Publications by authors named "EHRLICH E"

Urbanization can significantly drive biodiversity loss in river ecosystems, yet the underlying mechanisms require further study. Here, we used a trait-based approach to investigate temporal succession and variation in the dissimilarity of phytoplankton community functional traits along an urbanizing subtropical river over 11 years - during which time the downstream of catchment underwent rapid urbanization. Our results indicated that urbanization altered the interannual succession of phytoplankton.

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Unlabelled: Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV) is the causative agent of Kaposi's sarcoma and is associated with primary effusion lymphoma (PEL), multicentric Castleman's disease, and two inflammatory diseases. KSHV-associated cancers are primarily associated with genes expressed during latency, while other pathologies are associated with lytic gene expression. The major lytic switch of the virus, Replication and Transcription Activator (RTA), interacts with cellular machinery to co-opt the host ubiquitin proteasome system to evade the immune response as well as activate the program of lytic replication.

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Aim: This article reports on the development of patient resources for the IMPlementing IMProved Asthma self-management as RouTine (IMPART) programme that aimed to encourage patients to attend asthma reviews (invitation letters), encourage patients to enquire about asthma action plans (posters), and equip patients with the knowledge to manage their asthma (information website).

Background: To improve supported asthma self-management in UK primary care, the IMPART programme developed a whole-systems approach (patient resources, professional education, and organisational strategies).

Methods: Linked to behaviour change theory, we developed a range of patient resources for primary care general practices (an information website, invitation letters to invite patients for asthma reviews, and posters to encourage asthma action plan ownership).

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KSHV viral FLICE inhibitory protein (vFLIP) is a potent activator of NF-κB signalling and an inhibitor of apoptosis and autophagy. Inhibition of vFLIP function and NF-κB signalling promotes lytic reactivation. Here we provide evidence for a novel function of vFLIP through inhibition of the deubiquitinating (DUB) activity of the negative regulator, A20.

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  • * The acceptability of the journey guide was assessed through surveys and semistructured interviews with 19 participants from a clinic and a BPI network, focusing on their satisfaction and experience.
  • * Results showed high satisfaction ratings for the journey guide, especially in terms of its usefulness and relevance to the BPI community, with positive feedback highlighting the effectiveness of visuals and quotes in enhancing clarity and engagement.
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  • * They achieve this by interfering with the host's post-translational modification activities, using various proteins like kinases and ubiquitin ligases.
  • * The review specifically examines how three oncoviruses (EBV, KSHV, and HIV) interact with the ubiquitin-proteasome system through their own or host's E3 ubiquitin ligase functions.
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Background: Asthma is a common long-term condition and major public health problem. Supported self-management for asthma that includes a written personalised asthma action plan, supported by regular professional review, reduces unscheduled consultations and improves asthma outcomes and quality of life. However, despite unequivocal inter/national guideline recommendations, supported self-management is poorly implemented in practice.

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Objectives: The aim of this prospective, clinical single-centre study was to evaluate the masking efficacy of post-orthodontic resin infiltration after 12-month follow-up and correlate quantitative and qualitative outcome measures.

Methods: Patients with completed fixed orthodontic treatment and the presence of one or more vestibular active non-cavitated white spot lesion/s (WSL) [ICDAS 1 or 2 (International Caries Detection and Assessment System)] were provided with resin infiltration 3-12 months after bracket removal. All patients (n = 31) participating before (t0) intervention were invited again and examined after 12 months (t2).

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Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic and activism against structural racism heightened awareness of racial-ethnic disparities and disproportionate burden among the underserved. The opioid crisis further compounds these phenomena, increasing vulnerability for substance use disorders (SUD). Community-based participatory research can facilitate multidisciplinary collaboration, yet literature on these approaches to prevent and reduce SUD and associated stigma remains limited.

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Toxic phytoplankton blooms have increased in many waterbodies worldwide with well-known negative impacts on human health, fisheries and ecosystems. However, why and how phytoplankton evolved toxin production is still a puzzling question, given that the producer that pays the costs often shares the benefit with other competing algae and thus provides toxins as a 'public good' (e.g.

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Objective: There is a growing call to identify specific outcome predictors in real-world eating disorder (ED) treatment settings. Studies have implicated several ED treatment outcome predictors [rapid response (RR), weight suppression, illness duration, ED diagnosis, and psychiatric comorbidity] in inpatient settings or randomized controlled trials of individual outpatient therapy. However, research has not yet examined outcome predictors in intensive outpatient programs (IOP).

