Publications by authors named "Eduardo Ferreira Da Silva"

Background: The nutrition transition is linked to the double-burden of malnutrition worldwide, and its impact on the quality of life is considerable. The dietary diversity score and self-rated health are two proxies that have been used to assess, for the former, nutrient adequacy and overall diet quality, and for the latter, health from a sociological, epidemiological and economical lens. The general aim of this study was to evaluate the relation between food and subjective health, and to test the hypothesis that greater dietary diversity is positively associated with a better perception of health.

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The red deer is an ungulate and large game species. The contamination of the ecosystems by metal(loid)s may lead to the exposure of animals (as well as humans) through water and food resources. The direct contact of hunters and wild animal meat consumers with deer carcasses may be a potential contaminant source.

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The murine model of experimental cerebral malaria (ECM) induced by ANKA was used to investigate the relationship among pro-inflammatory cytokines, alterations in renal function biomarkers, and the induction of the TRAIL apoptosis pathway during malaria-associated acute kidney injury (AKI). Renal function was evaluated through the measurement of plasma creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN). The mRNA expression of several cytokines and NaPi-IIa was quantified.

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Delle Chiaje, 1841 (Annelida, Onuphidae) is one of the most exploited polychaete species in European waters, particularly in Ria de Aveiro, a coastal lagoon in mainland Portugal, where the overexploitation of this resource has led to a generalized decline of local populations. In an attempt to reduce the impact of harvesting, several management actions were implemented, but illegal poaching still fuels a parallel economy that threatens the sustainable use of this marine resource. The present study evaluated the combination of fatty acid profiles and elemental fingerprints of the whole body and jaws, respectively, of collected from four harvesting locations within Ria de Aveiro in order to determine if their geographic origin could be correctly assigned post-harvesting.

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The fraudulent mislabelling of seafood geographic origin has been growing due to complex supply chains and growing consumer demand. To address this issue, seafood traceability tools, such as those based on elemental fingerprints (EF) of bivalve shells, have been successfully used to confirm their harvesting location. However, despite the usefulness of these methodologies, there is still room for optimization.

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Article Synopsis
  • - Contamination by toxic metals like cadmium, lead, and zinc is a major global health and environmental concern, and using sorbents such as peat, compost, and biochar can help remediate contaminated soil and water effectively and sustainably.
  • - The study found that the bioaccessibility of these metals varied with the type of sorbent used, showing that compost was the most effective for lead, while for cadmium and zinc, peat outperformed biochar.
  • - While biochar helped reduce the concentration of metals, its own toxicity and the need to manage dosages were concerns, indicating that careful use of these materials is crucial to minimize ecological harm in remediation efforts.
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The western-European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) is an insectivore with a wide distribution in Portugal and a potential tool for biomonitoring relevant One Health hazards, including heavy metal(loid)s' pollution. The aim of this study was to positively contribute to the current knowledge about the metal(loid) pollution in Portugal. Forty-six hedgehogs (from rescue centres; with known provenance) were necropsied.

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Wild boars (Sus scrofa) are part of the hunting economy and are highly consumed in the Iberian Peninsula, including in the Castile and Leon regions. As zoonotic diseases, chemical pollutants in wild boars' internal tissues should be interpreted as evidence of environmental contamination and a matter of concern for animal, human and ecosystem health; in other words, a One Health concern. Twenty-eight wild boars' livers and kidneys (n = 28) from Castile and Leon were submitted to metal(loid) determination (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrophotometry (ICP-MS) and histopathological exam.

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The mining industry is one of the largest sources of environmental concern globally. Herein we report for the first time the application of highly porous 3D-printed sorbents containing high amounts (50 wt%) of red mud, a hazardous waste derived from the alumina industry, for the remediation of acid mine drainage (AMD). The sorption capacity of the inorganic polymers was initially evaluated for the simultaneous removal of five metal(loid) elements, namely Cu(II), Ni(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and As(V) in synthetic wastewater.

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Soil and water contamination by potentially toxic metals (PTMs) has exerted adverse environmental impacts, which justifies studies of promising remediation alternatives. This article investigated the competitive sorption of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) onto peat, compost, and biochar derived from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW), but its main innovation was the post-sorption assessment. The effects of contact time on competition between contaminants were systematically analyzed by batch experiments and the effectiveness of the sorption process was evaluated in desorption tests (HO, HCl, NaOH, and NaCl) and sequential extraction.

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Heavy metal(loid) pollution of ecosystems is a current One Health problem. The liver is one of the most affected organs in cases of acute or chronic exposure to abnormal amounts of these substances, inducing histopathologic lesions. In order to assess the influence of heavy metal(loids), forty-five European hedgehogs () were submitted to necropsy, and liver samples were collected for a routine histopathology exam and metal(loid)s determination (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu and Pb) by ICP-MS.

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Aljustrel, Lousal and S. Domingos mines are located in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), one of the greatest massive sulfide ore deposits worldwide. These mines' surrounding streams are affected by Acid Mine Drainage (AMD).

