Publications by authors named "Eduardo Gimeno"

A flock of 48 sheep in Argentina grazing on a pasture of hybrid (formerly ) Mulato II ( ×  × ) developed facial dermatitis, severe jaundice, and weakness after brief physical activity. Blood biochemistry of 3 animals revealed azotemia, elevated aspartate aminotransferase activity, and increased direct, indirect, and total bilirubin concentrations. The urine was markedly turbid and contained large concentrations of bile pigments and protein.

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Solanum glaucophyllum Desf. is a calcinogenic plant responsible for enzootic calcinosis that affects ruminants and causes alterations in bone and cartilaginous tissues, among others. It is believed that changes in cartilage tissue, with reduced bone growth, are due to hypercalcitoninism, caused by excess vitamin D.

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It is well known that several of the swainsonine-containing plant species found widespread around the world have a negative economic impact in each country. In Argentina, most of the information on the poisonous plant species that produce α-mannosidosis is published in Spanish and thus not available to most English-speaking researchers interested in toxic plants. Therefore, the aim of this review is to summarize the information about swainsonine-containing plants in Argentina, which are extensively distributed throughout different ecoregions of the country.

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Five adult Saanen goats received a single oral dose of containing 42.25 μg/kg rubiadin (anthraquinone) and 3 adult goats were untreated controls. All goats were exposed to sunlight and sequential ear skin biopsies were collected before treatment and at 32 hours, 3 days, 8 days, and 15 days after treatment.

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Enzootic calcinosis (EC), is a chronic disease, caused by toxic plants, which has mainly affected ruminants for more than 100 years. It is characterized by a soft tissue calcification, hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypoparathiroidism, hypercalcitoninism, osteonecrosis, and osteopetrosis. The toxic compound reported in some of these plants are 1,25(OH)D glycosides.

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The Solanum glaucophyllum Desf. has been used to treat and prevent diseases in human and veterinary medicine. On the other hand, plant poisoning causes several bone diseases, among them osteoporosis, which is characterized by osteoblastic hypoplasia.

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Lysosomal storage diseases are inherited and acquired disorders characterized by dysfunctional lysosomes. Intracytoplasmic accumulation of undegraded substrates leads to impaired cellular function and death. Several plant species are toxic to livestock because of the presence of indolizidine alkaloids, including swainsonine, which cause a storage disease.

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Article Synopsis
  • - Commerson's dolphins, often found stranded in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, were studied for skeletal pathologies in 425 specimens collected between 1974 and 2011, revealing that 25.2% of them had various bone lesions.
  • - The most common pathology was idiopathic hyperostosis (73.8%), followed by spondyloarthropathy (40.2%), while conditions like osteoarthritis and spondylitis were less frequent.
  • - Certain lesions were linked to specific regions of the vertebral column, with mature dolphins showing a higher prevalence of these issues, indicating that these pathologies may cause pain and health problems for the dolphins.
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The hypothesis of this experiment is that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are involved in the genesis of the bone metaplasia caused by Solanum glaucophyllum intoxication. We determined using liquid chromatography that 1 mL of plant extract contained 3.8 μl of 1,25(OH)D.

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The lectin histochemical pattern (LHP) was characterized and compared in normal and cystic ovaries of sows. Six biotinylated lectins (PNA, SBA, WGA, RCA-1, DBA and UEA-1) were used on tissue sections. In the normal ovaries, the reaction to UEA-1 and SBA was mild to moderate in mesothelial and endothelial cells.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical, biochemical and toxicological findings of the experimentally poisoning induced by Heterophyllaea pustulata in goats. Ten healthy adult female Saanen breed goats were used in the experiment. The goats were randomly assigned to two groups of five individuals: control and experimental group (CG and EG).

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The aim of this paper was to present the first report of Prosopis nigra poisoning of cattle in Argentina. Outbreaks occurred in five farms located in Salta and Santiago del Estero provinces. All animals were examined, euthanized and necropsied.

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Equid alphaherpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) infection causes abortion, respiratory disease, perinatal deaths and neurological disorders in horses. The natural infection and available vaccines provide only partial and short-lived protection against reinfections. In the present study, we analyzed the ability of purified baculovirus-expressed glycoprotein D (gD) administered by different routes to induce protective immunity in BALB/c mice after challenge with the EHV-1 AR8 strain.

