Publications by authors named "Eklund M"

In order to describe experiences of living with opioid dependence, thirteen interviews were conducted with people participating in medication-assisted treatment. The results showed that living with opioid dependence is about the two-faced drug. The participant's past was a constant burden in life, and the drug filled a spiritual emptiness.

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A study with growing pigs was conducted to determine the chemical composition, physical characteristics, and standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of CP and AA of 8 rye genotypes that have recently been added to the German Descriptive Variety List. Eight barrows with an initial BW of 24 ± 2 kg were fitted with T-cannulas at the distal ileum and allotted to an 8 × 8 Latin square design with 8 periods of 6 d each and 8 pigs receiving 8 different diets. The N-free method was used to determine the basal ileal endogenous CP and AA losses.

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Background: Although practice patterns vary, scout radiographs are often routinely performed with pediatric fluoroscopic studies. However few studies have evaluated their utility in routine pediatric fluoroscopy.

Objective: To evaluate the value of scout abdomen radiographs in routine barium or water-soluble enema, upper gastrointestinal (GI) series, and voiding cystourethrogram pediatric fluoroscopic procedures.

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Background: Basal ileal endogenous amino acid (AA) losses (IAA) and standardized ileal digestibility (SID) values of cereal grains, such as barley, are apparently underestimated when determined according to the nitrogen (N)-free method. Regression analysis between the dietary apparent ileal digestible content (cAID) and total crude protein (CP) and AA can be considered as alternative approach to obtain more accurate values for IAA and SID of AA in cereal grains.

Methods: Eight hulled barley genotypes were used, with barley being the only source of CP and AA in the assay diets.

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Purpose: Despite progress in research concerning adolescent and young adult sleep and circadian preferences, several aspects have remained unexamined. This study explored gender and diurnal rhythms in relation to several sleep-related factors: sleep duration, bedtime, wake-up time, tiredness, sleepiness, and optimal subjective sleep duration.

Methods: Circadian preferences and sleep were investigated in 555 (Females N=247) Finnish students aged 15-20.

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Background: Day centers have been criticized for giving attendees a lower social status because they only offer activities that are often work-like although not financially of benefit to attendees.

Objectives: To explore day center attendees' perceived social status and to identify associations among the attendees with the center's orientation with activity, well-being, and psychiatric symptoms.

Method: Day center attendees in meeting place-oriented (n = 39) and work-oriented (n = 54) day centers in Sweden were interviewed addressing the targeted factors using both self-rated and interview-based instruments.

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Patterns of daily occupations (PDO) and occupational balance (OB) are recurring phenomena in the literature. Both are related with health and well-being, which makes them central in occupational therapy practice and occupational science. The aim was to review how PDO and OB are described in the literature, to propose a view of how the two constructs may be linked, and elaborate on how such a view may benefit occupational science and occupational therapy.

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Background: Day centres can prepare for open-market employment, and attendees' work motivation is key in this.

Aims: Adopting a gender perspective, this study investigated (1) motivation for day centre attendance, satisfaction with the day centre services, number of hours spent there, and number and type of occupations performed; and (2) whether those factors were related with motivation for open-market employment.

Methods: Women (n = 164) and men (n = 160) with psychiatric disabilities completed self-report questionnaires.

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Despite limited scientific support, a repeat prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test before prostate biopsy decisions is common. We analyzed biopsy outcomes in 1686 men from the STHLM3 study with PSA 3-10 ng/mL and two PSA tests taken within eight weeks and before prostate biopsy using percentages and multinomial logistic regression. We found that omitting prostate biopsy for men with PSA values decreasing to PSAs of 3 ng/mL or less would save 16.

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Ethnic minorities have particular needs and difficulties in terms of support for meaningful occupations, lack of access to and use of occupation-based rehabilitation services. They are not established in the labour market and are seldom in paid employment. This study aimed to investigate how mentally ill ethnic minority clients experience, feel and think about participation in occupation-based rehabilitation, and potential barriers they might encounter.

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Background: Meaningful everyday occupations are important for mental health and recovery and are provided by both community-based day centres (DCs) and clubhouses. It is unknown, however, if any of the two has more recovery-promoting features.

Objective: This nine-month longitudinal study compared DC and clubhouses, concerning the users' perceptions of unit and programme characteristics, and aspects of everyday occupations in terms of engagement and satisfaction.