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Polychaetes are known to be good bioindicators of marine pollution, such as inorganic contamination. Major and trace elements are commonly present in sediment and may be accumulated by polychaetes such as the tubiculous . In this study, individuals were collected in the autumn, winter, spring, and summer of 2018/2019 from the Ria de Aveiro lagoon (western Portugal) to understand how seasonality influences element accumulation.

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The development of waste-derived sorbents to immobilize potentially toxic elements (PTEs) is a promising strategy, contributing to the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs). Therefore, this study aimed to assess the sorption performance of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn), comparing sorbents derived from organic fraction of municipal solid waste (composts and biochars) with peat. The physicochemical characterization, equilibrium of sorption, post-sorption analyzes and bioaccessibility were investigated.

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Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) results from sulfide oxidation, which incorporates hydrogen ions, sulfate, and metals/metalloids into the aquatic environment, allowing fixation, bioaccumulation and biomagnification of pollutants in the aquatic food chain. Acidic leachates from waste rock dams from pyritic and (to a lesser extent) coal mining are the main foci of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) production. When AMD is incorporated into rivers, notable changes in water hydro-geochemistry and biota are observed.

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Geographic origin is directly linked to the quality and commercial value of bivalves. The globalization of the seafood trade and the increasing number of fraudulent practices in the bivalves industry has prompted consumers to become increasingly aware on the geographic origin of the seafood they consume. To enhance consumers' confidence and allow authorities to effectively enforce regulations and contain risks that threaten public health, fast and accurate tools must be made available to confirm claims along the trade chain on the geographic origin of bivalves.

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The historic contamination of water and soils by arsenic (As) is an extremely alarming environmental and public health issue worldwide. This study investigated the relationship between As sorption and physicochemical properties of composts and biochars derived from the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (OFMSW) towards the development of promising sorbents with value-added solid wastes management solutions. The sorbents were characterized and their effectiveness on the As sorption was tested.

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The Odiel River (SW Spain) is one of the most cited rivers in the scientific literature due to its high pollution degree, generated by more than 80 sulphide mines' (mostly unrestored) contamination in the Iberian Pyritic Belt (IPB), that have been exploited for more than 5000 years. Along the river and its tributaries, the physico-chemical parameters and diatoms, from 15 sampling points, were analyzed in the laboratory. Physico-chemical parameters, water chemical analysis, together with richness and Shannon-Wiener indexes were integrated in a matrix.

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The term extremophile was suggested more than 30 years ago and represents microorganisms that are capable of developing and living under extreme conditions, these conditions being particularly hostile to other types of microorganisms and to humankind. In terrestrial hydrothermal sites, like hot springs, "mud pools", solfataras, and geysers, the dominant extreme conditions are high temperature, low or high pH, and high levels of salinity. The diversity of microorganisms inhabiting these sites is determined by the conditions of the environment.

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The global market of dried seahorses mainly supplies Traditional Chinese Medicine and still relies on blurry trade chains that often cover less sustainable practices targeting these pricey and endangered fish. As such, reliable tools that allow the enforcement of traceability, namely to confirm the geographic origin of traded seahorses, are urgently needed. The present study evaluated the use of elemental fingerprints (EF) in the bony structures of long-snouted seahorses raised in captivity in two different locations (southern Portugal and Northern Spain) to discriminate their geographic origin.

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The W-Sn Regoufe mine, closed since the 1970s, was once intensively exploited for tungsten concentrates. Throughout its activity, considerable amounts of arsenopyrite-rich mine wastes were produced and, to this day, are still exposed to weathering conditions. Thus, this work aims at assessing soil contamination, using a combination of chemical, physicochemical and mineralogical analyses and sequential selective chemical extraction of the main potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in topsoils.

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Production of acid mine drainage may occur during mining operations and may continue for many years after closure. In some cases, especially when host rock is capable of reacting with acidic drainage, metal concentrations may decrease over time and distance. Seasonal variations in water flow rate also play an important role in metals concentration both in surface and groundwater.

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This article aims to draw an overview on the actual knowledge on bacteriostatic and bactericidal natural clays. Particular emphasis is given to the role of clay itself, the action of reduced metals located either in the structure of clay minerals or external to them as constituents of associate minerals, and the definition of the mechanisms of action based on the achievements found in all available studies being carried out so far. The term bactericidal is herein used when a clay or a clay mineral kill the bacteria, whereas the term bacteriostatic is used when those minerals stop bacteria growth and replication.

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Fly ash engender significant environmental and human health problems due to enhanced contents of potentially harmful trace elements (TrElems). This study aims to evaluate human exposure to TrElems via a combined ingestion (i.e.

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In the present study, trace elements (TE) levels were evaluated in scalp hair along the continuum from healthy subjects (HS) to patients suffering from subjective memory concerns (SMC), and/or mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and those with already installed dementia (DEM) in order to: (i) assess the effects of environmental and lifestyle factors on TE concentrations and (ii) evaluate the analyzed elements as possible diagnostic biomarkers for the disease. The study involved 79 mainly permanent residents, >55 years old, from the city of Estarreja (northern Portugal), a former industrial area. The health status of the participants was assessed by means of a complete socio-demographic questionnaire and through cognitive screening tests, namely the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE).

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