Publications by authors named "Einarsson S"

Research on disease-related malnutrition and adherence to oral nutritional supplements (ONS) has increased in recent years. To guide future studies, it is important to identify trends in terminology use and intervention characteristics. This review aimed to map characteristics of research investigating adherence to ONS in patients with disease-related malnutrition and explore changes over time.

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Background: Impulsivity symptoms have been studied thoroughly in adults with ADHD, including hasty actions and decisions without considering possible consequences. The objective of our study was to investigate impulsive buying and deferment of gratification among adults with ADHD and a comparison group.

Method: The participants were 225 adults with ADHD and 121 university students who completed the Buying Impulsiveness Scale (BIS), the Deferment of Gratification Questionnaire (DOGQ), the Adult ADHD Rating Scale-IV (ADHD-RS), as well as background questions.

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The nuclear ribosomal RNA (rRNA) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions are commonly used to identify fungi and other eukaryotic taxa in amplicon sequencing. The highly conserved rRNA regions flanking the ITS are often trimmed before being used for taxonomic assignment. The Python software package ITSxpress rapidly trims single-end or paired-end sequences in FASTQ format for use in amplicon sequence variant clustering methods like DADA2.

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Article Synopsis
  • The review aimed to summarize factors influencing the use of oral nutritional supplements (ONS) among patients facing disease-related malnutrition, using a search of various databases for relevant studies published since 2000.
  • From over 21,000 articles screened, 171 were included, highlighting two main patient groups: those with malignancies and older adults, resulting in the identification of 59 barriers and facilitators impacting ONS adherence.
  • The findings suggest that patient health, motivation, product satisfaction, and healthcare support play significant roles, indicating the need for a comprehensive approach to improve adherence and more research on effective strategies.
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Background: The Head and Neck Patient Symptom Checklist (HNSC) is a validated 2-part instrument used to ask patients with head and neck cancer about the nutrition impact symptoms they experience (part 1) and how these interfere with their eating (part 2).

Purpose: The purpose of this work was to translate and culturally adapt the HNSC into Swedish in accordance with the guidelines of the International Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR).

Methods: The ISPOR guidelines include 10 steps, and these were thoroughly followed.

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Introduction: The scored Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA©) is a validated tool for the screening, assessment and monitoring of malnutrition, and triaging of interventions. It contains a patient-generated component and a healthcare professional (HCP)-generated component.

Aim: To translate the PG-SGA into Swedish, assess the linguistic and content validity of the Swedish version, and ensure conceptional, semantic and operational equivalence to the original English PG-SGA.

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Purpose: This study aimed to investigate whether malnutrition or nutrition impact symptoms (NIS) affect the possibility of returning to work after treatment for head and neck cancer.

Methods: Patients of working age with head and neck cancer were followed up from treatment initiation to 3 months (n = 238), 1 year (n = 182), and 2 years (n = 130) after treatment completion. The observed decrease in the number of patients over time was due to retirement, lack of follow-up, or death.

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The harmful algal genus Alexandrium has characteristically been found in temperate and subtropical regions; however recent evidence suggests global warming may be expanding its range into high latitude waters. Alexandrium cysts have previously been documented in the Chukchi Sea and we hypothesize that Alexandrium may be expanding further into the Arctic due to distribution by the Beaufort shelfbreak jet. Here we document the presence of Alexandrium catenella along the Alaskan Beaufort Sea shelf, marking an expansion of its known range.

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Background: There is a need for a feasible tool to assess the risk of frailty prior to surgery. We aimed to identify the ratio of abnormal results for three clinically applicable screening tools to assess the risk of frailty, and their association with adverse outcomes in a cohort of elderly surgical patients.

Methods: In this prospective pilot study, patients ≥65 years undergoing preoperative evaluation for elective surgery were included and subjected to three frailty screening tests; Program of Research to Integrate Services for the Maintenance of Autonomy 7-item questionnaire (PRISMA7), Timed Up and Go (TUG), and Clock Drawing Test (CDT).

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For overweight and obese women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) the pregnancy and live birth rates are compromised while the underlying mechanisms and predictors are unclear. The aim was to explore the association between adipose tissue-related inflammatory and metabolic markers and the pregnancy and live birth outcome of IVF in a cohort of predominantly overweight and obese women. Serum samples, fulfilling standardizing criteria, were identified from 195 women having participated in either the control (n = 131) or intervention (n = 64) group of a randomized controlled trial (RCT), seeking to evaluate the effect of a weight reduction intervention on IVF outcome in obese women.

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Study Question: Can use of a commercially available time-lapse algorithm for Day 5 blastocyst selection improve pregnancy rates compared with morphology alone?

Summary Answer: The use of a time-lapse selection model to choose blastocysts for fresh single embryo transfer on Day 5 did not improve ongoing pregnancy rate compared to morphology alone.

What Is Known Already: Evidence from time-lapse monitoring suggests correlations between timing of key developmental events and embryo viability. No good quality evidence exists to support improved pregnancy rates following time-lapse selection.

