Publications by authors named "Eiri Hayashi"

Background: The mean age of starting hemodialysis (HD) in patients with end-stage renal failure is gradually increasing in Japan. It is not uncommon for HD to be commenced in bedridden elderly patients who cannot give informed consent, because of brain damage. However, we have not been able to provide useful advice to their families because there was no relevant information available about the prognosis of bedridden patients on HD.

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Objectives: Frequent recurrence of superficial bladder cancer is a major problem that impairs patients' quality of life. We studied the current treatment of superficial bladder cancer, including the economic aspects of intravesical instillation.

Methods: A total of 138 superficial bladder cancers were assessed.

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A large cystic mass that occupied more than half of the abdomen was identified by ultrasound in a 10-month-old boy. Intravenous pyelography failed to visualize the right kidney, so we created a loop ureterocutaneostomy followed by temporary nephrostomy to improve renal function. Exploratory surgery revealed complete atresia of the distal right ureter.

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Ameloblastoma is an uncommon disease in the urological field. The resulting tumors or cysts are of odontogenic epithelial origin, are usually benign in nature and rarely metastasize to distant organs. We describe a case of metastatic ameloblastic carcinoma in both kidneys of a 38-year-old Japanese man, who had a history of malignant ameloblastoma and was referred to us for evaluation because of gross hematuria and left flank pain.

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