Publications by authors named "E V Matrosova"

Whole genome and whole exome sequencing technologies play a very important role in the studies of the genetic aspects of the pathogenesis of various diseases. The ample use of genome-wide and exome-wide association study methodology (GWAS and EWAS) made it possible to identify a large number of genetic variants associated with diseases. This information is accumulated in the databases like GWAS central, GWAS catalog, OMIM, ClinVar, etc.

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Biotechnological production requires genetically stable recombinant strains. To ensure genomic stability, recombinant DNA is commonly integrated into the genome of the host strain. Multiple genetic tools have been developed for genomic integration into baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

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The role of glutathione (GSH) in eukaryotic cells is well known. The biosynthesis of this γ-glutamine tripeptide is well studied. However, other γ-glutamyl peptides were found in various sources, and the pathways of their formation were not always clear.

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We studied the role of calcium-regulating structures of slow- (m. soleus, SOL) and fast-twitch (m. extensor digitorum longus, EDL) skeletal muscles of rats during adaptation to exhausting physical activity and the possibility of modulating this adaptation with decaffeinated green tea extract.

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During direct stimulation of m. Soleus by trains of 5, 10 and 50 stimuli with a frequency of 20 Hz in control experiments (n = 16) a biphasic change was observed in the amplitude of the last contractile responses (LCRN) depending on N, where N is the number of individual contractile responses within the te- tanus. Thus, an initial decrease of LCRN amplitude (up to 54 ± 8 % for LCR₅) was replaced by their subsequent growth (up 218 ± 14 % for LCR5o) associated with a significant shortening of their half-relaxation time relative to the initial response (to 44 ± 8 % for LCR₅₀).

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