Vestn Khir Im I I Grek
January 2016
A comparative analysis of surgical treatment of non-small cell carcinoma of lung was made in 64 patients of senile age and more young patients. It was stated, that preference should be given to the partial lung resections (lob- and segmentectomies). The authors recommended to avoid pneumoectomy and typical resection of the lung as non-radical operations accompanied by high rate of local recurrences.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVestn Khir Im I I Grek
February 2015
An analysis of treatment results was made in 226 patients with multiple isolated intrapulmonary metastases of solid tumors. It appears that surgical removal of metastases was possible in patients with satisfactory functional resources and accurate evaluation in order to validate the indications for surgery. The operation shouldn't result in considerable reduction of quality of life and didn't prevent using other methods of treatment such as medicamental and radiation therapy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFunctional activity of circulating phagocytes (macrophages--Ms and neutrophils--Ns) was studied in 30 patients with infiltrative (I) and 30 patients with fibro-cavernous (FC) pulmonary tuberculosis (PT). Difference of the functional activity of both types of cells depending on the PT form was revealed: more significant increase in the oxygen-depending activity in FCPT while bactericide potential estimated with a zymosane induced NST-test was more pronounced in IPT patients. These data correlate with the blood levels of neopterin and elastase, the markers of the M and N activity, respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe results of an experimental study of the efficiency of cycloferon included in a complex chemotherapy of generalized drug-resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT) are presented. It is established that cycloferon (3.6 mg/kg) produces a significant therapeutic effect, which is manifested by an increase in the lung clearance from MBT, a decrease in the spread of specific inflammation in the lungs, and the disappearance of MBT-induced alterations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEfficacy of remaxol in complex chemotherapy of generalized drug resistant tuberculosis was studied on mice. Mycobacterium tuberculosis 5419 SPBNIIF isolated from a patient with freshey diagnosticated pulmonary tuberculosis resistant to isoniazid (10 mcg/ml), rifampicin (40 mcg/ml), streptomycin (10 mcg/ml) and ethionamide (30 mcg/ml) was used in the experiments. The main polychemotherapy included 4 antituberculosis drugs in the highest therapeutic doses: isoniazid, amikacin, ethambutol and tavanic, the treatment course was 8 weeks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrikl Biokhim Mikrobiol
February 2011
Comparative study of sulfoxidation activity of free and immobilized Rhodococcus rhodochrous IEGM 66 cells was performed. Free Rhodococcus cells (in the presence of 0.1 vol % n-hexadecane) displayed maximal oxidative activity towards thioanisole (0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTuberk Biolezni Legkih
February 2010
The resection specimens from 31 patients with fibrocavernous tuberculosis (FCT) underwent a complex clinical andimmunological study, as well as a morphological one. It was ascertained that partial or extended lymphadenectomy did not always positively correlate with an adequate postoperative immune response and it depended on the morphological features of lymphatic apparatus lesion. The direct results of surgical treatment of patients with FCT suggest that in patients with specific lymphadenitis and cell-mediated immunodeficiency, the frequency of postoperative specific pleuropulmonary complications and their severity considerably exceed those if there is an adequate immune response.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTuberk Biolezni Legkih
January 2010
The study was undertaken to enhance the efficiency of surgical treatment for progressive drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis, by applying adjuvant lymphotropic chemotherapy (ALCT). Seventy-one patients were examined and operated on; of them 35 patients received ALCT and 36 patients formed a control group. The determinants of the efficiency of the performed treatment were the frequency of specific postoperative complications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe paper analyzes whether it is possible to predict a risk for postoperative empyema, by studying a totality of characteristics of a patient, a pathological process, and the properties of MBT in 46 patients with progressive fibrocavernous tuberculosis. It also shows it actual to accomplish this task with a prediction accuracy of 89.5-100%, by simultaneously taking into account both the bacteriological properties of MBT (the magnitude of Mycobacterium tuberculosis excretion and viability) and different combinations of serum biological parameters that reflect the activity of an inflammatory process.