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Background: Patient and public involvement (PPI) in research envisages a relationship built throughout the lifespan of a research project between academics, clinicians and PPI colleagues in order to inform, plan, execute and, in due course, disseminate and translate research. To be meaningful, all stakeholders need to actively engage in this exchange of expertise. However, despite some funders requiring PPI plans to be included in grant applications, there remains a gap between what is expected and what is delivered.

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Theory predicts that trade-offs, quantifying costs of functional trait adjustments, crucially affect community trait adaptation to altered environmental conditions, but empirical verification is scarce. We evaluated trait dynamics (antipredator defense, maximum growth rate, and phosphate affinity) of a lake phytoplankton community in a seasonally changing environment, using literature trait data and 21 years of species-resolved high-frequency biomass measurements. The trait data indicated a concave defense-growth trade-off, promoting fast-growing species with intermediate defense.

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HSP90 inhibitors have the potential to treat many types of cancer due to the dependence of tumor cells on HSP90 for cell growth and proliferation. The Cullin-5 (Cul5) E3 ubiquitin ligase is required for HSP90 inhibitors to induce client protein degradation and subsequent cell death. Cul5 is expressed at low levels in breast cancer cells compared to patient matched controls.

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It is well-known that prey species often face trade-offs between defense against predation and competitiveness, enabling predator-mediated coexistence. However, we lack an understanding of how the large variety of different defense traits with different competition costs affects coexistence and population dynamics. Our study focusses on two general defense mechanisms, that is, pre-attack (e.

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Objectives: Previous work has shown qualitatively that detection of demineralized tooth areas (white spot lesions, WSLs) is more reliable in digital photographs (DP) as in quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF) images. Based on non-rigid, multimodal image registration, we now quantitatively compare manual and automatic markings in both modalities.

Methods: After braces removal, pairs of DP and QLF were acquired from 124 teeth of 31 patients.

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Trade-offs between functional traits are ubiquitous in nature and can promote species coexistence depending on their shape. Classic theory predicts that convex trade-offs facilitate coexistence of specialized species with extreme trait values (extreme species) while concave trade-offs promote species with intermediate trait values (intermediate species). We show here that this prediction becomes insufficient when the traits translate non-linearly into fitness which frequently occurs in nature, e.

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Increasingly, corporate health promotion programs are implementing wellness programs integrating principles of behavioral economics. Employees of a large firm were provided a customized online incentive program to design their own commitments to meet health goals. This study examines patterns of program participation and engagement in health promotion activities.

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Objective: Hard tooth tissue demineralisation is an undesirable side effect of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances. Whereas both clinically and in digital photographs (DP), demineralisations appear as white spot lesions, WSLs appear as dark areas when quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF) imaging is used. This study aims at comparing the reproducibility of the detection of decalcified tooth areas in DP and QLF.

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Expression of Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus vFLIP, a potent activator of NFkB signaling, promotes latency. Inhibition of NFkB signaling promotes lytic reactivation. We previously reported that lytic inducer, RTA, inhibits vFLIP induced NFkB signaling by inducing the degradation of vFLIP via the proteasome.

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Objective: To study the association between hospital nurse staffing and Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) scores.

Data Sources: State hospital financial and utilization reports, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project State Inpatient Databases, HCAHPS survey, and American Hospital Association Annual Survey of Hospitals.

Study Design: Retrospective study using cross-sectional and longitudinal models to estimate the effect of nurse staffing levels and skill mix on seven HCAHPS measures.

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Objective: The structure-process-outcome quality framework espoused by Donabedian provides a conceptual way to examine and prioritize behavioral health quality measures used by states. This report presents an environmental scan of the quality measures and satisfaction surveys that state Medicaid managed care and behavioral health agencies used prior to Medicaid expansion in 2014.

Methods: Data were collected by reviewing online documents related to Medicaid managed care contracts for behavioral health, quality strategies, quality improvement plans, quality and performance indicators data, annual outcomes reports, performance measure specification manuals, legislative reports, and Medicaid waiver requests for proposals.

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Coxsackievirus A16 (CA16) is one of the main causative pathogens of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD). Viral replication typically results in host cell apoptosis. Although CA16 infection has been reported to induce apoptosis in the human rhabdomyosarcoma (RD) cell line, it remains unclear whether CA16 induces apoptosis in diverse cell types, especially neural cells which have important clinical significance.

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A 35-year-old lady attends for review of her asthma following an acute exacerbation. There is an extensive evidence base for supported self-management for people living with asthma, and international and national guidelines emphasise the importance of providing a written asthma action plan. Effective implementation of this recommendation for the lady in this case study is considered from the perspective of a patient, healthcare professional, and the organisation.

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