Publications by authors named "Edgar van Mil"

Nutritional epidemiology aims to link dietary exposures to chronic disease, but the instruments for evaluating dietary intake are inaccurate. One way to identify unreliable data and the sources of errors is to compare estimated intakes with the total energy expenditure (TEE). In this study, we used the International Atomic Energy Agency Doubly Labeled Water Database to derive a predictive equation for TEE using 6,497 measures of TEE in individuals aged 4 to 96 years.

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  • Doubly labeled water is the most reliable method for measuring total energy expenditure (TEE), but its accuracy can be affected by the isotope dilution space ratio (DSR).
  • This study explored factors like age, sex, ethnicity, body composition, and geographical elevation to see how they influence DSR, using various statistical analysis methods.
  • Results showed that while DSR decreased with age in individuals 60 and older, no significant effects were found from other variables, suggesting that previous estimates of TEE might be overestimating values for older individuals, especially those around 90 years old.
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Introduction: In the Netherlands, bariatric surgery in adolescents is currently only allowed in the context of scientific research. Besides this, there was no clinical pathway for bariatric surgery in adolescents. In this paper, the development of a comprehensive clinical pathway for bariatric surgery in adolescents with severe obesity in the Netherlands is described.

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Purpose: Bariatric surgery is regarded as a valuable treatment option for adolescents with severe obesity. However, high-quality evidence of its superiority over prolonged conservative treatment with multidisciplinary lifestyle intervention (MLI) is limited. This study investigated the efficacy and safety of bariatric surgery in adolescents without sufficient weight loss after MLI for severe obesity.

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There is considerably greater variation in metabolic rates between men than between women, in terms of basal, activity and total (daily) energy expenditure (EE). One possible explanation is that EE is associated with male sexual characteristics (which are known to vary more than other traits) such as musculature and athletic capacity. Such traits might be predicted to be most prominent during periods of adolescence and young adulthood, when sexual behaviour develops and peaks.

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Obesity is caused by a prolonged positive energy balance. Whether reduced energy expenditure stemming from reduced activity levels contributes is debated. Here we show that in both sexes, total energy expenditure (TEE) adjusted for body composition and age declined since the late 1980s, while adjusted activity energy expenditure increased over time.

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Children learn to accept novel foods by repeated exposure to these foods. In the current study, we investigated in toddlers whether a contingency management program (The Vegetable Box), comprising repeated vegetable taste exposure with contingent non-food rewards, is particularly potent at increasing recognition of and willingness to try vegetables. A total of 598 children (1-4 years old) recruited at 26 different day-care centres in the Netherlands took part.

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Water is essential for survival, but one in three individuals worldwide (2.2 billion people) lacks access to safe drinking water. Water intake requirements largely reflect water turnover (WT), the water used by the body each day.

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In mammals, trait variation is often reported to be greater among males than females. However, to date, mainly only morphological traits have been studied. Energy expenditure represents the metabolic costs of multiple physical, physiological, and behavioral traits.

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  • Lower ambient temperatures increase the energy needed to maintain body temperature, but this effect can be offset by environmental adjustments and behavioral changes.
  • A study using the IAEA DLW database involving 3,213 US adults found no significant impact of temperature on total energy expenditure (TEE), basal energy expenditure (BEE), activity energy expenditure (AEE), or physical activity level (PAL).
  • Although there were some significant relationships between TEE, BEE, and temperature for females after considering factors like age and body composition, these effects were not practically meaningful, indicating that indoor temperatures are typically regulated to maintain consistent energy expenditure regardless of outdoor temperature variations.
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Introduction: School closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic affect children's daily structure, mealtimes, physical activity, and sleeping habits, possibly exacerbating weight gain, particularly in vulnerable children with overweight and obesity. This study aimed to evaluate both perceived and objectively measured weight gain in children in the Netherlands during the COVID-19 pandemic and the effect of prior lifestyle intervention.

Methods: A total of 150 children of the Children, Obesity and Lifestyle during COVID-19 (COLC) study (cohort A) reported perceptions of weight change during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  • - The study focuses on the role of a Youth Health Care nurse as a coordinating professional in a new program aimed at addressing childhood overweight and obesity, involving a collaborative approach with families and other professionals.
  • - In-depth interviews with eight families and online questionnaires from 38 families revealed that both parents and children felt supported by the nurse, valuing the personal connection and broad perspective offered, although contact frequency was sometimes low.
  • - While participants appreciated the nurse's approach, the study highlights the need for improved collaboration and follow-up within this integrated care model to enhance the effectiveness of the program.
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Background: The division of care responsibilities between parents and children with type 1 diabetes, and an optimal transfer of responsibilities from parent to child over time are assumed to be key for optimal diabetes outcomes during childhood and adolescence. However, an overview of instruments assessing this division as well as their psychometric qualities is currently lacking.