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In this article the incidence and mortality for cancer of the colon and rectum in Iceland is discussed. The two most common screening methods, faecal immunochemical test (FIT) and colonoscopy are compared and an estimate of cost and benefits for the Icelandic society will be made. The incidence of cancer of the colon and rectum has been increasing in Iceland in last decades but mortality has decreased and survival improved.

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Background: There is a need for standardized and cost-effective identification of frailty risk. The objective was to validate the Hospital Frailty Risk Score which utilizes International Classification Diagnoses in a cohort of older surgical patients, assess the score as an independent risk factor for adverse outcomes and compare discrimination properties of the frailty risk score with other risk stratification scores.

Methods: Data were analysed from all patients ≥65 years undergoing primary surgical procedures from 2006-2018.

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Patients with cancer deal with problems related to physical, psychological, social, and emotional functions. The aim was to investigate malnutrition defined by the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM) criteria in relation to health-related quality of life, anxiety, and depression in patients with head and neck cancer. This was a prospective observational research study with 273 patients followed at the start of treatment, seven weeks, and one year.

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Climate change is an existential threat to global environments and human life. To achieve global mean temperature rise of below 1.5 °C, increasing utilization of renewable energy and minimizing CO₂ emission from fossil fuel industries have been emphasized by the United Nations.

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Background & Aims: In head and neck cancer, the combination of weight loss and elevated C-reactive protein levels means that patients have malnutrition as defined by the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM). This study aimed to identify impact factors for malnutrition as defined by the GLIM criteria among patients with head and neck cancer at the start of treatment and up to 12 months post-treatment.

Methods: In a prospective, observational study, patient, tumour, treatment, and nutritional data from 229 patients with head and neck cancer were collected at the start of treatment and at three follow-ups (7 weeks after the start of treatment and at 3 and 12 months after the termination of treatment).

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Background & Aims: Patients with head and neck cancer are defined as high-risk patients for malnutrition, but the inconsistent practice of diagnosing malnutrition is a barrier in comparing studies and in assessing patients in clinical practice. The aim of the study was to describe the frequency of malnutrition over time in patients treated for head and neck cancer using the GLIM Criteria for the Diagnosis of Malnutrition.

Methods: Data from a prospective observational study on patients with head and neck cancer were used (n = 210).

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Purpose: To test in a 'real world' diabetic eye-screening programme, a computer-based personal risk evaluation for progression to sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy. Screening intervals were individualized, and clinical outcomes, safety and cost-effectiveness documented.

Methods: The RETINARISK algorithm was used in an ophthalmology clinic in Norway.

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Introduction: Assisted reproduction technologies are being rapidly developed and implementation of preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) has allowed patients with genetic disorders to initiate pregnancies while minimizing or eliminating the risk of transmitting these disorders to their offspring. Testing for numeric chromosomal anomalies has been proposed as a way to increase efficacy in assisted reproduction; however, this remains disputed. Legislation is lagging behind the rapid developments in this field.

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Study Question: Did weight reduction in obese women scheduled for IVF increase cumulative live birth rate (CLBR) after 2 years?

Summary Answer: Weight loss prior to IVF did not increase CLBR.

What Is Known Already: Few studies have investigated the effect of weight reduction in obese infertile women scheduled for IVF. In a recent randomized controlled trial (RCT), including one IVF cycle, we found no increase in live birth rate after weight reduction.

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: Involuntary body weight loss in head and neck cancer is common. Fundamental for weight loss is an energy imbalance where total energy expenditure exceeds energy intake.: To map energy intake and parameters of energy expenditure at the start of and after radiotherapy, and their relation to weight change, body mass index, and immune markers in patients with head and neck cancer.

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Introduction: Large observational studies have shown that obstetric and perinatal outcomes are negatively affected in obese women. In contrast, a recent Dutch randomized trial of infertile women and lifestyle weight intervention found no difference between the weight intervention group and the control group in obstetric or neonatal outcomes. We have recently published a large Nordic randomized trial where obese women scheduled for in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment went through an intensive weight intervention treatment before IVF.

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The purpose was to describe how patients with head and neck cancer experience and cope with difficulties related to food and eating up to two years after the termination of treatment. One hundred and thirty-five patients were followed with thematically structured interviews. The patients' responses of nutritional issues were categorised using similarities and differences technique.

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Foundations and philanthropy currently play a very limited role in the Swedish welfare. The same is true in fields like Culture and Recreation or International Activities. Only in the case of funding of research do Swedish foundations exhibit a role possible to define in terms of substitution rather than weak complementarity in relation to government.

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Study Question: Does an intensive weight reduction programme prior to IVF increase live birth rates for infertile obese women?

Summary Answer: An intensive weight reduction programme resulted in a large weight loss but did not substantially affect live birth rates in obese women scheduled for IVF.

What Is Already Known: Among obese women, fertility and obstetric outcomes are influenced negatively with increased risk of miscarriage and a higher risk of maternal and neonatal complications. A recent large randomized controlled trial found no effect of lifestyle intervention on live birth in infertile obese women.

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