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To further elaborate interactions between nutrition, gut microbiota and host health, an animal model to simulate changes in microbial composition and activity due to dietary changes similar to those in humans is needed. Therefore, the impact of two different diets on cecal and colonic microbial gene copies and metabolic activity, organ development and biochemical parameters in blood serum was investigated using a pig model. Four pigs were either fed a low-fat/high-fiber (LF), or a high-fat/low-fiber (HF) diet for seven weeks, with both diets being isocaloric.

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To determine chemical composition, physical characteristics and standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of CP and amino acids (AA) in eight current hulled barley genotypes, an experiment with growing pigs has been conducted. These genotypes included Yool, Campanile, Lomerit, Travira, Anisette, Canberra, Metaxa and Fridericus. Growing barrows with an average initial BW of 30±2 kg were surgically fitted with simple T-cannulas at the distal ileum, and allotted to an 8×9 Youden square design with eight periods of 6 days each and nine pigs.

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Young people with psychiatric disabilities may require support in structuring their everyday life. To learn more about the relevance of day centres in this respect, this study aimed to examine the experiences of young people with psychiatric disabilities. A particular focus was on the perceptions of meaningful occupation when visiting day centres, their reasons for not choosing this option when given it and what they desired instead.

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Partial or complete division of the parietal bones resulting in anomalous cranial sutures is a rare entity and may raise concern for fracture and potential abuse when identified on radiological examination in young children. We present a case of a 4-week-old male found to have anomalous intraparietal sutures originally interpreted as fractures during a comprehensive evaluation for nonaccidental trauma. Our goal is to raise awareness of a complex branching pattern of accessory intraparietal sutures, which has not been previously described.

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A self-report instrument assessing work-related factors among people with psychiatric disabilities would be useful when trying to match possible employment or prevocational opportunities with people's desires and capacities. The aim of this study was to explore the factor structure, internal consistency, and construct and criterion validity of the Worker Role Self-Assessment (WRS) in this group as well as possible floor and ceiling effects. The participants were 283 clients from day centers for people with psychiatric disabilities and from outpatient units for people with psychosis.

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The intestinal microbiota and its metabolites appear to be an important factor for gastrointestinal function and health. However, research is still needed to further elaborate potential relationships between nutrition, gut microbiota and host's health by means of a suitable animal model. The present study examined the effect of two different diets on microbial composition and activity by using the pig as a model for humans.

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Several important lessons have been learnt from our experiences in screening for various cancers. Screening programmes for cervical and colorectal cancers have had the greatest success, probably because these cancers are relatively homogenous, slow-growing, and have identifiable precursors that can be detected and removed; however, identifying the true obligate precursors of invasive disease remains a challenge. With regard to screening for breast cancer and for prostate cancer, which focus on early detection of invasive cancer, preferential detection of slower-growing, localized cancers has occurred, which has led to concerns about overdiagnosis and overtreatment; programmes for early detection of invasive lung cancers are emerging, and have faced similar challenges.

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The aim of this study was to explore participants' experiences and opinions about a free-choice system in relation to policy objectives articulated by the national government and local authorities. A case study was conducted. Thirty-five informants participated.

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Wilms' tumor is the most common pediatric solid renal tumor. Cross-fused renal ectopia is a rare congenital anomaly in which the left and right kidneys become fused and fail to ascend from the pelvis and abdomen. We report a case of a 5-year-old girl that underwent open partial nephrectomy on a cross-fused ectopic kidney, "pancake kidney," after incidental discovery of a solid renal mass found to be a Wilms' tumor.

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Purpose The aims of the present study were to assess: (i) changes in coping by use of Multidimensional Pain Inventory profiles from baseline to follow-up, (ii) associations between Adaptive Coper (AC) profiles at follow-up and improvements in occupational performance (by Canadian Occupational Performance Measure COPM) and (iii) ability to predict AC profiles at follow-up by participants' baseline characteristics. Method Data at baseline, discharge and follow-up from 525 participants in a pain rehabilitation program were analyzed with multivariate statistics. Results AC profiles increased and Dysfunctional (DYS) profiles decreased at follow-up.

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Aims The aims were to (i) investigate initial construct validity of a tool for assessment of time allocation in occupational balance, and (ii) describe perceived occupational balance and its relationship with socio-demographics, well-being, and personal recovery among people with mental illness. Methods Satisfaction with Daily Occupations and Occupational Balance (SDO-OB) was administered to 226 persons. SDO-OB reflects balance in five occupational domains: work, leisure, home chores, self-care, and overall occupational balance.

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Background: Positive effects of physical activity, health promotion and disease prevention, in treatment of mental illnesses are well documented. Mental health practice for nursing students highlights the important connection between physical activities and mental health. This study aims to examine the outcome from nursing students' participation using The forest as a classroom.

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