Publications by authors named "Edwards V"

Introduction: With the increasing use of aeromedical transport for critically ill patients, it is essential to understand the impact of pressure changes on drug infusion delivery systems. As airplanes ascend and descend, gases/bubbles are released from solutions when ambient pressure decreases and dissolves when pressure increases. This may affect mechanical fluid delivery systems and cause clinically significant changes, especially within a critical care setting.

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Introduction/aims: A previous randomized controlled trial showed that guided self-help acceptance and commitment therapy plus standard medical care (ACT+SMC) was superior to standard medical care alone (SMC) for improving quality of life (QoL) and mood at 9-weeks post randomization in a sample of people with muscle disorders (MD). This follow-up study evaluated whether these effects were maintained in the longer term alongside individual patterns of response.

Methods: The original study was a two-arm parallel group randomized controlled trial, which compared ACT+SMC to SMC.

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Gonorrhea, caused by the human-restricted pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae, is a commonly reported sexually transmitted infection. Since most infections in women are asymptomatic, the true number of infections is likely much higher than reported. How gonococci (GC) colonize women's cervixes without triggering symptoms remains elusive.

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Article Synopsis
  • - The study explores how atmospheric pressure changes during flights can influence insulin delivery from pumps in people with type 1 diabetes, potentially leading to issues like hypoglycaemia.
  • - An in vitro flight simulation mimicking airline conditions revealed that insulin pumps can over-deliver and under-deliver insulin at different stages of flight, particularly significant during emergency decompression scenarios.
  • - Real-world data from pilots using continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) showed that insulin levels remained stable with only a small percentage of blood glucose readings falling outside the safe range, indicating effective management while flying.
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Hybrid closed-loop (HCL) systems remain underexplored within aviation, and as atmospheric pressure changes can independently affect insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring readings, this preliminary study assessed the feasibility of HCL safety evaluation, in both fasting and post-prandial states, by using hypobaric chamber to simulate flights. Participants with type 1 diabetes and on HCL were studied: Medtronic Guardian 4-Medtronic 780G-SmartGuard ( = 4), Dexcom G6-Omnipod DASH-Android APS ( = 1), and Dexcom G6-Ypsomed Pump-CamAPS ( = 1). Flight cabin pressures of 550 mmHg and 750 mmHg were simulated in a hypobaric chamber.

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Antimicrobial resistance in (Ng) has severely reduced treatment options, including azithromycin (AZM), which had previously been recommended as dual therapy with ceftriaxone. This study characterizes the emergence of high-level resistance to AZM (HLR-AZM) Ng in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, and describes the global evolution of HLR-AZM Ng. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) of 30 Ng isolates with and without HLR-AZM from Baltimore was used to identify clonality and resistance determinants.

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Biomarker responses to intensive decompression indicate systemic proinflammatory responses and possible neurological stress. To further investigate responses, 12 additional brain and lung biomarkers were assayed. A total of 15 healthy men (20 to 50 yr) undertook consecutive same-day ascents to 25,000 ft (7620 m), following denitrogenation, breathing 100% oxygen.

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Neisseria gonorrhoeae (the gonococcus, Gc) causes the sexually transmitted infection gonorrhea. Gc is a prominent threat to human health by causing severe lifelong sequelae, including infertility and chronic pelvic pain, which is amplified by the emergence of "superbug" strains resistant to all current antibiotics. Gc is highly adapted to colonize human mucosal surfaces, where it survives despite initiating a robust inflammatory response and influx of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs, neutrophils) that typically clear bacteria.

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: The correction of breast hypertrophy and ptosis with implant placement has always posed a challenge for plastic surgeons. Various methods have been devised, yielding conflicting results. The purpose of this study is to describe our surgical technique of breast reduction with silicone implants, present the safety profile of the procedure, and report patient-reported outcomes.

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Unlabelled: The multi-target stool DNA (mt-sDNA) test screens for colorectal cancer by analyzing DNA methylation/mutation and hemoglobin markers to algorithmically derive a qualitative result. A new panel of highly discriminant candidate methylated DNA markers (MDM) was recently developed. Performance of the novel MDM panel, with hemoglobin, was evaluated in a simulated screening population using archived stool samples weighted to early-stage colorectal cancer and prospectively collected advanced precancerous lesions (APL).

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Introduction: In adults, muscle disease (MD) is typically a chronic long-term condition that can lead to a reduced quality of life (QoL). Previous research suggests that a psychological intervention, in particular Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), may help improve QoL for individuals living with chronic conditions such as MD.

Methods: This nested qualitative study was incorporated within a randomized controlled trial which evaluated a guided self-help ACT intervention for people living with MD to explore their experiences of the intervention.