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe presented paper discusses the experience with exogenous nitric oxide (NO) and argon plasma coagulation (APC) used at cavernotomy in 31 patients with multidrug-resistant fibrocavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. Supplementary treatments depending in infectious risk factors were comprehensively evaluated. The application of APC and NO significantly improved the results of open cavern sanitation, as evidenced by the bacterial excretion index, and doubled the immediate efficiency of surgical treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFunctional activity of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) phagocytes was studied in 33 and 16 patients with fibro-cavernosis (FC) and infiltrative (I) pulmonary tuberculosis (PT), respectively. Complex examination of BALF, alveolar macrophages (AM) and neutrophils (N) sedimented from BALF revealed interrelationship between functional activity of the cells and the form of PT. Higher activities in BALF of neopterin and elastase mainly secreted by activated AM and N respectively, reflect a higher secretory activity of both types of cells in FC - PT.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe paper pools the experience gained in the surgical treatment of lung malformations in children and adults, which has been used to develop their current classification. It also presents the outcomes of surgical treatment of acute infectious lung destructions, by taking into account the Marchuk severity index. Modes of surgical treatment of bullous pulmonary emphysema have been provided, which yield minimum postoperative mortality rates (3%).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProbl Tuberk Bolezn Legk
February 2006
The pattern of concomitant diseases has been studied in 708 patients operated on for progressive pulmonary tuberculosis. The incidence of concomitant diseases has been found to considerably increase in recent years and it was as high as 77%. Peptic ulcer and chronic viral hepatitis were responsible for 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe work deals with the peculiarities of weak electromagnetic fields' influence on organism. It is shown that in conditions of magnetic anomaly the intensified geomagnetic field is considered to be the main natural principally unavoidable factor. The combination of anomalous and electromagnetic fields as well as their various combinations with other different by nature factors can present certain risk for the health of servicemen and population of magnetic anomaly region.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA histological examination of the pulmonary and bronchopulmonary lymph nodes was made in 47 patients treated surgically for fibrocavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. The speed of immunopathological reactions development is the main reason of differences between drug-resistant and drug-sensitive primary tuberculosis. Formation of cellular immunity in drug-resistant tuberculosis has all necessary morphological prerequisites both in the lungs and lymph nodes but their realization is delayed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProbl Tuberk Bolezn Legk
September 2004
The long-term results of 1311 primary resections for pulmonary tuberculosis and 203 repeated interventions for postoperative recurrences were studied. During a 10-year follow-up, the cumulative rate of postoperative recurrences was 18.4%, the minimum (5.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe lungs and bronchopulmonary lymph nodes were studied in 203 patients aged 20-60 years operated for fibrocavernous tuberculosis. Histological, immunohistochemical and histoenzymological tests demonstrated that clinically diagnosed fibrocavernous tuberculosis comprises a heterogenous group. Specific alterations in the lymph nodes indicate progression of primary tuberculosis while the absence of such alterations is the sign of real fibro-cavernous tuberculosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe paper presents the outcomes of 48 cavernoplasties for destructive forms of postoperative recurrences, which was 23.5% in the structure of all interventions for postoperative recurrences. One-stage cavernoplasty was performed in 17 patients; 31 patients underwent multistage cavernoplasty (with a period of open sanitation).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProbl Tuberk Bolezn Legk
December 2003
The paper deals with the effect of glutoxim included into a preoperative preparation regimen on immunological parameters in patients with fibrocavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. On admission, all the patients had inadequate cellular immunity and activated humoral immunity. After termination of a course of glutoxim therapy, there was an increase in the baseline low values of lymphocytic proliferative activity, in the count of mature T lymphocytes, and in the production of IL-2 induced by phytohemagglutinin.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe remote postoperative results were followed up for as long as up to 10 years. It was established in case of abacillary patients that the frequency rate of relapses was minimal ranging from 3.6% in the group of patients operated for tuberculosis and caseous-necrotic tuberculosis to 11.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe RFLP-IS6110 assay was used to genotype 67 Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from different specimens (including intraoperative ones) of 24 patients operated on for chronic progressive pulmonary tuberculosis who lived in north-western Russia. More than half (53%) of 17 types of RFLP profiles of isolates are identical and typical of M. tuberculosis of the Beijing family.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe outcomes of surgical treatment of 546 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis were analyzed in relation to the bacteriological characteristics. Seeding detected sputum bacterial isolation in 52.4% of cases.
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