IEEE J Biomed Health Inform
October 2023
New technologies are transforming medicine, and this revolution starts with data. Usually, health services within public healthcare systems are accessed through a booking centre managed by local health authorities and controlled by the regional government. In this perspective, structuring e-health data through a Knowledge Graph (KG) approach can provide a feasible method to quickly and simply organize data and/or retrieve new information.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIEEE J Biomed Health Inform
October 2022
Nowadays, predictive medicine begins to become a reality thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI) which allows, through the processing of huge amounts of data, to identify correlations not perceptible to the human brain. The application of AI in predictive diagnostics is increasingly pervasive; through the use and interpretation of data, the first signs of some diseases (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPotential Celiac Patients (PCD) bear the Celiac Disease (CD) genetic predisposition, a significant production of antihuman transglutaminase antibodies, but no morphological changes in the small bowel mucosa. A minority of patients (17%) showed clinical symptoms and need a gluten free diet at time of diagnosis, while the majority progress over several years (up to a decade) without any clinical problem neither a progression of the small intestine mucosal damage even when they continued to assume gluten in their diet. Recently we developed a traditional multivariate approach to predict the natural history, on the base of the information at enrolment (time 0) by a discriminant analysis model.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNowadays, data-driven methodologies based on the clinical history of patients represent a promising research field in which personalized and intelligent healthcare systems can be opportunely designed and developed. In this perspective, Machine Learning (ML) algorithms can be efficiently adopted to deploy smart services to enhance the overall quality of healthcare systems. In this work, starting from an in-depth analysis of a data set composed of millions of medical booking records collected from the public healthcare organization in the region of Campania, Italy, we have developed a predictive model to extract useful knowledge on patients, medical staff, and related healthcare structures.
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