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Consistent blood biomarkers of hypobaric (altitude) decompression stress remain elusive. Recent laboratory investigation of decompression sickness risk at 25,000 ft (7620 m) enabled evaluation of early pathophysiological responses to exertional decompression stress. In this study, 15 healthy men, aged 20-50 yr, undertook 2 consecutive (same-day) ascents to 25,000 ft (7620 m) for 60 and 90 min, breathing 100% oxygen, each following 1 h of prior denitrogenation.

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Staphylococcal enterotoxin C (SEC) can cause staphylococcal food poisoning, one of the most prevalent foodborne intoxications. It is produced by Staphylococcus aureus during growth in the food matrix. While the surrounding bacteria in food matrices usually repress the growth of S.

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Under certain conditions, multiple nonhuman species have been observed engaging in choice behavior that resulted in less food earned when compared to the amount of food that was available to be earned over the course of a session. This phenomenon is particularly strong in pigeons, but has also been observed in rats and nonhuman primates. Conversely, human participants have demonstrated a propensity to choose more optimally.

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Objectives: Unmet interpersonal needs may play a role in excessive emotional attachments to objects for people with hoarding disorder (HD). Previous research indicates that social support (but not attachment difficulties) may be specific to HD. The study aimed to evaluate social networks and support in HD relative to clinical controls with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and healthy controls (HC).

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This study investigated sex differences in, and the effect of protein supplementation on, bone metabolism during a 36-h military field exercise. Forty-four British Army Officer cadets (14 women) completed a 36-h field exercise. Participants consumed either their habitual diet [ = 14 women (Women) and = 15 men (Men Controls)] or the habitual diet with an additional 46.

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Military training is physically arduous and associated with high injury incidence. Unlike in high-performance sport, the interaction between training load and injury has not been extensively researched in military personnel. Sixty-three (43 men, 20 women; age 24 ± 2 years; stature 1.

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Background: Juvenile Thoroughbreds can be expensive to raise and train to race. Part of the economic return in these juveniles are the weanling, yearling and 2-year-old in training sales at which major surgeries must be declared.

Objectives: To determine if surgically corrected large colon displacements were associated with a reduction of sales price and racing performance.

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Purpose: The Oncotype DX Genomic Prostate Score (GPS) assay has been validated as a strong prognostic indicator of adverse pathology, biochemical recurrence, distant metastasis (DM), and prostate cancer (PCa)-related death (PCD) in men with localized PCa after radical prostatectomy. However, it has yet to be tested in men undergoing external beam radiation therapy (EBRT), for whom assessing PCa progression risk could inform decisions on treatment intensity. We analyzed whether GPS results are associated with time to biochemical failure (BCF), DM, and PCD after EBRT in men with localized PCa and whether the association is modified by race.

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Background: Women with a cervicovaginal microbiota dominated by Lactobacillus spp. are at reduced risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections including HIV, but the biological mechanisms involved remain poorly defined. Here, we performed metaproteomics on vaginal swab samples from young South African women (n = 113) and transcriptomics analysis of cervicovaginal epithelial cell cultures to examine the ability of lactic acid, a metabolite produced by cervicovaginal lactobacilli, to modulate genital epithelial barrier function.

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2D cell culture systems have historically provided controlled, reproducible means to analyze host-pathogen interactions observed in the human reproductive tract. Although inexpensive, straightforward, and requiring a very short time commitment, these models recapitulate neither the functionality of multilayered cell types nor the associated microbiome that occurs in a human. Animal models have commonly been used to recreate the complexity of human infections.

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Objective: This exploratory study examines the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in adults with cystic fibrosis (CF).

Design: Childhood exposure to 16 ACEs was measured during an annual review assessment (N = 80).

Methods: CF patients (n = 80) attending the All Wales Adult CF Service for a routine annual review assessment completed an adapted version of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) short-form ACE questionnaire alongside measures of psychological well-being.

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Objectives: To compare clinical management and key outcomes of critically ill children with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in two cohorts (2015 cohort: managed according to the 2015 British Society of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes (BSPED) guidelines; 2020 cohort: managed according to the 2020 BSPED guidelines).

Design: Retrospective cohort study using prospectively collected data.

Setting: A critical care advice and transport service based in London, and referring hospitals within the critical care network.

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Military training is characterized by high daily energy expenditures which are difficult to match with energy intake, potentially resulting in negative energy balance (EB) and low energy availability (EA). The aim of this study was to quantify EB and EA during British Army Officer Cadet training. Thirteen (seven women) Officer Cadets (mean ± SD: age 24 ± 3 years) volunteered to participate.

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Dietary intake and physical activity impact performance and adaptation during training. The aims of this study were to compare energy and macronutrient intake during British Army Officer Cadet training with dietary guidelines and describe daily distribution of energy and macronutrient intake and estimated energy expenditure. Thirteen participants (seven women) were monitored during three discrete periods of military training for 9 days on-camp, 5 days of field exercise, and 9 days of a mixture of the two.

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