Background: It is unclear as to the extent to which psychological interventions focusing specifically on depression and anxiety are helpful for people with physical health conditions, with respect to mood and condition management.
Aims: To evaluate the effectiveness of a modified evidence-based psychological intervention focusing on depression and anxiety for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), compared with a control intervention.
Method: Clients (n = 140) who experienced mild to moderate depression and/or anxiety and had a diagnosis of T2DM were allocated to either diabetes specific treatment condition (n = 52) or standard intervention (control condition, n = 63), which were run in parallel.
Background: The proposal of a 4-year plan to integrate treatment of people with long term medical conditions (LTCs) into the IAPT service (Department of Health, 2011) seeks for research to understand the effectiveness of IAPT interventions for this patient group.
Aim: The aim of this service development pilot work was to develop an intervention that is effective for people with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). It was hypothesized that the standard IAPT intervention would not be effective, but that it can be adapted so that it is effective both in terms of mood and self-management of T2DM.