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In Argentina there is little information about diseases that affect exotic ungulates and the health risks that they pose to native wildlife, livestock, and humans. The aim of this study was to evaluate the health status of red deer ( Cervus elaphus) in the Nahuel Huapi National Park and surrounding areas in Patagonia, Argentina. During three consecutive hunting seasons, necropsies were performed on 101 red deer, and tissues were examined histologically.

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Solanum glaucophyllum, a toxic plant known for its calcinogenic effects, causes enzootic calcinosis in ruminant and monogastric animals. We describe an outbreak of enzootic calcinosis that occurred in a herd of 110 horses grazing pastureland heavily contaminated with S. glaucophyllum in Buenos Aires province, Argentina.

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Bovine enzootic haematuria (BEH) is caused by prolonged ingestion of toxic principles of bracken fern, essentially by Pteridium spp. In northwestern Argentina, this disease has a great economic impact ant it is attributed a chronic consumption to Pteridium arachnoideum. This paper describes two endemic areas for enzootic hematuria due to the consumption of Pteris deflexa and Pteris plumula.

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There are numerous poisonous plants that can induce intralysosomal accumulation of glycoproteins and neurologic syndromes. Here we describe for the first time, a disease caused by ingesting Sida rodrigoi Monteiro in goats in North-western Argentina. The animals showed weight loss, indifference to the environment, unsteady gait and ataxia.

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Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa (Convolvulaceae) causes poisoning of goats, sheep and cattle in many tropical and subtropical countries. The pathophysiology of this poisoning mainly involves an abnormal glycoprotein metabolism.

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Bovine tritrichomonosis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the protozoon Tritrichomonas foetus and characterised by embryonic-death and abortion. During pregnancy, the processes of cell proliferation and death play a crucial role for blastocyst implantation and the subsequent maintenance of early pregnancy, and their misbalance may lead to the abortion. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether cell proliferation and death may be altered during tritrichomonosis.

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Intoxication with Solanum bonariense in cattle causes cerebellar cortical degeneration with perikaryal vacuolation, axonal swelling, and death primarily of Purkinje cells, with accumulation of electron-dense residual storage bodies in membrane-bound vesicles. The pathogenesis of this disease is not fully understood. Previously, we proposed that inhibition of protein synthesis in Purkinje cells among other altered metabolic pathways could lead to cytoskeletal alterations, subsequently altering cell-specific axonal transport.

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This study describes an occurrence of pink morning glory (Ipomoea carnea) intoxication in goats in northern Argentina. The clinical signs displayed by the affected animals were ataxia, lethargy, emaciation, hypertonia of the neck muscles, spastic paresis in the hind legs, abnormal postural reactions and death. The clinico-pathologic examination revealed that the affected animals were anemic and their serum level of aspartate aminotransferase was significantly increased.

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Tritrichomonas foetus (T. foetus) is the causal agent of bovine tritrichomonosis (BT), a venereal disease that causes significant economic losses in the bovine livestock industry. The structural organization of T.

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Background: The spread of the invasive snail Pomacea canaliculata is expanding the rat lungworm disease beyond its native range. Their toxic eggs have virtually no predators and unusual defenses including a neurotoxic lectin and a proteinase inhibitor, presumably advertised by a warning coloration. We explored the effect of egg perivitellin fluid (PVF) ingestion on the rat small intestine morphology and physiology.

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Equine herpesvirus 1 and 4 (EHV-1 and 4) infect most of the world's horses, causing serious clinical illness. Viral glycoproteins have been identified as the immunodominant antigens that generate the antiviral serological responses to EHV-1 and EHV-4 in infected horses. Here, glycoprotein D of EHV-1 was expressed by a recombinant baculovirus, purified and evaluated by a simple agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGID).

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Ipomoea carnea is a toxic plant that affects goats, with symptoms being characterised by nervous disorders and death. Swainsonine and calystegines are the principal toxic components isolated from I. carnea, which also yields lysergic acid derivatives.

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