Objective: The study aims to 1) identify all existing instruments, 2) evaluate their psychometric properties, and 3) provide an overview of scoring methods.

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Low total energy expenditure (TEE, MJ/d) has been a hypothesized risk factor for weight gain, but repeatability of TEE, a critical variable in longitudinal studies of energy balance, is understudied. We examine repeated doubly labeled water (DLW) measurements of TEE in 348 adults and 47 children from the IAEA DLW Database (mean ± SD time interval: 1.9 ± 2.

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Background: Physical activity may be a way to increase and maintain fat-free mass (FFM) in later life, similar to the prevention of fractures by increasing peak bone mass.

Objectives: A study is presented of the association between FFM and physical activity in relation to age.

Methods: In a cross-sectional study, FFM was analyzed in relation to physical activity in a large participant group as compiled in the International Atomic Energy Agency Doubly Labeled Water database.

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Understanding the impacts of activity on energy balance is crucial. Increasing levels of activity may bring diminishing returns in energy expenditure because of compensatory responses in non-activity energy expenditures. This suggestion has profound implications for both the evolution of metabolism and human health.

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Total daily energy expenditure ("total expenditure") reflects daily energy needs and is a critical variable in human health and physiology, but its trajectory over the life course is poorly studied. We analyzed a large, diverse database of total expenditure measured by the doubly labeled water method for males and females aged 8 days to 95 years. Total expenditure increased with fat-free mass in a power-law manner, with four distinct life stages.

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The doubly labeled water (DLW) method measures total energy expenditure (TEE) in free-living subjects. Several equations are used to convert isotopic data into TEE. Using the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) DLW database (5,756 measurements of adults and children), we show considerable variability is introduced by different equations.

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Aim: To determine which factors other than child age play a role in the division and transfer of diabetes care responsibilities between parents and children with type 1 diabetes.

Design: Qualitative focus group study.

Methods: Across four sites in the Netherlands, 18 parents (13 mothers) of children (9-14 years) with type 1 diabetes participated in four focus groups in 2015-2016, as part of the research project 'Whose diabetes is it anyway?'.

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Background: Recent data support the use of bariatric surgery in adolescents with severe obesity following unsuccessful non-surgical treatments. Sleeve gastrectomy (SG) and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) have demonstrated reasonably similar weight loss and reduction of obesity related comorbidities in randomized trials in adults. SG has internationally become the most commonly used procedure in adolescents, yet long-term outcome data are lacking.

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Background: Children with overweight often do not receive appropriate integrated care. An innovative integrated network approach of preventive care for overweight children aged 4-12 years old has been developed and implemented in four neighbourhoods of 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. This new approach focusses on self-management of the family and is based on the principles of stepped and matched care.

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A new model of diagnostics and treatment for overweight in children is used for implementation of a new approach toward childhood obesity. Although based in a hospital setting, it is part of a cure and care network with other professionals. By psycho-education about the body at a 6-year-old level, parents and children become informed and competent partners.

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Unlabelled: To test whether parenting stress and the quality of parent-child interaction were associated with glycemic control and quality of life (QoL) in young children (0-7 years) with type 1 diabetes (T1DM), we videotaped 77 families with a young child with T1DM during mealtime (including glucose monitoring and insulin administration). Parent-child interactions were scored with a specifically designed instrument. Questionnaires assessed general and disease-related parenting stress and (diabetes-specific (DS)) QoL.

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During a routine physical examination of a term, healthy neonate of Somalian origin we observed an anteriorly located interlabial yellow cyst with visible vascularisation on the outer surface. It caused lateralisation of the urinary meatus without notable obstruction. A Skene's duct cyst, or paraurethral cyst, was clinically diagnosed with spontaneous regression.

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Background: In young children with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), parents have complete responsibility for the diabetes-management. In toddlers and (pre)schoolers, the tasks needed to achieve optimal blood glucose control may interfere with normal developmental processes and could negatively affect the quality of parent-child interaction. Several observational instruments are available to measure the quality of the parent-child interaction.

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