patients And Methods: A multicenter observational study on sentinel node detection using radioactive tracer and blue dye was performed in patients with T1/2 (< 4 cm) squamous cell cancer of the vulva. When the sentinel node was found to be negative at pathologic ultrastaging, inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy was omitted, and the patient was observed with follow-up for 2 years at intervals of every 2 months.