Background: The rotational use of insecticides with diverse modes of action in indoor residual spraying (IRS) is pivotal for enhancing malaria vector control and addressing insecticide resistance. A key factor in national malaria vector control/elimination programmes is the rate at which these insecticides decay. VECTRON™ T500, with broflanilide as its active ingredient, is a recently developed candidate insecticide formulation which has shown promising results in certain phase II experimental hut trials.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe study evaluated the efficacy and residual activity of SumiLarv 2MR, SumiLarv 0.5G, and Abate 1SG (used as a positive control) against Anopheles stephensi larvae in Awash Subath Kilo, Afar Regional State, Ethiopia, using a semi-field experimental setup. Plastic containers with capacities of 100L and 250L were used to assess the residual efficacy of SumiLarv 2MR.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Ethiopia has been progressing very well in controlling malaria in the past few years. However, shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic, an unpredictable malaria resurgence was observed in almost all malaria-endemic areas of the country, although the exact cause of which has not yet been identified. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate malaria burden and associated risk factors in one of the endemic zones of Ethiopia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Plasmodium vivax is the second most common malaria parasite in Ethiopia. It has been treated with chloroquine (CQ) for the past seven decades. However, the emergence of CQ-resistant strains in the nation urged the Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia to review its national malaria treatment guideline in 2018.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Malaria is a major public health concern in Ethiopia, and its incidence could worsen with the spread of the invasive mosquito species Anopheles stephensi in the country. This study aimed to provide updates on the distribution of An. stephensi and likely household exposure in Ethiopia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe molecular mechanisms of amitraz and chlorfenapyr resistance remain only poorly understood for major agricultural pests and vectors of human diseases. This study focusses on a multi-resistant field strain of the crop pest Tetranychus urticae, which could be readily selected in the laboratory to high levels of amitraz and chlorfenapyr resistance. Toxicity experiments using tralopyril, the active toxophore of chlorfenapyr, suggested decreased activation as a likely mechanism underlying resistance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPesticide resistance represents a clear and trackable case of adaptive evolution with a strong societal impact. Understanding the factors associated with the evolution and spread of resistance is imperative to develop sustainable crop management strategies. The two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae, a major crop pest with worldwide distribution and a polyphagous lifestyle, has evolved resistance to most classes of pesticides.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe development of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors is a challenge for the global effort to control and eradicate malaria. Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are multifunctional enzymes involved in the detoxification of many classes of insecticides. For mosquitoes, it is known that overexpression of an epsilon GST, GSTe2, confers resistance towards DDT and pyrethroids.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The rate of decay of the biological efficacy of insecticides used for indoor residual spraying (IRS) is an important factor when making decisions on insecticide choice for national malaria control programmes. A key roadblock to IRS programme is insecticide resistance. If resistance is detected to most of the existing insecticides used for IRS (DDT, pyrethroids, organophosphates and carbamates), the logical next choice could be neonicotinoid insecticides, as pyrethroids are used to treat nets.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Anopheles arabiensis, member species of the Anopheles gambiae complex, is the primary vector of malaria and is widely distributed in Ethiopia. Anopheles funestus, Anopheles pharoensis and Anopheles nili are secondary vectors occurring with limited distribution in the country. Indoor residual spraying (IRS) and long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) are pillars for the interventions against malaria control and elimination efforts in Ethiopia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe intensive use of pesticides is a common practice for the management of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, in greenhouses and field farms of Ethiopia. However, incidence of resistance and possible resistance mechanisms in T. urticae populations from Ethiopia have not yet been studied.
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